Monday, April 16, 2012

Lab - 4-17-12 - Resources

1. What resources do we use most of each day? Why do you think so? How can we conserve those resources?

2. Choose two natural resources you have learned about. Are they renewable or nonrenewable? How do you know?

3. Identify three renewable and three nonrenewable resources you have used today so far. Which do you think are most important? Why?


  1. 1.fuel for electricity.use wind energy instead. and wind renewable they are easy to get back.
    3.fossil fuel, oil, and natural gas.wind, solar, and water.nonrenewable because they power the world.

  2. 1. I think that we still use more nonrenewable resources than renewable ones everyday, because people are just starting to use renewable resources. We can conserve them by using more renewable things like wind and solar energy.
    2. Oil is a nonrenewable resource because it is a fossil fuel and a tree is a renewable resource because it can be EASILY replaced.
    3. Nonrenewable: oil (In plastic), natural gas (To cook things) and coal (to heat things up). Renewable: solar energy (to provide electricity), trees (to write on paper) and plants (to eat). I think that the nonrenewable resources are more important because there isn't much of them so we need to be careful with them.

  3. Jenny S. - Rollins/BeanApril 17, 2012 at 4:12 PM

    1. Electricity
    We use it to power our "gadgets" such as a tv and oven; Turn off lights when we dont use them

    2. Water
    renewable because it runs in a cycle
    Fossil Fuels
    nonrenewable because it takes a long time to form

    3. Renewable:
    *cotton (clothes) Water and electricity
    Nonrenewable: is most important
    *electricity because we use that the
    *gas (in a car) most.
    *coal (in a grill)

  4. 1. We use water and air the most everyday. We use air to breathe and water to stay hidrated. We can drink less to copnserve water.

    2. Two things that we learned are fossil fuels that are nonrenewable and waves that are renewable.

    3. Three things that are renewable are air, water, water bottle. Air and water are important because you need to breathe and drink to stay hidrated.
    Three things that are nonrenewable are oil gasoline and natural gas. Oil and gas are things we need because oil is used to cook andgas is used to transport people.

  5. 1. car/gas because we use it to go to school and other places
    2. people and plants. they are both renewable because they reproduce
    3.renewable: paper, soda can, book
    nonrenewable: car/gas, electricity, computer

  6. 1. Electricity, We use it for our daily appliences, We can turn off lights
    2. Coal and Oil. Non renewable, because the take a long time to form.
    3. Oil, For my moms car. Aluminum for my soda can, and Lead for my pencil. Wheat for my cookies, Ham from pigs, And MYSELF!

  7. 1. paper because we do hw. and we can use both sides.

    2. sun and wind. renewable.

    3.renew- paper,sun,and plants. plants and sun. oxygen and light.
    nonrenew- gasoline, natural gas, coal. all

  8. AndrewB- Rollins/BeanApril 17, 2012 at 5:02 PM

    gas to power are cars so we can get where we need to be on time.

    coal because it takes so long to make new it i nonrenewable, Sun light it is enegzoustadle.

    oil, coal, naturel gas. sunlight, trees, water.

  9. Emily Benz Rollins/beanApril 17, 2012 at 5:07 PM

    1.Water Bottles, because we use theese things every day. We can conserve by using reusable bottles or you can recycle the one that you throw away.
    2. Oil and gas, because we do not have to make it, it is a nonrenewable resource I know this because it takes a long time to make and that makes it a nonrenewable resource.
    3. Natural gas , Oil ,coal , Plants , People,And air. I think air is the most important resource because if we didnt have air we would not be able to live or breathe.

  10. David J. -Ms.CarpenterApril 17, 2012 at 5:15 PM

    1.oil because of gas and then cars and wind they renewable because they never go away
    3.paper from trees so renewable,gas from oil so nonrenewable,cloth from cotton so renewable,stove with natrual gas so nonrenewable,a pencil from wood so renewable,elctricity from coal so nonrenewable

  11. Jessica M,-MelaconApril 17, 2012 at 5:34 PM

    1.i think we use water the most, because we the most, because we use A Lot of gallons in our shower, and we drink it. We could not leave the sink on while brushing our teeth or washing our face, or also take shorter showers

    2.water and coal,water is renewable because it goes thruogh a cycle/it will never run out.Coal is nonrenewabl/we will run out of coal one day

    3.nonrenewable: gasoliene in a car, rubbber on my shoes,and coal because a lot of electricity comes from coal power plants Renewable:water foantain, i ate a salad,and the sun becaus ewe couldnt live without it.I thinkthe sun is most important because without it the earth wouldnt have Anything!

