Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lab - Conductors & Insulators 10-27-11

Today in lab we talked about conductors and insulators.....

1. Tell me the difference between a conductor an a insulator? Give examples....

2. What did you think about the spoons? Was your predication correct?

3. Look around your house do you see anything that is a conductor or insulator?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lab - Thermometer in Sun & Shade 10-25-11

Solar Energy is energy from the Sun.

1. What examples can you give that the sun powers? Give at least three.

2. Today's experiment Sun and Shade - which one heated up the fastest and why?

3. If you were going to buy a car - what color car would you buy? White or Black and why?

4. What did you think about the "solar glasses"?