Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lab - Inherited and Learned Traits - 03-10-11

Do you have a widows peak?
Do you have a hitchhikers thumb?
Can you roll your tongue?

Are these learned or inherited traits?

Give two examples of learned and inherited traits?
Not the ones given above.......

Created by: Collin Merrill


  1. I Have all of the ones listed. They are inheritided. gleeking is learned. hair color in inherited.

  2. Nicholas B.-mrs.RollinsMarch 10, 2011 at 2:31 PM

    A little bit
    Mrs. Rollins used mine as an example
    Like a taco
    They are inherited
    Dimples on cheeks and attached or apart ear loves

  3. No I do not have a widow's peak.No I do have a hitch hike thumb. Yes I can roll my tonge. Those are inherited traits.
    INHERITED: Eye color, pinky toe under toe next to it, and dimples.
    LEARNED: Smartness, behavior, and how to walk.

  4. jeanette chiu-MelanconMarch 10, 2011 at 2:34 PM

    No,I don't
    yes,I do
    Yes,I do
    Inherited traits
    Inharited:hair color,and eye color
    Learned:to walk,read

  5. I have all the ones listed. they are inherited. gleeking is learned. hair color is inherited.

  6. Hannah S-CarpenterMarch 10, 2011 at 2:35 PM

    I have a small widdows peak, i think my brother does. Both my dad and brother have hitchhikers thumb, but not me.Yes, i can do lots of tricks with my tongue. inhared, all of them. learned is walking, inharited is eye color.

  7. justin j.-ms.centanniMarch 10, 2011 at 2:35 PM

    Yes I found out I had a widows peak in lab.
    I have a hitchhikers thumb I just found out in lab also. I think rolling your tongue is very addicting. These are all inherited. Walking is a learned and eye color is a inherited trait.

  8. no i dont think anyone in my family has one
    nope my thumb barely even goes back
    talking walking
    breathing hair color

  9. Nickzad R - MelonconMarch 10, 2011 at 2:38 PM

    1. I have a small widows peak.
    2. I have a hitchhikers thumb, and its so awesome
    3. But i can't roll by toungue :(

    They are inherited traits.

    Inherited - Atatched earlobes and vulcan hand.

    learned - behavior, and writing.

  10. No, my hair is normal, although I haven't seen myself with my hair pulled back. YEs, I do have a hitchhikers thum, it goes very far back. No, I can not roll my toung, but I can do other tricks with it.

    These are all Inherited traits.

    1. How to read
    2. How to do a cart wheel

    1. What hand you use
    2. Your hair color

  11. Some traits are learning how to read and write.
    Some inherited traits are your hair color and your eye color.

  12. Michael H.Rollins/BeanMarch 10, 2011 at 3:15 PM

    no do not have a widows peak
    no do not
    yes i can

    liking tacos
    having dark hair

  13. phillip r./carpenterMarch 10, 2011 at 3:15 PM

    i do not have a widows peak
    i cant roll my tong
    i do not have a hitchhikers
    they are inherited treats.a lerned one is to walk, a inherited treat is bron hair

  14. KaitlynR-CarpenterMarch 10, 2011 at 3:21 PM

    I do not have a widows peak but, I do have a hitchhikers thumb, and I can roll me tongue.

  15. I don't have a widows peak,and I have a little hitch hikers thumb but I can roll my tongue.

    2 Inherited traits: Color of hair and eyes
    2 Learned traits: How to talk and walk

  16. Megan L. - MelanconMarch 10, 2011 at 3:23 PM

    I can't do any of those things but a these are inherited traits.

    Inherited - eye color and skin color

    Learned - reading and skills

  17. Kendrick F-CentanniMarch 10, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    no widows peak
    no hitchhiker's thumb
    can roll tongue

    inherited traits

    inherited-attached earlobes, hair color

  18. My Widows peak is barely noticable (small), I do have a hitchhikers thumb, and I can roll my tongue. These are inherited traits, and some examples for inherited traits are, eye color, and hair color, some examples of learned behaviors are, being smart, and learning to walk.

  19. JohannahV-BuckalewMarch 10, 2011 at 3:37 PM

    they r inherited

    hair color,eye color,hight


  20. clayton m-carpenterMarch 10, 2011 at 3:38 PM

    I have all of the ones listed except for a hitchhikers thumb and they are inherited. two examples are having dimples and naturally curly hair.

  21. Kevin C. - BuckalewMarch 10, 2011 at 3:40 PM

    I don't have a widows peak.
    I don't have a hitchhikers thumb. Wish I had one.
    But I can roll my tounge.
    These are all examples of inherited traits.

    Inherited - left or right handed, dimples
    Learned - sports, instrument

  22. I don't have any of these but I am double jointed.
    All of these features are inherited.
    Hair and eye color are inherited.
    Bike riding and talking is learned.

  23. no



    walking and having red hare

  24. Yes I have a widows peak.

    Yes I have a hitchhikers thumb.