  12. Aashay K. CarpenterApril 17, 2012 at 5:48 PM

    aashay k
    1. i think we use oil the most because we use it with cars and electricity what we can do to conserve it is to use solar and wind energy
    2. water and people are renewable because they can com once in your life
    3. water, wind, air oil, coal, natural gas i think air is the most important because we cannot live without it

  13. MichaelaS.centanniApril 17, 2012 at 6:04 PM

    1)well, we use water and i think we use it for alot of things here are some of the many things we use it to stay alive,and we also use it to brush our teath and we can conserve it by not leaving the fosit on when we brush our teath and we can take shorter showers. Then the next thing is electricity we all use we are using it right this second infact and we can conserve it by not leaving the lights on in our house when we laeve a room and we can stop going to sleep with the T.V. on.
    2) well, we all know about the water cycle wright so of course my first choice is water and it si renewable because of that very reason the water cycle. Then my second choice is Trees they are renewable and i know that because we plant them animals scader the seeds and so does water and wind.
    3)Hmmmmmm......... Let me think my first choice would have to be water i drank, then trees my number two pencil of course, and last but not least on my renewable list is ethanole its made from corn i use to get to school every day in my dad's truck. I think the most important resorce is water because i use it for more than half of the things i do in a day. Then on my nonrenewable resorce list is plastic,metal,and glass and i think the most important thing on that list is plastic because i use my mechanical pencil to do all my writing with.

    thx for reading my long blog I LOVE SCIENCE and want to always show all of my work!!!!

  14. amanda y.-rollins/beanApril 17, 2012 at 6:37 PM

    1. water and we can not waste it and try not to use as much as we already do.

    2. sunlight and air are both renewable.

    3. Renewable Nonrenewable
    wood coal
    water oil
    wind gold

  15. Colin L - MelanconApril 17, 2012 at 6:42 PM

    1) we use energy the most each day because everything we turn on use energy like car, a/c, oven, and calculator.

    2) water is renewable because we can recycle it. Oil is non-renewable because it is used up one it is burned.

    3) renewable - water, trees, and oxygen.
    Non-renewable - oil, metal, and electricity.

  16. Eileen G. CentanniApril 17, 2012 at 6:48 PM

    1. We use non-renewable resources the most. It's because we use like gasoline for cars and fossil fuels for things. We can conserve it by using renewable resources like the sun, plants, and wind.
    2. Sun, Coal; sun: renewable, because it will never go away; coal: non- renewable, we dig underground for coal and it is created by dead animals and dead organisms.
    3. Renewable: paper, sun, water. Non-renewable: gasoline, and I haven't used any other non-renewable resources . Most important: SUN!!! Because if we had no sun, we wouldn't survive.


  17. David Rome - Mrs.MelanconApril 17, 2012 at 7:28 PM

    1. We could using resources over and over again each everyday prections from unprectioning worlds and do not kills animals in the waters, animals in the airs and animals on the lands and we needs to saves the worlds and animals everywere in the worlds or around and do not be a wasetfuls, do not be a unhelpfuls and do not be a unhappiest (humens or peoples).

    2. Fossil fuels and heathly bodies I knows that fossil fuels bad then heathly bodies and heathly bodies heathly then fossil fuels.

    3. Oxygen, water, timber (trees) are renewable resources. Coal, oil, fossel fuel are nonrenewable resources. Renewable resources are the most important because it's healthier than nonrenewable resources.

  18. Bridget S-MelanconApril 17, 2012 at 7:53 PM

    1. water, because we drink and use. we can turn off the water when we are brushing our teeth
    2. plants and animals. they are renewable because they both produce offspring
    3. water, fruit, clothing. gas, fossile fules, coal. water because we need it to survive and gas because we use it to get around.

  19. Cameron J.-CentanniApril 17, 2012 at 8:04 PM

    1. Electricity, only because we use it almost everyday, everywhere.
    2. Fossil fuels and rock,they are nonrenewble materials.
    3. Renewable: water, wind, wood.
    Nonrenewable: oil, rock, electricity.

