Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lab - Stream Table Set Up - 01-13-11

Today in lab you set up a stream table.

What neat things did you see when you added water to your stream table?

What type of weathering occurred?


  1. Kelly H- Rollins/BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 2:16 PM

    I saw different landforms such as mountains, canyons, platues, and lakes. I loved this. It is now my favorite science lab...

  2. When I added water to the stream table it took a long time for the water to much effect. When it started majorly effecting the stream table it made a small valley than a river and delta. the sand and clay did not go through the hole in to the container.

  3. I thought that the ruler looked kinda like a dame. And I saw a delta when the water came down and I saw the V shaped hill

  4. the water formed a valley and wethered the sides away and deposited it as a delta

  5. I liked how the sand spread out like a delta and the water made a canyon.
    The water ws wearing down the hard rock for it to be soft.

  6. When we added the water into our stream table I saw a flood in the top right corner. I also saw a v shaped canyon starting to form. As we poured more and more water into the stream table. As it all got weathered away I saw different sediments.

  7. I think that there were a lot of cool things that happened during this experiment. The water formed a v-shaped canyon and then the water quickly poured out of the tub

  8. The sand and smell pieces of clay were brock down even smaller. They were caried down streamand in to the bucket. I had so much fun.
    It made a canyon.

  9. Susan D.-Mrs. Rollins/ Mrs. BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 2:33 PM

    When we added the water to our stream table, nothing really happened at first. Soon enough, water started to flood in the corner. It started to spread. As it spreaded, it weathered away rocks and created a canyon. Water rushed down the sides and dropped into the bucket.

  10. I saw that it took some time for the water to form a canyon. Erosion happened as we poured the water into our stream table.

  11. Michael H-Rollins/BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 2:39 PM

    When I added water to the stream tabel the sand started to sock up with water and then the water carved out a canyon becuase the sand brock free.

    this is erosion

  12. I saw the water make the river and delta when we added the water.The weatering was when the water start hitting the sand and it broke off.

  13. I saw the water make a delta and a river. The weathering is when the water hit the sand.

  14. One thing that I saw when I was watching the water run through was that the water seamed to flow of to one side making a valley. Another thing I thought was really cool was that eventually an island formed. It was really cool to watch.

  15. The really neat thing that I saw was when the water started running down, bits of the sand started to wear away and creating stream etched into the sand.

    The weathering that I saw was the water carrying the sand somewhere else. Wearing the other land away.

  16. Our stream table made two streams quickly and soon the river ran through what looked to be a canyon. Erosin and depositation not really any weathering. The stream carried down a bead that we had found on the ground. The stream also eroded away the sand.

  17. I saw lots of neat things like how slowly it would deform. I think that water weathering occured.

  18. We saw a really cool wide canyon. The delta was cool too! I liked the way the water would flow one way and then turn another! The type of weathering was water weathering because the WATER would wash away the sand and make the canyon, not anything else.

  19. It started digging in to the water and turning all the dry sand wet

    not really any weathering occurred from my stand point.

  20. I saw that the water washed down the sand. So then it made a valley down the platue. The water kept running down it and eroded the sand. Not very much weathering occured.

  21. I saw a canyon being formed and a delta at the end.we also talked about plautos, rivers, lakes, and erosion.

  22. I immediately saw a stream of water that popped out of the platoue, it came from the other end of the tub. Water weathering occured in this experiment.
    -Collin table 3

  23. Well on our steam table we had two canyon's and one delta because that attached at the end. The weathering that occurred was eroison and weathering.

  24. When I added water to my group's stream table, I noticed that the sand and clay slowly dipped in, and made the landform called valley. (or canyon) I also noticed that as the water was flowing through the stream table, A "delta" was being formed as well as a small "river". The type of weathering that occured was erosion.

  25. Carl W.-Mrs.MelanconJanuary 13, 2011 at 3:49 PM

    It first started off on the side of the tub then moved to the middle,split into to paths and then flowed down one main stream.The water weathering occurred because i saw one little rock break into little pieces.

