Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lab - 03-24-11 - Cookies & Worms

1. Name the three different types of consumers?

2. Name a scavenger?

3. What is a scavenger?

4. Are decomposer good are bad?? Why?

5. Explain the cookies and worm lab?


  1. carnivore, herbavore, and the scavenger. a vultur. a scavenger is a cunsumer that searches for food. no, they break down dead animals. we made dirt dead animals and and worrms to make the ecosysems.

  2. 1. rabbits,squirel,deer
    2. ant
    3. An animal that eats dead organismes.
    4. good because if there were no decomposers,all the organismes that die would just lie around.

  3. Carl W.-Mrs.MelanconMarch 24, 2011 at 3:25 PM

    a.Herbivore:eats only plant Key prefix:herb-plant
    b.Carnivore:eats only meat Key prefix:carni-meat
    c.Omnivore:eats plants and animals Key prefix:omni-all
    3.An animal that eats the carcasses of other animals
    4.Good because they break down soil and give it more nutrients
    5.The Oreos were dirt and small rocks(humus).The animal crackers are the dead animals.The earth worms are the decomposers breaking down the soil and animal.

  4. Three types of consumers:


    One scavenger is a vulture. It looks for dead animals to feed on.
    I think that decomposers are good because if there was none then we won't have soil and have nothing to help break down dead animals and plants.
    The oreo represented the dirt, the animal crackers were like dead animals, and finally the gummy worms were the worms that decompose all that stuff.

  5. Megan L. - MelanconMarch 24, 2011 at 3:32 PM

    1) herbivore, omnivore, carnivore

    2) vulture

    3) Scavengers eat dead bodies of other animals.

    4) Good, because they break down an organism and return it to the environment.

    5) The Oreo cookies acted as the ground and the animal crackers are the dead organism. The gummy worms are supposed to break down the animal and the return it to the environment.

  6. NicholasD-CarpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    3 types of consumers are lions, humans, rats. A type of scavenger is a vulture. it picks on all the dead animals, like us having a fork and eating a dead skunk on I10. Decomposers are really good, because with out them all the dead corpse of dead plants and animals will be lying around on the Earth. The cookies lab was about the fossils. Even after they were cooked the pattern we made was still there, the warm lab was about the nitrogen cycle the warm eats then poops and makes a better soil for plants to grow in. The nitrogen cycle.

  7. Three comsumers are wolfs bunnies seals.

    One scavenger is a hyeana.

    A scavenger is an animal that eats the remains of anoter one.

    Decomposers are good since if we didnt have them then we would have dead bodies laying around.

    The cookies were the soil the animal cracker / winnie the pooh cracker were the dead organism and the worms were the decomposers that broke things down.

    plese check out this website I just love the pictures of the animals.

  8. 1.humans,dogs,cats
    3.animals that eat dead things
    4.good,they break down the soil and make it rich.
    5.the oreo's were the soil the animal crackers were the dead animals, the worm was the decomposer

  9. The three types of consumers are, herbivore, an animal that eats only plants, carnivore, an animal that eats only other animals (meat), and an omnivore, an animal that eats both plants and meat. A scavenger is an animal that feeds off dead animals. An example would be a hawk or hyena. Decomposers are not good, they're great! Decomposers breack down the remains of a dead plant or animal to make nutrients for the soil. As explained in lab, the oreo was the "soil", the cookies were the remains of the dead animal, and the gummy worm acted as the decomposer.

  10. Hannah S.- CarpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 3:54 PM

    Coyotes, eagles, and snakes are all consumers. Vultures are scavengers because they eat dead bodies lying around. Scavengers are animals that do just that. Decomposers are good because they break down dead organisms by eating them then pooping them out to make fertiliser for plants.With the cookie cups in lab the gummy worm represented the decomposer or in other words the real worm, the animal cracker crumbs represent the decomposed animals or in other words worm poop, and the oreo's represent the soil.

  11. nicholas H.-carpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 3:57 PM

    1. Some consumers are lions,snakes, and people.
    2. A scavenger would be a maggot.
    3. A scavenger is an animal that eats dead animals on the ground.
    4. Decomposer are very good, without decomposers we would have a bunch of dead animals lying around everywhere.

    The cookies and worm were met to show how decomposers work. The crushed oreo was the soil, the animal crackers were the dead animals, and the gummy worms were the decomposers.

  12. The three types are herbavores,carnivores, and, omnivores.

    A vulture is a scavenger.

    A scavenger is an animal that will search for dead animals and eat them.

    They are good because they break down dead organisms and if they didn't do that the earth would pile up with dead animals, plants, and humans.

    the cookis were the dirt, the crunched up animal crakers were the broken down bodies of organisms, the worm represents well worms(duh)that decomposed the dead organisms.