  20. Chloe F.-CarpenterApril 17, 2012 at 8:15 PM

    1. Water because everyone NEEDS water to survive and we can conserve it by not polluting the ocean
    2. coal: it is nonrenewable because it takes MILLIONS of years to replace
    cows: they are renewable because they can be replaced in a short period of time
    3. Renewable: water, sun, grass
    Nonrenewable: natural gas, coal, electricity

  21. Myshlayn Rollins/beanApril 17, 2012 at 8:17 PM

    1.We use water most of each day.We use it because we need water to live.We can save water
    2.Coal and natural gas.Because it takes a long time to form.Its nonrenewable
    3.Renewable-Water,trees,air.They are so important cause we need them to live.
    Nonrenewable-Coal,oil,natrual gas.We need them for our cars and gas for our anytipe of engines.

  22. 1. I think we use water the most each day because we drink it, we shower in it, and we use it for so much more. We can conserve water by turning it off when we dont use it.

    2. Coal and oil are nonrenewable because they are hard to get.

    3. Renewable Nonrenewable
    air(we breathe in it) gas(in the car)
    Chicken(I ate it) oil(to cook with)
    leather couch(I sat on it) glass(its my windows)

  23. Katie DeNicola- Mrs. CentanniApril 17, 2012 at 8:42 PM

    1) I think we use water and air the most everyday. Because we breath all day and all night 24 hours a day, and water is a main value and most EVERYTHING has water in it.
    2) Fossil Fuels: Non-renewable
    Trees: Renewable
    3) Renewable: Water, wood, and the Sun! I DEFINENTALLY think that the Sun is the most important because NOBODY on earth, except maybe a vampire, would be living today!!!!!!!! D:

    Thank you Ms. Rollins!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. Lab is one my new favorite class!!! :):)

  24. Christoph Mueller-Rollins/BeanApril 17, 2012 at 8:58 PM

    1. Plastic for water bottles.

    2. Coal and oil are nonrenewable.

    3. Nonrenewable gasoline coal Renewable water wind and light.

  25. Josephine L.-CarpenterApril 17, 2012 at 9:02 PM

    1.Fuel.we use it a lot for cars. We can walk instead of useing cars
    2.water and people are renewable because they can never go out
    3. Renewable. Nonrenewable
    Wind Oil
    Air. Natural Gas
    Water. Coal.
    I think the most important is renewable because it an last forever

  26. Anna F. - Rollins/BeanApril 17, 2012 at 9:05 PM

    1. renewable, because we use the sun, and air every second of the day, and use water when we drink so that we stay alive, and We use sun to have light, heat, and help plants grow so we can eat them, and use air to breathe!

    2. Coal is nonrenewable because it cannot be replaced quickly. Air is renewable because it can be restored quickly.

    3. renewable- sun, air and water
    nonrenewable- coal, oil, and fossil fuels

    I think renewable is most important because we could not live without it! And a looooong time ago, they did not use nonrenewable resources, like coal, oil, and they did not use gas, and they still lived!

    I loooooove science

  27. Anabel Winburne-YoungApril 17, 2012 at 9:14 PM

    1.water so we have something to drink and to water plants and more with.I think we can use less and take quicker showers.
    2.coal is non-renewable because you have to dig and dig and dig to find any.Animals are renewable because they lay eggs(or not!)and their babys will produce more babys.
    3.renewable-wood because of my pencil,water for when i am thirsty,and air to breathe. Non-renewable-gas for my mom to take me to school,electricity to power the computer,coal to cook food. I think both are equally important because we need some of both.

  28. 1. electricity. we use it almost every day(No. Every day)! Thats why houston lights are visible from outer space. we should really just turn off the lights, or use solar panels or windmills.
    2. The one and only.......WATER(H2O)!!!! we would die if water didn't exist or ran out. Thankfully, the water cycle exists. Im getting thirsty.
    3. renewable= air, sun and water.
    nonrenewable= oil, coal, natural gas.
    I think renewable resources are more important because they will never run out. during a war, we may only have water, air, and sunlight to survive. Science led the way for major improvements in human life, So I only can say one thing...............SCIENCE LEADS THE WAY!!!!!!!!!

