Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lab - 4-19-12 - Soils


Different kinds of soil can be found in various places on Earth. Each kind had properties making it better for certain uses than others.

We had four types of soil today. Pick one and answer the questions.

1. Write about what soil looks like.......

2. How it feels?

3. How it holds water?

4. What types of soil hold more water?

5. What kind of soil is better for plants that don’t need lots of water?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lab - 4-17-12 - Resources

1. What resources do we use most of each day? Why do you think so? How can we conserve those resources?

2. Choose two natural resources you have learned about. Are they renewable or nonrenewable? How do you know?

3. Identify three renewable and three nonrenewable resources you have used today so far. Which do you think are most important? Why?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lab - 3-12-12 - Uses of Energy

Uses of Energy:

1. When a computer is in use, which different types of energy can you observe are in use?

2. If the power goes out where you live, what are some alternative things you could do or use to replace the electrical energy you do not have?

3. We keep our houses clean in many different ways. Write about how you might use thermal, electrical, mechanical, light, and sound energy to keep your home clean. You can use any examples you wishes long as you use supportive reasoning in your response and cover all of the forms of energy listed above.

Mrs. Rollins

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lab - 3-10-12 - Mixtues and Solutions

Let's Review......

  1. What is a mixture?

  2. What is a solution?

  3. What is the difference between a mixture and a solution?

  4. Give three examples of a mixture and three examples of a solution?

Mrs. Rollins

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lab - 3-3-12 - Plant Life Cycles

Plant Life Cycles

  1. A new plant starts to grow from the seed. The is called_____________.

  2. The flower makes ________. When the ________ reaches another flower, a seed is made.

  3. How does the plant life cycle work? Give an example.......4

  4. What do you think about the plant life cycle? Is it important and why?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lab 3 - 29 - 12. Learned and Inherited Traits

  1. What are some learned traits?

  2. What are inherited traits?

  3. What is the difference between learned and inherited traits?

  4. How do traits help living things survive?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lab - 3-8-12 - Terrariums


  1. How did your plants do?

  2. Were you happy with the plant growth?

  3. What could you have done differently?

  4. What would you change if you planted plants again?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lab - Photosynthesis/Carbon Dioxide Cycle 3-1-12


  1. What is photosynthesis?

  2. How do plants make their own food?

  3. How do plants lose water from their leaves?

  4. What is transpiration?

Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen Cycle

  1. How do plants and animals need each other to survive?

  2. How are carbon dioxide and oxygen cycled between plants and animals?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lab - Food Chain/Food Web 2-22-12

Food Chain/Food Web

  1. What are the features of a food chain?

  2. What is the relationship between plants and animals in a food chain?

  3. What are the features of a food web?

  4. What is the relationship between plants and animals in a food web?

  5. What does the sun have to do with a food chain/web?

  6. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lab - 2-21-12 - Setting Up Terrariums

Setting Up Terrarium

  1. What is an ecosystem?

  2. How is our school like an ecosystem?

  3. What differences do you observe when you compare living and nonliving things?

  4. What do living things needs to survive?

  5. How do you think your terrarium will do?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lab - Fossil Fuels 2-16-12

Fossil Fuels

  1. What process lead to the formation of sedimentary rock? Think of the sedimentary sandwich........

  2. What are fossils and how are they formed?

  3. What are natural resources?

  4. How are renewable resources different from nonrenewable resources?

  5. What are fossil fuels?

  6. How are fossil fuels formed?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lab - Changes of the Earth Surfaces 2-14-12

  1. How are weathering, erosion, and deposition connected?

  2. What are constructive and destructive forces?

  3. What is deposition?

  4. How do wind, water, ice and waves change the surface of the Earth?

  5. What happens to the Earth's surface when moving water (flood) hits it?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lab - Weather & Climate

Weather & Climate

  1. What is weather? What are some characteristics of weather?

  2. What is climate? What are some characteristics of climate?

  3. What is the difference between weather and climate?

  4. Which one (weather or climate) can be observed each day and which one is observed over time?

  5. Mrs. Rollins

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lab - Weather 1-12-12


  • What is weather?

  • Name three tools used to measure weather

  • What is the function of each tool you named?

  • What tool do you like best? Why?

Lab - Water Cycle 1- 10-12

Water Cycle

  • What is evaporation?

  • What is condensation?

  • Can precipitation evaporate before it hits the Earth's surface?

  • What property of the sun drives the water cycle?

Can you sing the "Water Cycle" song?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lab - Moon Phases 1-5-12

Moon Phases:

  • Where does the moon get its light?

  • How are the phases of the moon created?

  • Why are their different moon phases?

  • How would you model the moon phases?

  • What is the relationship between the lunar cycle and a month?