  26. I mostly saw a delta. It was really cool. I also had a platea you had to make it very flat.
    The type of weathering was mechanical weathering I saw it break down the pieces. Lab is really cool.:):):)
    GO LAB!:)

  27. I saw erosion and deposition. Erosion because the water was taking tiny sediments and deposition because it deposited the sand at the end. It was obvious that the water took up sediments because the water went from clear to the color of chocolate milk.

  28. (1)I saw a small canyon and a delta
    (2)I saw weathering created by moving water and that was sped up because we yoused less dense matirial such as clay instead of rock

  29. the change was the direction it went at first the water was heading toward the side then the direction changed to the middle. the erosion was the change of directions.

  30. When we added water we saw a canyon form, a delta at the bottom, and to the side a little underground cave. Chemical weathering occurred because the sand and clay turned liquidy with the water.

  31. One neat thing that I saw was that when we poured the water in it made a canyon. The type of weathering that occured was water weathering.

  32. During the stream table experiment many different landforms. We started off with a Plateau. Then it formed a canyon and then had a delta. We saw weathering when the water moved down with the stream.

  33. The type of weathering we saw in lab was water. After a while we saw a river flowing down the plateau, like the Grand Canyon.

    I can't wait till I get to make a stream table all by myself.

  34. Hannah S.- CarpenterJanuary 13, 2011 at 4:06 PM

    I saw that the water went on the top until it started to carry the materials that is when it formed. the delta is were the material was deposited.

  35. well.... on our table's stream table first it had four mini rivers and a delta with lots of cool little landforms and, all of the mini rivers connected to a lake.Nothing happend to the "houses" though.The weathering that occerred was when the rushing water was pushing some of the sediments to form a river.

  36. the water started to seep around the container and it made a canyon and at first it was a plato

    1 ) deposition

  37. I saw neat things like when the river was being made. First, the water started pouring out. Second, some of the sand fell to cause the steam. It looked just like a mini model of an actual stream. Then all the water fell out the hole.

  38. I saw a delta form and a canyon form. Our group also had a floodplain in ours, so some of our water didn't go down. Erosion occurred when the water picked up the sand while it was flowing and then dumped it in the delta. The dumping was deposition.

  39. I thought that it was cool to see how the water made deatlas,mounts,and much more. The weathering that occurred was water.

  40. Well the hole did not get a lot of water at first but then Emma tilted the bucket and erosion happened a lot.

  41. I saw that the water all went one way and formed a stream there was wind,water,and it was weathering that occurred......when i aded my water i also saw that it went off and made a pond.

  42. I saw a delta form and I saw a big river . The weathering that happened was eroison and depiostion . My table got a house and put it on the middle of the river and the water fliped it over but never took it away.

  43. On me and my group's stream table it made a couple river's a island and a canyon.The weathering that occurred was eroison because the water would brake down the pieces of our sand and it would shape into differnt things.

  44. 1. When we put water in our stream tale we could see the delta really well.It had 5 streams I think.

    2.Erosion caused the stream table.

  45. BenGold-Rollins/BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 4:42 PM

    Weathering occurred when water made a valley from the sand and clay that broke and water came down.

  46. I saw the grand canyon and a delta. When the stream table was tilted, then the water could flow easier. some dirt is heavy some is light.

  47. Justin T - Rollins/BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 4:45 PM

    During lab today ( Janurary 13, 2011 ) we made a "plateau" that was eroded by our "river" which eroded the landform which is how some scientists believe the Grand Canyon was made. I noticed that the water was nearly able to get all the way under the sand but actually poured over from the top. I think it was because of the clay. The type of weathering that occured during lab was... well, moving water ( the strongest form of weathering ).

  48. The neat things I saw when we were doing the stream table is how it showed how water can change landforms and how it went through and broke everything apart.

  49. today in science lab we worked about strean table and it was so fun and we made a pleatu and it was so fun

  50. I saw the water sorta take in the sand and form a river amd i thought it was cool how the water just took over

  51. When a delta formed the water broke down the sand in the stream table to form a delta.

  52. When we poured water down our platau, I saw that river water picked up sand/clay and formed a canyon. I found that very neat. I think it was a mechanical weaathering.