  13. The three consumers are carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore.
    An example of a scavenger is a coyote.
    A scavenger feeds off of dead animals.
    Good cause plants can grow easier in it.

  14. Kevin C. - BuckalewMarch 24, 2011 at 4:24 PM

    1. Carnivore: eats meat
    2. Herbivore: eats plants
    3. Omnivore : eats both plants and animals

    A scavenger is an animal that eat dead and leftover animals. Ex. Vulture, Coyote

    Decomposers are good but nasty. They break down dead stuff in the soil to help the plant grow.

    The Oreo's were representing the dirt/soil. The animal cracker's were the dead animals. The gummy worms resembled decomposers breaking down the Oreo and animal crackers.

  15. The three different types of consumers are carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore.
    A scanenger could be a vulture.
    A scavenger is a consumer that feeds on other bodies of dead organisms.
    Decomposers can be bad for keeping the bodies from being in the soil, but can be good for cleaning up the mess.
    The oreos were like the soil in which the animal crackers (dead animals),lay in and a decomposer, worm.

  16. WE are consumers.
    An animal that feeds on other dead animals
    Very good, they break down the dirt and feed the plants and make them grow

  17. A deer a fox and a lion are consumers. A valture is a scavenger. Good because they make the soil richer and break apart dead animals. I thought lab was fun today because we learned so much and we had fun too.

  18. Yutaka T.-CentanniMarch 24, 2011 at 4:57 PM

    1.The three different types of consumers are carnivores(only meat), hervivores(only plants), and omnivores(both meat and plants).
    2. A vulture
    3. A scavenger is an animal that feeds on dead animals.
    4. Decomposers are good because they turn bad things into good things.
    Ex: A worm helps a dead plant. It makes the soil better so the plants will grow better.
    5. *The crumbled oreos were the soil.
    *The animal crackers were the animals.
    *The gummy worms were the worms.
    When the animals died(crumbled), the worm decoposed the animals to make better soil.

  19. 1.Omnivores, herbivore,omnivore.
    2.a fly
    3.a animal that is like a omnivore.
    4.They are good because they help plants grow.
    5.The oreo was the top soil, the crackers was the dead animals, and the worms was a decomposer.

  20. Birds,worms,and bugs.A hawk.A scavenger is a bird that flys in the sky looking down at fish,animals and other things they eat.good thing.first you crush the cookie and you get some crackers and crush animals including poobear.And then you put your gummy worm in the cup.And the best part of it you get to eat it.

  21. 1.humans, lizards, and mice are consumers
    2.A vulture is a scavenger.
    3.A scavenger is a orginism that eats the remains of the dead bodies.
    4.they are good because they break down dead animals so they can decompose and if they did not there would be no good soil and flowers and a bad smell because there would be huge piles of dead animals almost every were you look.Baisicly a disaster.
    5.We crushed up a oreo and put it in the bottom of a cup (fake soil) and crushed animal crackers (fake animal) and put them in to.then we put some gummyworms (fake worms) on top to to represent the worm (decomposer) breaking up the the animal and it decomposing in the soil.

  22. georgia.v-buckalewMarch 24, 2011 at 5:38 PM

    Three different types of consumers are cows, people, and fish!

    A scavenger is a Vulcher!

    A scavenger is a consumer that eats the remains of dead animals.

    Decomposers are good because they decompose and become good fertilizer for the soil!

    The oreos were the dirt when she crushed them up, the worms were the decomposers that broke up the soil into bits and ate the prey. The animal crackers were the prey that had died and been broken up into little pieces to be used as fertilizer for the soil!

  23. 1. people, snakes, and owls.
    2. Vulture
    3. An animal that eats other animals to survive
    4. They are good because they put dead plants and animals into the ground to give the plants nutriants.
    5. We did cookies and worms in lab today to teach us about consumers, producers, and decomposers.

  24. *Consumers

    A scavenger that eats other dead animals.

    A decomposer is good because it beraks down all the dead plants and animals.

    We took a cup , animal crakers , oreo cookies , and gummy worms and each thing ment something.

    Animal crakers=dead animals
    Gummy wroms=worms

  25. Taylor H-CarpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 6:02 PM

    3.A scavenger is an aminmal that lets the Decomposers Decompose into the ground.
    4.They are good Because they let the dead animals die.If not there would be many dead animals all over the place.
    5.In the cookies and Worms lab we created many good foods and Made them into Science! We used Oreos as Soil and Animal crackers as Dead amimals and Gummie Worms as Earth Worms.

  26. Lion,cheetah,cougar
    A scavenger is a animal that eats other dead animals.
    Good because they help plants grow.
    The cookie is the soil and the animal cracker is the dead animal and the worm is the decomposer making nutrients for the soil.

