Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lab - 3-12-12 - Uses of Energy

Uses of Energy:

1. When a computer is in use, which different types of energy can you observe are in use?

2. If the power goes out where you live, what are some alternative things you could do or use to replace the electrical energy you do not have?

3. We keep our houses clean in many different ways. Write about how you might use thermal, electrical, mechanical, light, and sound energy to keep your home clean. You can use any examples you wishes long as you use supportive reasoning in your response and cover all of the forms of energy listed above.

Mrs. Rollins


  1. 1. Thermal, electrical, light, and sound energy
    2. Generators
    3. We can use thermal energy for the dryer, Electrical and light energy when we walk into a room to clean it up and forget where the light switch is so we use our phones as light and electrical sources, Sound to communicate where and what to clean up, and mechanical energy to make things fun you can shoot the dirty laundry in the laundry hamper.

  2. Hello Mrs. Rollins it is Meghan S.
    1. heat, sound, light, and electrical
    2. Use a gas powered genorator,light some candles, use flashlights, and more
    3. mechanical-hand held duster and broom
    electrical-vacume cleaner
    light-solar energy dries clothes
    sound-machine that makes a sound to repel rodents from your house
    Thanks Mrs Rollins for making lab so fun.

  3. Chloe F.-CarpenterApril 12, 2012 at 3:43 PM

    1. electricity, light, sometimes sound
    2. wind energy, solar energy
    3. thermal energy: stove electrical: toothbrush mechanical: vaccume light: light bulb sound: radio

  4. John Michel Cody, Rollins/Bean 5 gradeApril 12, 2012 at 3:55 PM

    1= sound,heat, electrical,light.
    2= you could use a generator to power your house.
    3= thermostat,vacum,wireless phones,lamps,music

  5. 1. A computer uses and makes many different pes of energy that include light, heat and sound.
    2. You could use candles for light and a fire to make heat and cook.
    3. You can use a laundry machine, which gives off some heat (thermal energy), a Vaccum cleaner, which is very noisy (sound energy) and uses electricity (electrical energy), a UV light to disinfect (light energy). Finally when you are done you can lift up (mechanical energy) the trash bags and put them in the trash outside.

  6. David J.- Ms.CarpenterApril 12, 2012 at 4:00 PM

    1.electrical, sound, light, heat, and mechanical (keyboard), wind, or mechanical
    3.a vacoom cleaner has eletrical energy, sound energy, heat, light, and mechanical

  7. Kyle C. - CentanniApril 12, 2012 at 4:31 PM

    1. Electrical, heat, sound, and light.
    2. You could use a candle, something solar-connected, or something that is battery powered.
    3. You use electrical and mechanical energy while vacuuming the floor. You plug it in to make it work(electrical) and moving it back and forth(mechanical) it makes a sound .you also might use a light to look for dust(light). Turn up the air temp to repel insects(thermal)

  8. 1. light, thermal, electrical, sound

    2. candles, flashlight

    3. electrical- vacum, light- see where you are cleaning, sound- vacum, mechanical-sweep, thermal- vacum

  9. Jessica M.-MwlanconApril 12, 2012 at 5:14 PM

    1.light, sound, electrical

    2.a generator, and solar powered things

    3.- i use my iPod to listen to music while I'm cleaning for sound energy.
    -I also use a light bulb to see what I'm cleaning.
    -for mechanical energy i use my car to go to the store to pick up any cleaning supply i don't have.
    -i use electrical i plug in a vacuum
    -i use thermal energy by using the dryer while I'm doing laundry

  10. AndrewB-Rollins/BeanApril 12, 2012 at 5:19 PM

    heat, eletricle, light.


    thermal keeps us warm and eletrical power vacums to work and mechanial helps us move a duster to dust. Light energy helps us see what were doing.

  11. Eileen G. CentanniApril 12, 2012 at 5:36 PM

    1. Electric, heat, light, sound sometimes
    2. Light bulb
    3. We use heat by the vacuum cleaner and the vacuum cleaner is also electric and sound. Mechanical energy by picking things up. Light energy we could use the light bulb to help us see where we are and what we are cleaning.

  12. David Rome- Mrs. MelanconApril 12, 2012 at 5:45 PM

    1. Computers use electrical, light and sound energy.

    2. If power went out we could use flashlight, candle, gas stove.

    3. We use hot water (heat energy)to clean. We use vacuum (electrical energy)to clean rugs. We use lights (light energy) to see what we are cleaning. We use (mechanical energy) which cause by pressure of water jet.