  53. In lab today we saw the reacurring pattern of the water that created a canyon. the water also formed a delta. The type of weathering that ocurred was Erosion because it formed the canyon, and also weathering because the river carried rocks and sand balls with it.

  54. The weathering that occurred would be water because it would make it run down and break up all the rocks to make a land slide. i sall a lot of neat things one of the things i sall that was really interesting was that warm water on the clay made it run down the clay faster then cold water would. Thank you Mrs. Rollins so much for the amazing fun class that i will never forget!

  55. ChristinaB-Rollins/BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 5:14 PM

    Well, I had to wait a while when we first started pouring the water in but when it broke through it was AWSOME! It was a water type of weathering.
    The V shape (Delta) it made was so cool too

  56. At our group we saw a lot of clay and sediments go down with the water. And some groups formed a mountains in the stream.
    The type of weathering that happened was that sediments were caught in the water.

  57. The canyon started dry and then a river came. I think the neatest thing in my canyon is the platue of my canyon. This weathering is erosion.

  58. I saw a another person do it.The water created a path of water down to the hole in the box and fell down through the hole to the container at the bottom. weathering occured durring this process.

  59. MikaB - Rollins/BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 5:34 PM

    Today lab was so cool, with the water and the sand. When the water came in and started coming out of the container, we had to wait a couple minutes before the water started coming out the hole but when it did it was awesome. There was quite a bit of weathering with the water moving the sand to make a stream to get to that hole. The group that I was in did some weathering of our own when we broke down the sand rocks with popsicle sticks.

  60. The stream tables were so fun me sand made so many different paths it was cool.i could really see all the different landforms

  61. Kiana Ahly -carpenterJanuary 13, 2011 at 5:53 PM

    The water made the big rock or plateu break into little pieces of rock and that makes a river.

  62. Our table's table formed a mountain in the middle of the canyon. The water eroded the sand away.

  63. It was a flow of water. It made a canyon. I thought it was really cool how the sand flows away.

  64. I saw that at first my table at a quick flood then all of a sudden it didn't go strate, it went to the side. Then I relized, that more tables had it to the side which made me feel better because, at first I thought I had did ot wrong.

  65. Austin L-Mrs.MelanconJanuary 13, 2011 at 6:34 PM

    Today at the lab we had stream tables,and we listened to the instructions.We poured some water and made some erosion and deposition on our stream.After that we made a flood with a house too bad it didn't move.Todaywas a great day to learn.

  66. When we set up the steam tables something neat happened when we added the water it eroded and carried away by the water and dumped at the end of the 'river' into the 'delta'.
    The type of weatering is when the sand is being eroded. When the erosion happened it was when the sand was carried by the water. When the deposition happened it was when the water carrying the sand is dumped in the 'delta'.

  67. I could see erosion and depistion. It was cool because through the clear water I could see the water picking up the sand (weathering) and it putting it back down or depositing into the mouth of the river (depisition)

  68. Hannah A.- CarpenterJanuary 13, 2011 at 6:52 PM

    When I added water to my group's stream table I saw that the water weathered away the sand and clay creating a little canyon.It was cool to see the water weathering away the sand and clay.

  69. Masaki F. Rollins/BeanJanuary 13, 2011 at 7:16 PM

    The colorado river rain and ice continue to erode the grand canyon. Rain loosens rock along the river. The river carries loose rock and sediment.

  70. 1.The sand started to fall down and become a canyon.


  71. when we made the stream the water made a valley in the sand. water weathered the sand today. some neat things i saw was that most peoples streams were in the middle but mine was at the side and i noticed we made a river today with the water we pored in to the sand it went through the whole in the box and pored into the other box to make a river which i thought was pretty cool.