  27. varun d.-carpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 6:25 PM

    Shark,sail fish,and squid are 3 consumers. Vultures is a scavenger.A scavenger is an animal that eats dead animals. De-composers are good because they break down dead bodies. The Oreo was dirt and cookies were the dead animals.

  28. Raymond Z- Mrs.CarpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 6:29 PM

    Question for whoever wrote this blog post-
    What do you mean by "types" of consumers on number one? Do you mean to say "what are the three types of animals in the food chain?" The answer to that would be "producers, consumers, and decomposers." Or do you mean to say "Name three different animals that are consumers." One answer to that would be "humans, rabbits, and anteaters." That's what I put for number one on my blog comment. Please let me know. Thanks.

  29. Hannah A.- CarpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 6:40 PM

    1.The three different types of consumers are herbivore,carnivore and omnivore.
    2.One scavenger is a vulture.
    3.A scavenger is an animal that eats dead organisms.
    4.Decomposers are good because they break down the remains of dead animals that we can use for fertilizer.
    5.The cookies and worms lab was about consumers,scavengers and decomposers.The oreos were the soil,the animal cookies were the dead animals,and the gummy worms were the earth worms that broke down the remains of the dead animals.

  30. Consumers are organisms that dont make their own food like...


    A scavenger is an organism that eats the "leftovers" from the carnavores
    a scavenger is a Vulture.

    Decomposers are good because they break down the soil .

    The oreo was the soil the ANIMAL crackers were dead ANIMALS the gummy worms were earth worms (decomposers)that break dow the soil.

  31. 1.carnivore,herbivore,omnivore
    2.vulture animal that eats the dead remains of other animals
    4.good-they break down the soil&poop so plants can grow
    5.the crushed up oreos were the soil, the animal crackers were the dead animals )-:, and the worms were the decomposers (-: and we ate them (NOTE TO MS.BEAN: We did NOT play in lab today.)

  32. 1. Mouse, snake, and hawk

    2. Vulture

    3. An animal that feeds off the bodies of dead animals

    4. Decomposers are good because without them we would have corpses everywhere, with nothing breaking them down

    5. The cookies were the soil and the worms were the decomposers

  33. Three consumers are: rabbits, hamsters, and mice are some consumers.
    A vulture is one scavenger. Decomposers are good because they break down dead organisms for soil. The oreos were dirt, the worms were decomposers, and the crackers were topsoil.

  34. Tiger, Hawk, Eagle. A scavenger is an animal that eats other dead animals. They are good because they break down dead plants and animals to make better soil. The cookies and worm thing in lab helps you understand the dead plants and animals (cookies), The soil (oreo cookie), and the decomposer (gummy worm).

  35. Geraldineb_buckalewMarch 24, 2011 at 9:43 PM

    A tiger,lion,fox or an herbivore,onivore,and carnivore.
    A vulture is a scavenger. A scavenger is feedsnoff of dead animals.

    Well...... The oreos were topsoil or dirt. And the animal crackers were dead animals in the topsoil. And the worms (yummy) were decomposers.
    I loved the lab! :)

  36. A fulcher or a hawk maybe a lion and a scavenger is a animal that eats off of dead body's i personally think that decomposers are good because in curtain situation's things should be broken down

  37. and the lab was probablly another great success in learning

  38. Phillip R/carpenterMarch 24, 2011 at 9:55 PM

    Herbevors , omnivores , and Carnivors . A earthworm .something that eats dead plants and animals. It is good because they help the soil . The cookies was the dirt the brown cookies was the decomposed animal. And the earm was eating it.

  39. Minami A.-carpenterMarch 25, 2011 at 4:53 PM

    1.sharks lions and snakes


    3.scavenger are animals that feed on dead or injured animals.

    4.Good. because they clean up the dead animals and help the soil.

    5.The cookie and worm was very FUN! also I learned a lot about The WORM.

  40. Carnivore,Herbivores,Omnivores
    Good, because they break down organisms that helps the soil.
    The Oreo was like the dirt, The Animal cookie was like the dead animal, And the worm was the Decomposer! (Yum!)

  41. Suzahn P.-CarpenterMarch 27, 2011 at 8:19 PM

    1.A lion Tiger and Bear.
    2.An animal that feeds off of dead plants and animals.
    3.An ant
    4.An decomposer is good because if we did not have them we would have dead organisims everywhere.
    5.The oreo cookie represented the soil and the animal crackers represented the dead animals and the worm represented the decomposer.

  42. Katie C.- CenntaniMarch 28, 2011 at 7:09 AM

    The three types of consumers are carnivors, omnivores, and herbivores. A scavenger is an animal that eats other dead animals. An example is a buzzard. Decomposers are good because they break down dead plants and animals into new soil. The cookies and worms lab was, the oreos were the decomposed animals, the cookies were the topsoil, and the gummy worm was breaking everything down.