  29. john cody rollins/beanApril 17, 2012 at 10:19 PM

    1. electricity because we use it for our tv, computers,and almost any other gadget and i think we could we help it by not leaving the lights on in a room.
    2. water is renewable because it goes through the water cycle and also coal is nonrenewable because it takes thousands of years to make it.
    3. three nonrenewable resources are fossil fules, coal, gasoline. gasoline because i use it every day when i am in the car.
    three renewable resources are plants, water, the sun. i think the sun is the most important because it is what lets us live and nothing would live without it.

  30. 1.electricity, dont use electricity as much
    2.water(will never run out) coal(thousands of years to make)
    3. nonrenewable- coal to cook,gas to power the car,and electricity for powering up computers renewable-water to drink,air to breahte in,and wood my pencil. i think renewable is important because it is what we need to survive

  31. 1.Water for drinking. We can conserve it by making our showers shorter.
    2.Gas is nonrenewable because it takes thousands of years to form. Trees are renewable because trees lay seeds
    3.Renewable: Air,water,sun. Water is the most important because we use it every day
    Nonrenewable: gas, natural gas,and fossil fuels. Gas is most important because You use it for cars every day.

  32. 1. Electricity, we can conserve it by turn off the lights or electronics like TV that we do not use.
    2. Coal and natural gas, they are nonrenewable because it takes long time to replace.
    3. Renewable- water, animals, humans.
    Nonrenewable- Coal, natural gas, oil
    *I think nonrenewable resources are more important because it cannot be replaced.

  33. Sarah El Shenawy- rollins beanApril 18, 2012 at 4:28 PM

    electricity in all houses
    solar energy
    water sun renawable provide energy
    coal, oil,natrual gas_ oil
    sun wind water_ sun

  34. Marcelo Bracho/rollinsbeanApril 18, 2012 at 4:39 PM

    1. Fossil fuels, electricity, water. I think so because we use electricity for our computers, TV, oven, microwave, and many other things in our house. We can conserve electricity by turning off the things we are not using, water by not leaving the sink and shower running and fossil fuels by buying electric cars instead of gas cars.

    Solar Energy, the sun energy is renewable, because it provides a continuous source of energy.

    Wind energy, it is renewable, because the weather continuously creates wind.

    Renewable - Electrical, Wind, and Solar
    Nonrenewable - Oil, Food, and Pencil

    I think that electrical and wind are the most important because electrical powers everything, and wind because it can provide our homes with energy.

  35. Roman Bustos - MelanconApril 18, 2012 at 4:46 PM

    1 Electricity because we use it to make food, clean water and other drinks, for tvs and lights, and now even some cars are using it. It would help to turn off the lights when we are not using them.
    2 Fuel is a non-renewable natural resource. I know it's non-renewable because it takes longer than the average human lifetime to form once used.Water is a renewable resource because the water cycle recycles water and the water cycle never ends.
    3 Renewable- wind, water, sunlight
    Non-renewable- coal, natural gas, gasoline/ fuel
    The more important resources in my opinion are the renewable resources because they are the things that we need to live.

  36. TylerM.-Miss YoungApril 18, 2012 at 5:55 PM

    Renewable because we have to eat every day and foods and drinks are renewable.

    Green beans because it is a living thing and all living things are renewable and oil which is nonrenewable because it take million of years to form.

    Gas, coal, & fossil fuels are the nonrenewable and water food and the sun are the renewable. I think that the sun, because all living things need the sun to survive.

  37. 1.electricity becausewe use light and electricity every day and every hour.
    2.plants are renewableand its aliving thing and the second one is fossil fuels we use it mostly everyday and its nonrenewable.
    3.fossil fuels,coals,gas and those resources are nonrenewable and water,food,plants I think we use water the most because we need water to live

  38. Anabelle M.-CarpenterApril 18, 2012 at 7:12 PM

    1. Electricity. We use it to power computer's, IPad',s, Television, ect.WE can use more solar energy to power most of it.
    2.Coal- Non-Renewable- Because if we run out of it, it will take at least 1,000,000 years to form again under the earth.
    Solar Energy- Renewable- The sun lives forever! ( that is what causes solar energy)
    3.RR-Water, Wind, Sun
    NRR- Oil, Fuel, Natural Gas.
    The most important is the sun because it gives us light and minerals to the plants to give off air to breathe.