  72. The water was seperating through the sand it was cool I loved it.

  73. Raymond Z.-Mrs.CarpenterJanuary 13, 2011 at 7:41 PM

    1.A great sight to see was the valley forming. The water is a powerful eroder that can carry dirt and rocks a long way.
    2.Weathering occurred when the water stream went down the "plateau." The water rubbed against the soil to make a "dent" or river. This weathering helps lead the water to the hole at the other side of the container.

  74. The water weathered the platau into a canyon, and what falls off is eroded. It was then deposited somewhere else.

  75. I saw the sand turn into mud and then weather and erode. The type of weathering that occurred was weathering from flowing water.

  76. What I saw that was cool in lab today was how the water could brake up the sand and rock to make it go down one little hole .The weathering I saw was when we poured the water on the sand and rock.

  77. I saw water make a river with the mud, then made a delta and then we saw sediments.

  78. I saw the water make a Delta, Canyon, and of course a waterfall when the water exited. the type of weathering would be moving water.

  79. When I added water to the sand. The water made a little stream in the sand. then the sand started to fall down and became a canyon.
    It was cool!!!

  80. will f. - Rollins/BeanJanuary 14, 2011 at 7:56 AM

    we made a pile of sand ad put water on the top edge and it made a canyn it was awsome

  81. I saw a water makeing delta and I saw that the sand got stuck at the bottom. I wish to do it again!

  82. Michelle J.-CentanniJanuary 14, 2011 at 5:20 PM

    I saw that the water washed down the sand. So then it made a valley down the platue. The water kept running down it and eroded the sand.

  83. I really thought that the sand thing was really cool because I had never thought it would look like a a canyon. I really thought the other peoples sand box was cool!!!!!!!!!

  84. we made a canyon by pouring water on to sand to make a canyon and a the end we saw a delta .

  85. When my group added water to the sand and clay mixture it slowly ran down the plateau and formed a canyon it was very fun to watch because we were going "oh,oh,oh, yeah!!" when the water was spilling over the side of it.
    The weathering occurred when the water pulled part of our plateau away and washed it out the hole and into the plastic container.

  86. At lab when my group poured the water in it made a canyon it was really cool

    the weathering occurred when we poured the water in the bucket

    this lab was really fun

  87. I saw so many cool things,but if I had to choose one I would say when the water flowed and made a delta.The weathering occured when the water pulled away the sand to form a canyon.

  88. When we added the water to the stream table, the plateau looked like a big root.

    The type of weathering that happened here was the water that cut through the sand and clay mixture.

  89. hanna s. mrs.rollins,beanJanuary 17, 2011 at 11:04 AM

    I saw a canyon of the sand and water.
    The water was the type of weathering

  90. hanna s. mrs.rollins,beanJanuary 17, 2011 at 11:10 AM

    I saw a canyon of the sand and water.
    The type of weathering that happened was the water.

  91. Hanna S.- Rollins and BeanJanuary 17, 2011 at 11:17 AM

    a canyon formed when we poured water into the sand and water.
    the weathering that occured was the water

  92. Nicholas D- CarpenterJanuary 17, 2011 at 5:34 PM

    When I added water to the stream I saw rocks getting carried away, and eventually making a canyon.

    Chemical weathering occurred, because the water reacted with the rocks to form a canyon.

  93. nicholas H.-carpenterJanuary 17, 2011 at 6:42 PM

    In my group the water went around the sand making a island like landform. The weathering occurred when the water took the sand and took it along to deposit it in the bucket below.

  94. corbin killion-ceniennJanuary 17, 2011 at 6:43 PM

    in the LAB we made a stream table it was so fun miss.r used are table for exsampule it was so fun the water eroded the sand and made a river and i am so exsideid for next week we are seeing what hapins wen you do a flood

  95. jack h. Mrs carpenterJanuary 17, 2011 at 7:44 PM

    Today we set up a stream table. We got a cup filled with water and a little hole on the bottom and a tub filled with sand. The water flowed through the sand and made its way to the hole in the tub on the other side. On Tuesday we will be tested to set up the stream table with the directions Mrs. Rollins gave us.

  96. When we added water to the stream table it made a vally , a platue, and a canyon. The waethering that occured was that it kindave blew the house down.
