Flood is a very heavy flow of water, which is greater than a normal channel flow.
What did you think about the first flood we did?
What did you think about the slope flood we did?

Did you learn anything about floods today that you did not know?
5th grade students journal about science lab!!
It was cool how the water made the dirt fan out like a delta.
ReplyDeleteThis time it made a real canyon, and weared away the dirt.
Yes. I learned that floods can knock houses down faster than than you can turn around. I loved this lab.
ReplyDeleteThe first stream table FLOOD we did was awsome but it came down a tini bit slower. When we did the slope stream table it came down much much faster and did more destruction.
ReplyDeleteThe first time we did the flood I thought it looked like a delta formed. It was cool how the house teddy bear fell on the first time and how it formed a canyon I think we should know how the grand canyon was formed after that lesson.
ReplyDeletetoday in lab we saw how flood can damadge houses and peoles . flood can cary sand and evriting thats is in youre way. flood can be helpful too by clening your garash but dameging too. but wath we saw it was lack a mini flood it was cool.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the first flood we did was very exciting and fun and when the water started washing away the sand. It was cool to see the sand slowly weather away.
ReplyDeleteThe second flood(the slope flood) we did, the water flowed much more quickly and destruct things faster and it caused much more damage than the first one.
I learned that floods were the 2nd most destrutive natural disasters in the world. I LOVE LAB!!!
2 the water moved a lot faster with a slope
ReplyDelete1the water moved very slow than the water on the slope
I think the flash flood made a small canyon much faster then a regular flood would and could. But I think that both happend fast.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood was like a puddle compared to the slope flood that we did after it!
ReplyDeleteThe first one that we did was taking some sediments along with it, but didn't do much damage, the slope flood was a bigger more fast moving stream that took much more sediments and " bears" with it.
(1) I think the flood was awesome It is my favorite lab
ReplyDelete(2)I think the sloped flood was even cooler we also found some debrie in are stream table
I think the first flood was not as nearly as quick and amazing as the sloped flood!!! I learned alot about floods today including theories on how the grand canyon was made and how floods can speed up the time taken to make a canyon.
ReplyDeleteI think the first flood was not as nearly as quick and amazing as the sloped flood!!! I learned alot about floods today including theories on how the grand canyon was made and how floods can speed up the time taken to make a canyon.
ReplyDeleteEven though I wasn't for half the class since i was doing CHARACTER WITHOUT QUESTION It was still very fun we made a slope and i had a great time
ReplyDeleteThe first flood was very cool, but the second one with the slope was a lot better, because I saw the canyon form a lot faster. I learned that when floods go 4 m.p.h they can push 66 lbs.
ReplyDelete1.The first flood was very powerful. It was even powerful enough to knock down the plastic bear we stuck in the soil.
ReplyDelete2.This flood was much faster and stronger than the other flood. This flood was a great exampile of flash flood.
3.Floods are the second most killing weather in U.S.
I think that the first flood we did was very interesting because the canyon was formed so much quicker.
ReplyDeleteI think that the slope flood was incredible because the water seemed to flow instead of creep.
One thing that I dint know about floods that I learned today was that they might have formed the Grand Canyon
it made a lot bigger canyon than it did last time and the house got buried in the rock.
ReplyDeletethe sloped flood did a-lot more damage and went a-lot faster.
I did not know it did so much damage.
Both of the flood tables were pretty sweet. The first flood table with its slow and steady urge to get to the hole was pretty cool to watch. The slope flood was also pretty cool as it went down super fast to the hole and into the bucket. It was all pretty awesome!
ReplyDeleteI think it was cool because it made a canoyon and at the end there was a delta. The slope was cool becauseit got deaper and deposited quicker
ReplyDeleteThe first flood we did made two streams but they both calapsed and became one big flood.Then the slope that we made was more faster and it was makeing the sand fall of so the sand got deeper and deeper.I learned that if the water is on an incline it will flow much faster.
ReplyDeletethe water came down faster when it was tilted because the hight made it flow over the top till it started to break down.
ReplyDeleteSeeing what happend with out the the slope was incredibale. With the slope it was 1,000 times faster. I did not know that floods could be more dangerous than an earthquake!!
ReplyDeleteThe first flood we did had a stream that came through it to form a canyon.
ReplyDeleteWhen we did the slope a stream came down very fast and knocked over the teddy bear.