  43. Suzahn P.-CarpenterMarch 28, 2011 at 3:28 PM

    1.Herbivores,Omnivores,and Carnivores
    2.An ant
    3.A scavenger is an animal that eats dead animals.
    4.Decomposers are good because if they were not here there would be dead animals everywhere.
    5.The oreo represented the soil the animal crackers represented the animals and the gummy worms represenetd the decomposer.

  44. Joyce P.-CarpenterMarch 28, 2011 at 3:50 PM

    Herbivores,Carnivores, and Omnivores are 3 examples of consumers.

    a vulture is an example of a scavenger.

    A scavenger is an animal that feeds on dead animals.

    They are good because without them there would be dead people and animals everywhere.

    The oreos were the soil, the animal crackers represented the dead animals, and the gummy worm was the one that was breaking things down.

  45. jack h. Mrs carpenterMarch 28, 2011 at 4:00 PM

    1. Lions, dogs, cows.

    2. Vulture

    3. A scavenger is a animal that eats dead bodies of animals.

    4. Good because they decompose dead bodies into the ground which helps soil.

    5. It was a example of soil and worms and decomposed bodies.

  46. ☀ Herbivore,Carnivore,and omnivore.
    ☀A scavenger can be a Vulture
    ☀A consumer Like a scavenger eats dead plants and animals.
    ☀A decomposer is good because with out them are world would be filled with dead animals every where.
    *The cookies where supposed to be the soil and the gummy worm was the dcomposer.

  47. 1. Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores
    2. Vulture (yuk)
    3. A scavenger eats dead animals. Like the kind on the side of the road.
    4.good. its good for all dead stuff to go back into the soil.
    5. It showed how dirt gets created.

  48. 1.Herbivore,carnivore, and omnivore.
    2.Hyeena-sorry,not sure how to spell!
    3.An animal that feeds on the remains of other dead animals.
    4.A decomposer is good because it decomposes the remains of dead animals into the soil in such a way so that it helps the soil.
    5.The cookies and worms lab was were in a cup we put crumbled up oreos for the soil, crumbled up animal crackers for decomposed animals (or animals on there way to be!), and gummy worms for worms (decomposers).

  49. 1.herbevores,omnivores,carnavores.


    3.A scavenger is a animal that eats dead animals.

    4.Good becuase they decompose dead animals which helps the plants.

    5.The oreo was the dirt and the cookies were the decomposers and the worms were worms.

  50. Three types of consumers are : omnivore , herbivore , and finally carnivore .
    A scavenger is a vulture .
    A scavenger is an animal that eats dead bodies of animals .
    Decomposers are good because they help break down Dead plants and animals that can help the plants grow big and strong .
    The cookies and worms in lab represented the breaking down of a dead organism . The cookies were the soil , and the crushed up animal crackers were the decomposing animals. The worms in the cup were suppose to be earthworms breaking down the dead organisms.

  51. Reagan G- MelanconMarch 28, 2011 at 8:50 PM

    1. A panda bear, a human, and a Hippo!

    2. A Hiyenia (I think I spelt it wrong)

    3. A Scavenger is an animal that feed's off dead plant's and animal's.

    4. Good because they break down dead plant's and animal's into soil or fertilizer.

    5. First the crushed up oreo was like the soil, the gummi worms were the earth worms or decomposer, and the winnie the pooh crackers were the consumer.

  52. Abhiraj S.~Mrs.MelanconMarch 28, 2011 at 9:43 PM

    1. A bear and a eagle and a lion

    2. A vulture or hyena\

    3. eats dead bodies

    4.good they help the soil giving it nutrients that it needs to grow.

    5. The oreo's that were crushed represented dirt.The crushed cracker represented the animal.
    The worms were the decomposer and boy were they sure so tasty together.

  53. Nam JooK.carpenterMarch 28, 2011 at 9:59 PM

    The three examples of consumers are herbivores,carnivores, and omnivores.

    A vulture of a scavenger.

    A decomposer is good because they break done all the dead things and they make good things in our world.

    I really liked the cookies and worms. I loved it because it was really good. Yummy!!!!!

  54. Jacob L. - BuckalewMarch 29, 2011 at 7:14 AM

    Consumers are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. A scavenger is a vulture. Scavengers are animals that feed off of dead animals. The oreo's were soil, the animal crackers were dead animals, and the worms were decomposers and the were breaking everything down.

  55. Daniel P-CarpenterMarch 29, 2011 at 5:37 PM

    three types of consumers are herbivore,carnivore,and omnivores.Scavengers are consumers that eat dead animals. A vulture is one scavenger. Decomposers are not bad because if there were no decompers there would be dead bodies everywhere(decomposers break things up). in lab the cookies stand for ground, and the oreas(smushed) stand for soil. the gummy worms we put at the top or whereever stand for earth worms.