  39. Kaylin A.-CarpenterApril 18, 2012 at 7:39 PM

    1. Water bottles, we can refill it after drinking it all.

    2. Coal, nonreanewable because who knows how long it would take to replace it.
    Plants, renewable because they can be replaced in a really short period of time.

    3. Paper, water, people , renewable and gas, coal, and oil, nonrenewable.
    I think water and gas are the most important, we need water too surive and gas too travel.

  40. Robert P. - MelanconApril 18, 2012 at 8:03 PM

    1. electricity. we power everything with it. we can use other ways to power it.
    2. coal and oil. nonrenewable. fossil fuels.
    3. nonrenewable- gas,oil, fuel.
    renwable- water,sun, plants. I think sun because without it, we'd be dead.

  41. 1.Electricity. We use it a lot to power computers,iPads,TV,and so on. If we use more solar energy, we can help power most of it
    2.coal-Nonrenewable-Because if we run out, it will take like forever to make at least one more piece of coal
    Solar energy-Renewable-the sun stays burning!!
    3.renewable nonrenewable
    water oil
    sun natural gas
    wind fuel

    sun because if we didn't have it, we could't live on earth there would be no light nor heat and it is the thing I use the most each and every day

  42. aidan b.-CarpenterApril 18, 2012 at 8:13 PM

    1.beacause we use it to power namy things in our life tvs computors phones etc

    2.coal non renewable it takes millions of years to form solar energy the sun never runs out!!!

    3.renewable water wind sun
    4. non renwable oil natural gas fuel
    renewable sun plants wood

    the most important is natural gas beacuse we need to conserve it

  43. Emma Peters- CentanniApril 18, 2012 at 8:33 PM

    1. I think water because 1 drop of water contains more fluid oz. than we can count. We use it in showers, we drink it everyday, cleaning purposes, and to make coffee. We can moniter ourselves and not take long showers, not waste water in water bottles.
    2. Oil is nonrenewable because it would take a long period of time to get more, and trees are renewable because they grow seeds that will grow, etc.
    3. Water, food, and sun- renewable. Oil, gas, and coals- nonrenewable. Most important are water and sun. Water because we use it daily to dehydrate ourselves and the sun because it gives us life and light to live.

  44. john drexelius melanconApril 18, 2012 at 8:38 PM

    1. electricity because we use it to turn on lights, vacuum, t.v. and etc.
    we could use solar pannels
    2.plants-renewable coal-nonrenewable
    3. r-salad,water,grapes
    n-t.v.,gas,natural gas

  45. Colin Guinn - MelanconApril 18, 2012 at 8:46 PM

    #1 Electricity. All the lights and TV's we use come from electricity. We could turn the lights off when we aren't using them.
    #2 Coal and oil. They are both nonrenewable because it takes long time to find them.
    #3 Water,the sun,and food. And oil,gas,and fuel. I think the sun is the most important because without the sun there would be nothing on Earth.

  46. emily mcoown centanniApril 18, 2012 at 8:46 PM

    electircity because we use it for almost everthing electricity dose not go away
    2.cosl snd oil both non renewsble because you have to find them and the ground and it takes a long time to make
    3.renewable air water andi dont know non is gas the other 2 i dont know either

  47. Maddie D.- CentanniApril 18, 2012 at 9:48 PM

    1.fuel for cars, we can walk or ride a bike
    2.water- renewable because the water cycle never stops
    natural gas- nonrenewable beacuse it takes millions of years to form
    3.water, straberys, air, fuel, electricity, nateral gas. water and air because air to breath and water to drink

  48. Ross Jones CentanniApril 18, 2012 at 10:15 PM

    1.I think we use fuel the most because cars. WE can stop that by useing electricity to run cars.
    2. Solar=renewable fossil fuels nonrenewable
    3. fuel,oil,coal wind,sun paper

  49. Matthew E-centanniApril 19, 2012 at 7:33 AM

    1. electricity because we need cell phones the lights an lamps
    2. coal is nonrenewable solar renewable
    3. food water and sun renewable
    non renewable gas coal and minerals