I thought that the first flood was powerful even with no slopes. The waterflow caused a lot of sand to collapse.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the second slope flood was really powerful. We had a bear sitting at the edge of a plateau and when the water went over the bear, our bear was buried!
Today I learned a few things.
1. Don't cross
2. stream tables- fun
I thought the first flood we did was shocking because it took awhile for the water to break through to make the stream, but you have to remember there was a smaller hole in the "river".
ReplyDeleteThe slope flood was AMAZING because I expected what was going to happen but then again there was a bigger hole in the "river" so the water broke through faster. One thing I didn't know was they form a delta wherever the water hits the bottom.
1. I think the first flood we made created a very big fan.
ReplyDelete2. The slope flood had more erosion than our first flood.
3. I learned that flood's are the second most destructive natural hazard.
The sloped flood we did did alot more damage then Flood did because the slope made the water rush faster. i thought the sloe was more fun because it did more damage.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood we did wasent as fast, and destuctive as the slope flood. The slope flood did a lot of damage and was cool! I learned that floods can be both constuctive and destuctive.
ReplyDeleteI think the first flood weathered down the canyon slower because the stream table was flat unlike the second one which was sloped. I also learned that floods are the number two nature killers.(Heat is first)
ReplyDeleteToday we went over the stream table but instead we flooded it. We stacked the the tub up with blocks so it would have a steeper slope. We used a plastic bear for an example of a person. The water blew the bear back like a real flood.
ReplyDeleteOn the first flood, water came down really fast. The little plastic bear that we used as a repersentation of a house didn't get damaged at all! It was all about location. When we did the slope flood, water came rushing down faster than ever before! The reason was because we putted pieces of wood under the stream table.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood that we did made a wide canyon. The second one we did the water went down so fast and crushed everything in it's path which shows how dangerous floods can be.
ReplyDeleteMaking the first flood was really fun becuse it was so much deeper and when we set up the bears as houses,trees,bushes,and many other objects.The slope flood was extremally fun becuse the water ran faster and made a bigger fan(delta).It also made a deeper trench...
ReplyDeleteThe 1st flood was awesome, and the slope flood was awesomer! In the 1st flood, the water went down slowly, but in the slope flood, the water went down much faster. I did not learn anything new.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood made a wider canyon but the second made the sides steeper.I learnt that floods caused the second most people to die.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood that we did was kind of a slow speed,but the second one, the water was very fast because of the ramp that we made.
ReplyDelete1. I think the flood was a lot cooler than the river because ours got a lot bigger and wider.
ReplyDelete2. I think the slope flood was cool because it all happened really fast compared to the river and normal flood.
3. I learned that out of all natural disasters floods kill the second most people in the U.S.
the first flood we did was very cool the valley was strait in the middle of the table.I saw that when we did the slope that the valley formed faster it also got deeper and wider all faster.
ReplyDeleteAustralia and Brazil have had destructive floods recently. Constructive forces could be a glacier that pushes dirt to a new place. The first flood was slow, the sloped flood was very fast. I learned the slope helps the flood go much faster.
ReplyDeletethat it makes a steam in the river and I never seen that until now it was awsome.
ReplyDelete1.It was fun but it took a wile to flood.
ReplyDelete2.The slope was faster and more destructive.
3.Floods are destructive .
I thought that the first one we did was about the same as the one we did last week. It formed a delta and a canyon. The second one carved a deeper canyon, fanned a bigger delta, the flow of water went faster, and it destructed more sand. I learned that it is one of America's worst natural disaster.
ReplyDeletewhen we did the first flood i was surprised it went so much faster then the the last stream. when it was slated i thought there would be no difference but i was wrong it went even faster then the flood.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood was very cool.It made much more damage than the last stream table experiment. But the slope flood made more damage than the regular one because of course it was sloped. I learned that flash floods kill more people than earthquakes in America.
ReplyDeleteFloods are caused by rain. They happen on the streets or pretty much anywhere. Even houses sometimes flood. They can kill or injure people or even get their own car trapped. They are very, very, strong.
ReplyDeletethe bear guarded the clay. The slope flood was still. I did not know a flood could knock down a house.
