Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lab - 03-31-11 Food Webs

  1. What were you in the food web today?

  2. Were you a producer, consumer, or decomposer?

  3. Did your meal worm hatch into a bettle? What did you think?

  4. What is the difference between a food web and food chain?

Created by: Clayton Morris and Jimmy Smith - Happy Birthday Jimmy!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lab - 03 - 29 - 11 Food Chains

  • Which would you rather be and why: Carnivore - Omnivore - Herbivore

  • Is this correct or incorrect: Prey eats the predator

  • Put the food chain in order: Grass - Fox - Sun - Bunny

  • Make a food chain using at least five organisms.

Created by: Emma Shields