  13. Anna F - Rollins/BeanApril 12, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    1. light, electric, and sound
    2.generator, or the sun ( solar energy)
    3. thermal - dryer to dry clothes
    electrical - I use the computer to listen to songs so I don't get bored while Im cleaning
    mechanical - car to go get cleaning supplies
    light- lightbulbs so I can see

  14. 1. electricity,heat,sound, and light
    2. wind mill, solar panels
    3. vacuum use's everything but light and nothing use's light

  15. aashay k carpenterApril 12, 2012 at 6:08 PM

    aashay k
    1 light thermal and sound energy
    2 generator, windmill solar panels
    3 you use electrical for vacuums to clean the floor, mechanical for cleaning the clothes in the dryer, sound energy to help with the alarms, light energy to help clean so we can see, thermal for showering the dogs so they want shed hair

  16. Colin L / MelanconApril 12, 2012 at 6:31 PM

    1 computer uses electricity.

    2 read with candle light. Cook with fire, hand wash the cloth.

    3 Thermal - use hot water in dish washer to kill germs.
    Electrical - vacuum cleaner uses exetricity.
    Mechanisl - sweep the floor with a boom.
    Light - to clean, we need to see and we need little to see.
    Sound - sound scares away pests.

  17. Robert P. - MelanconApril 12, 2012 at 6:44 PM

    1. electrical,light, and sound energy
    2.windmill,solar panels, or a generator
    3. electrical- vaccum
    thermal- stove
    mechanical- duster
    light- light bulbs
    sound- alarms

  18. Emma Peters - CentanniApril 12, 2012 at 7:00 PM

    1. thermal,electrical,light,and sound
    2. generators,candles,flashlights
    3. vaccum for electrical, duster for mechanical, steamcleaner for thermal, lightbulb for light, dishwasher for sound.

  19. Christoph Mueller-Rollins/BeanApril 12, 2012 at 7:20 PM

    1. Sound,light,electricity, and if its on for a while heat.

    2. A battery fan or a genarator

    3. Washer,dryer, or a vacume

  20. Anabelle M.- CarpenterApril 12, 2012 at 7:29 PM

    1. It gives off light, mechanical,electrical, and heat energy.
    2. You could use solar energy or use batteries for flashlights and fans.
    thermal- you could use thermal if it is really cold and you can't get up, to warm yourself up and start moving!
    Electrical-You plug a vacuum into the wall outlet and it gives it power.
    Mechanical- You use your arms moving back and forth picking up things.
    Light- You can plant a light somewhere where you want bugs then many bugs will go more near there than on your house.
    Sound- A vacuum makes sound while it is working.

    I LOVE LAB!!!!!!!

  21. Lindsay Bopp-YoungApril 12, 2012 at 7:43 PM

    1. Light, Electrical, Heat and if the audio is on, Sound

    2. You could use a generator, a flashlight or a candle

    3. Thermal: Boil combs and brushes so you don't spread lice or other bugs Electrical: A vacuum would clean dustmites and things out of your carpets
    Mechanical: Dusting shelves with a duster to dust of any dirt
    Light: A lamp so that you could be able to see to do all this stuff
    Sound: Use a bell to distract any animals (A.K.A my cat)

  22. Jenny S. - Rollins/Bean :)April 12, 2012 at 7:48 PM

    1. thermal, sound, light

    2. solar panels, windmill, generator

    3. Thermal- you can use a stove to cook with
    Electrical- you can use a computer
    Mechanical- anything that moves or generates
    Light- you use a light bulb to see stuff when it is dark
    Sound- you use a ipod to listen to the music

  23. amanda y.-rollins/beanApril 12, 2012 at 7:56 PM

    1.light, heat,electrical, and sound


    3. Thermal-You can steam clean your floor.
    Electrical-you can vacume.
    Mechanical- any thing you can plug into a wall.
    Light-to see dirt on your dishes
    Sound-most mechanical things make sound.

  24. 1. Electricity, light, sound, mechanical, heat energy.

    2. Candle, flashlight, fire, oil lamp, and generator.

    3. Sound- sound of the cleaner
    Electricity- cleaner uses it to make it work.
    Mechanical- sweeping floor with cleaner.
    Light- it makes we can see to clean.
    Thermal- dryer for drying clothes.

  25. 1.sound heat electrical light

    2.genorators windmill solar energy (solar panels)

    3. thermal: dryer

    electrical and mechanical: vacuum cleaner
    sound to get instructions where to clean
    light:to see where to clean

  26. 1. Sound, light, heat

    2. Candles, clip on book lights

    3. vacum it makes sound, electrical, and heat. mechanical mop it wrings the mop head when it pulls its stick

  27. Josephine L.-CarpenterApril 12, 2012 at 8:41 PM

    1.electrical, sound, thermal, and light panels, wind mills, generators, and candles
    3.for eletrical and sound you could use a vaccume cleaner. For mechanical and thermal you could use a washing machine to wash your cloths.