ReplyDeleteI think the first flood we did in class was soo much fun!!!!! It was amazing to see just what rock and water can so to cause so much. Landforms in class today,and yesterday was cool to see. I think it was very weird but so interesting to see the bear that symbolized as a house get completely knocked over and buried under the rocks in water that after awhile that turned into sand. thank you so much Mrs. Rollins!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was very surprised that half of the edge of the plateau collapsed and turned into a slope as soon as water was added during the first flood.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the best flood was the sloped flood. I enjoyed watching all the erosion. We had a much bigger slope that time.
Something I learned about floods that I did not know is that they are the second biggest killers in America. They kill an average of 87 people a year.
The first flood and the slope flood was really cool because when the water ran through the sand it started breaking apart.I didn't know that floods could do so much damage.
ReplyDeleteI think that the second flood did major weathering and erosion and carved a deeper and more beautiful canyons than the first. Even though I think that the first one is prettier then the very first one that we did, it is nothing compared to the second one we did today.
ReplyDeleteFor the first flood it was interesting to watch the water going in only one way.And today it was cool to put a teddy bear in the sand. I notice that the teddy bear also got carried alway with the water but it was sad because I did no't get to do it with ms.Rollins !!!!!!
ReplyDeletetoday in lab we did stream table but this time we had a bigger hole in the cup to make flooding.Then we used a plastic bare as a house.At first I though that every thing was going to fill up with water.
ReplyDeleteI thought the first flood was cool but the second flood was even better than the first flood. I learned that floods are one of the largest killers, because there is someone who thinks they will be able to make, but they never do.
ReplyDeleteI think the flood went slow and ours made a canyon in the middle the first time, then when we did the slope flood it went fast and made a canyon on the right side. I learned that the river in China killed over 1 million people and that floods can be the reason about the Grand Canyon.
ReplyDeleteI think that the first flood we did was a little bit destructive, however the bear only got flooded. It also fanned out as it got closer to the hole. In the second time when we made the slope, it did a lot of destructive damage. First, we cleaned everything and smoothed the sand. Then, we poured the water. It made three rivers. One of the sides had a cliff and the water fell like a waterfall. Soon, the water made a canyon in the middle stream. the sand was deep enough to stop the water from pour onto the other places. The sand got so soggy, it dug deep enough to see that there were more hidden bears. Also, the bear that we had was knocked over.
ReplyDeleteto day in the lab we built a Plato out of sand it was so fun then we put lots of water on it and which it erode it was so cool we put a bare on it to see what will hatpin it did not move but then we made a new Plato and put it at a slant to see what woad hatpin and we put 3 bares on it thes time the bares got swift away and burred may them resat in pesis ha ha ii am so funny like the BEST LAB THACHER EEEVVVVEEEERRRRR aka ms.r
ReplyDeleteIt's was really fun but the dirt is not going down faster then a slope flood.
ReplyDeleteI like slope flood then first flood because the dirt is going faster then a first flood.
I learn that flood can break your house easily.
I wasn't at lab for half the time because of character without question, but I saw a little bit of the slope. The canyon formed really quickly. I learned that when floods go 4 miles per hour they can knock over 66 pounds.
ReplyDeleteI think the first flood we did was cool. When we poured the water to make the the flood the water had enough DESTRUCTIVE FORCE to make an eroded trail left behind. When the stream table was laying flat the water went fairly fast.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were making the slope flood stream table the water went faster because it started out higher and gravity pulls it down fastly. When the slope flood on our stream table the eroded trail was a little bit more deeper.
I learned that whenever there is a flooded about as high as the top of the tires you should not drive a car over the water. If you drive over the water during a flood sometimes your car mihgt get stuck in the water.
I think that the first flood was a lot weaker than the slop flood. The slop flood made it look a lot more like the Grand Canyon.
ReplyDeleteI learned that moving water can sweep away realy heavy things like cars and even houses.
You are the best science teacher EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Today was really fun. We made the stream ttables. The first slope flood was okay. It made a small canyon and it kinda looked like a delta but it was not a delta. But the second flood was awesome we a=had 3 canyons and are teddy bear didnt drown or get swift away it just stood there and at the end it was standing at the side of the canyon. The first time the bear drowned kind of. It was so cool.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood we did was really not as fun. Well it was fun but not as the other one because on the other one flooded way faster and it was really funny because some of the teddy bears was under the sand. Which means all the years past by and animals are buried inside. I really loved this one.
ReplyDeleteIn lab we did a flood about using two cups. One cup was filled with water. I thought that it was cool how the water ran down the slope and washed away sand forming little rivers.