  28. Anabel Winburne-youngApril 12, 2012 at 8:58 PM

    3.thermal for the dryer,electrical for the vacuum,mechanical for lots of stuff to help clean

  29. Meredith E. Mrs.MelanconApril 12, 2012 at 9:45 PM

    sound, eletrical, heat, light
    you could use fire for heat and light(canddle also), flashlight, and generator for power
    thermal-washer/dryer eletrical-t.v, i touch (i could go on forever).... michanical- fan, dog running... light- light bulb, computer screen, ect. sound- dishwasher, radio

  30. Lauren Candela Rollins/BeanApril 13, 2012 at 7:47 AM

    1.sound,electrical,and light

    2.generator and a flashlight

    3.mechanical-car,thermal- thermal under were,electrical-hair drier.


  31. 1 light, sound, eletrical
    2 fire, flashlights, candle
    3 mechanical, swipping,electical, washer, thermal,hand dryer, light, to see what you'r cleaning,sound, rodent repelent

  32. 1.Heat,Light,sound,and electrical 2.generator,candles,and flashlight. 3.Washing machine/dryer mechanical 'cause it does work. Sound because it goes off to know its done. Electrical because its power source is a outlet.

  33. 1 Sound light and elctrical
    2. fire and genarator
    3. mechanical guitar thermal coat light sun sound.

  34. 1. sound, light, heat, & electrical.

    2. hand crank, solar, & generator.

    3. electricity: vaccume
    light: so you can see what you are cleaning

  35. Maddie D.- CentanniApril 16, 2012 at 5:24 PM

    1.eletrical, heat, light, sound
    2.genarator, fire, flashlight
    3.eletrical- vacume
    sound- vacume
    light- light bulb
    thermal- dryer
    mechanical- duster

  36. Myshalyn Rollins bean.April 16, 2012 at 6:41 PM

    1.Electricity,sound,and light
    3.candles,vaccume for electrical,my phone for mechanical nad my radio for sound

  37. 1.sound,electrical,light,and maybe mechaincal
    2.genarator,fire,and flashlights use the vacum so a vacum is mechincaland we can use heat for a dryer

  38. Chloe Dinh- Miss YoungApril 16, 2012 at 7:07 PM

    1.sound,heat,electrical,and light
    2.flash lights,light candles etc...
    3.we use vacuums to clean our rugs (electrical)
    cleaning up with things with your hand (mechanical)thermal for the dryer

  39. MichaelaS.centanniApril 16, 2012 at 7:28 PM

    1)electrical,sound,light,and heat
    2)generator,flash light,and candles
    3)well, one is a heater wich is thermal energy , then for electrical energy my T.V., after that theres mechanical energy wich is a wined up clock, then oh no here comes light energy wich i have an example for and that example is the light bulb in my refrigerator, and last but sertanly not least sound energy hold on to your seats because these sound waves are going to vibrate you away its my CD PLAYER!!!!!!

    Sorry again Mrs.Rollins for not doing my blog last time.

  40. Emily mccown centanniApril 16, 2012 at 7:58 PM

    1] electrical sound heat light
    2]generator candle flash light
    3]heat mop light computer sound setreo electric vacumme i dont know mechanacil

  41. 1. electricity,sound,heat,light
    3. speakers(sound)flashlight(light)generater(mechanical)and the thing that shows your bone

  42. Ning L.-Carpenter R. :)!!!!April 16, 2012 at 9:45 PM


    2.flashlight,generator,candles,moon or sun light,a computer(will lose battery from 100% to 0% but it still give you light for 30 min. weird idea though.:-))

    3.Thermal- the dryer
    Eletricity- work the washer so it can wash clothes keeping us clean, avoid bugs.
    mechanical- hold broom to sweep floor;wipe tables;wash dishes;and others
    light- light in the fridge keep foods from rotting,that means it also keep ants,bugs and cookroaches too.
    sound- (this is a weird answer but it is reasonable.)Loud sound scare off bugs and cookroaches and rats(sometimes they'll die).

    Mrs.Rollins....YOU ROCK!!!!!

  43. 1.Light, heat, and sound
    2.generator, solar powered things like tv ac
    3. the thermal could be used to be the heater,sound could be a tv or a mp3 player. light would be light bulbs to have light in the house, the ac is a mechanical energy.and last the electrical energy would be for tv

  44. 1. Light heat and sound.
    2. Solar and wind energy.
    3. Thermal, as Heat, electrical, Computer, mechanical, Moving things, light, Well, Light, and sound , To just listen.

  45. sarah el shenawy- rollins beanApril 18, 2012 at 4:24 PM

    soud thermal light
    sollar energy
    tv would be light thermal snd sound and mechanical.
    sun is solar.