ReplyDeleteI felt that the first one was fun but not fast enough to beat the slope one. The second was the best because it was rapid like I could feel it going down. I learned that floods kill more people than any other.
ReplyDeleteI think the flood was wider, faster, and deeper than the first time we used stream tables. When we poured the water, the water came to the end of the plateau and started breaking off the more and more of the sand towards the fan (not the mouth!) of the flood. Bob the bear fell into the flood! :( As the sand was breaking off, the sand (now sediments) were eroded or taken to a new place. I thought the stream tables were awesome!! I think it’s cool how we can make a mini landform weathering, erosion, and deposition set. An interesting fact I learned about floods is that floods are the 2nd most destructive natural disaster after hot weather.
ReplyDeleteI think the first flood we did wasn't close to how destructive the flash flood was. For the original our bear/house didn't even fall down. For the flash flood all 4 of our bears were knocked down, and one was completely buried. A flood could easily break your house, destroy your things, or even kill you.
ReplyDeleteI like how we tested the scientists hypothisys I think the flood made the grand canyonit it could realy break down a house.It was the best lab in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteHi Mrs. Rollins!
ReplyDeleteDuring lab I was doing the character without question interview. I caught about the last ten minutes but I didn't do anything, everything was already done.
I thought that the full flood was cooler than the 1st one because it completly buried or bear. It was a fun lab.
ReplyDeletedid you get my pic
ReplyDeleteI had to go to the character without question interview so I missed the part when we did the flood stream table. When I came back everyone was cleaning up.
ReplyDeleteGot the pic - so cool!!
the first flood we did did not go as fast
ReplyDeletethe second one we did went faster
I liked the slope flood better because it went down fast and that created a deep valley and it looked really cool
ReplyDeleteI think the flood was cool because of how quickly it made the canyon. The slope made it even better! I learned that a lot of the time when it floods people will cross flooded roads because they think they can make it-and they never do.
ReplyDeleteI think the first flood was cool.I think the slope and flood was awesome.
ReplyDeleteThe first flood was so cool.It was fun looking at the water go down the delta and it made 5 little island and a canyon. The second flood(OMG!!!!!) was a lot messier.Are table made a huge delta and a small canyon. When we put are bear in we put it right where the water was flowing and covered the bear.Only his ear was showing it was a big lump. I learned that flash floods can cause more damage then i thought.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the first flood was cool.
ReplyDeleteI thought the slope flood was cooler because it was like a flash flood!!
The first flood made a canyon so did the second one except that the second one made a deeper and steeper canyon and it also buried part of our bear.
ReplyDeleteI thought the first flood was so cool and nocked over just one bear. The second flood on the slope though knocked over all the bears.The stream also flowed a lot faster.
ReplyDeleteIn the first flood we did, it looked like a delta forming as we poured the water down.
ReplyDeleteIn the second one we did it was more interesting because this time we used bears as houses,buildings,ect. And at the end, since we were the last class we found 6 bears!!!!!
I loved the flood it was so awesome but the slope flood was better!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt flooded faster and did more damage
The first flood we did was little slowly.
ReplyDeletebut when we did the slope flood It was very fast
and It made so much damage.
(1) the first flood was cool
ReplyDelete(2) the second one was way cooler because
(3) yes i did learn somthing new like i do evry day
I thought the flood was so much fun!!!! but now i will be able to realize how quick floods can formand how much destruction it can cause
ReplyDeleteI thought the first flood was weaker because there was not as much pressure as the second one because the second one was slanted
ReplyDeleteMy groups flood was great we did a great job we made a perfect delta and under the sandy there were bears thoose represent the dead orginisams I thought the first time was great but I liked the second time better.
ReplyDeleteThe first table we did the water was kind of slow,but the second one,the water was alot faster because it was steep and it was on a slope
ReplyDeleteI thought the first and second floods were both pretty cool. Though the second slope had a faster river going down.
ReplyDeleteI learned that you could not drive into a running flood water.
It was very cool that the flood made a Delta and lots of other things.
ReplyDeleteThe second one it made things faster on the slope and it knocked over our teddy bear.
I learned that quick floods can sometimes be constructive and destructive.
1.I thoght about it like i build the land that it made.
ReplyDelete2.I thoght about it like the water changed directions from east and west to south.
3.I learned that floods could destroy houses into tiny parts.
it made a deep crater and then knocked down the bear by weathering away the sides