    Yes I can roll my tongue.

    These are inherited traits.

    Inherited: hair color, eye color.

    Learned: Talking, Recognizing shapes.

  25. Justin T - Rollins/BeanMarch 10, 2011 at 4:04 PM

    - I do not have a widows peak.
    - My thumb is not a hitchhikers thumb.
    - And I can't roll my tongue but I don't mind much because I think that it is sort of disturbing.
    These are all inherited traits.

    Inherited Learned/ Aquired

    - hair color - a scar
    - second toe - size of muscles
    being longer due to excersice
    than first toe

  26. I don't have widow's peak.

    I don't have a hitchiker thumb.

    I can't roll my tongue.

    These are all inherited traits.

    Learned: knowledge and athletic ability.

    Inherited: Dimples and a vulcan hand

  27. I do not have a widow's peak, a little bit of a hitchhiker's thumb, and I can roll my tounge. These are inherited. To walk and talk, and hair color and eyes.

  28. nicholas H.-carpenterMarch 10, 2011 at 4:25 PM

    1. No I don't have a widows peak.
    2. Yes I do have hitchhikers thumbs.
    3. Yes I can roll my tongue, but I cant make a leaf clover with my tongue.

    These traits are inherited traits.

    Inherited- vulcan hand and your hair.

    Learned- writing and reading.

  29. I dont have a widows peak

    I have a little bit of a hitchhikers thumb

    I can not roll my tongue

    You can inherit.......

    Eye color,
    Hair color,
    Skin color,
    and freckles(or no freckles),

    Things you learn are......

    and other verbs

  30. ChrisitnaB-Rollins/BeanMarch 10, 2011 at 4:45 PM

    I do have a widows peak but none of the other inherits.
    They are inherited.

    *Hair Color
    *Eye Color

    *How to Ice Skate
    *How to Walk

  31. No I do not
    Yes it can form a right angle
    No not at all
    They are inherited
    Learned walking riding a bike
    inherited eye color dimples

  32. no widow's peak
    no hitchhiker's thumb
    cannot roll my tongue


    inherited - dimples, short second toe, vulcan

    learned - walking and dancing

  33. I don't have a widdows peak
    I do have a hithchikers thumb
    I can roll my tounge.
    Voulcans hand and eye color
    talk and walk

  34. Alice G. -BuckalewMarch 10, 2011 at 5:05 PM

    I don't have a widows peak. Because none of my family members have one.
    I do have a hitchiker , because I can bend my finger the way the hitchhiker goes. I can roll my tongue , because my family can do it .
    All of these things are called inherited traits .
    Some inherited traits are : having brown eyes , having black hair, the height you will be , and finally if you have dimples .
    Some learned traits are : learning sports, knowledge , to build up your muscular muscles , and finally how to drive a car.

  35. 1. I do not have a widows peek.
    2. Yes I do have a hitchhiker thumb.
    3. Yes I can curl my tongue.
    These are inherited traits.
    2 Inherited traits are your ear lobe being attached or not.Your big toe being smaller then the toe to right of it or.
    2 Learned traits are playing the flute or figure skating.

  36. I don't have widows peak
    I have hitch hikers thumb
    And I can roll my tongue

    Inherited-brown eyes,dark hair

    Learned-yelling walking

  37. no widows peak but a big cowl lick!
    I have a hitchhikers thumb.
    I can not roll my tongue.

    these are inherited traits.

    i inherited a cowl lick and heart shaped lips.
    I learned to ride my bike and clean my room.

  38. Austin L-Mrs.MelanconMarch 10, 2011 at 5:56 PM

    1.I have a widows peak but not that big.
    2.I have two hitchhikers thumb.
    3.I can't roll my toungue.

    We inherited by: hair color, skin, eye color,and ear shape.
    We learn by: walking,eating,sleeping,and emotion.

  39. Hannah A.- CarpenterMarch 10, 2011 at 5:59 PM
    These are inherited traits.

    Some exampled of learned and inherited traits are....

    Inherited: hair color and eye color

    Learned:Reading and writing

  40. I actully do have a widows peek,
    but I don't have a hitchhikers thumb.
    I also can roll my tounge.

    These traits are all inherited traits.

    Inherited: Hair Color, Eye color,dimples

    Learned : Reading Wirting IQ level

  41. Susan D.-Mrs. Rollins/ Mrs. BeanMarch 10, 2011 at 6:18 PM

    I don't have a widows peak.
    I don't have a hitchhikers thumb.
    I can roll my tongue.
    All of these are inherited traits.
    Inherited traits:
    *color of your hair
    *color of your eyes
    Learned traits:
    *learning how to read and write
    *learning how to walk

  42. I have a widows peak and I can role my tounge. But no hitchhiker thumb. These are inherited traits.
    Inherited: vulcan hand dimples
    Learned: doing a flip, playing an instrument

  43. I do not have a widows peak.
    I do have a hitchhikers thumb.
    I cannot roll my toungue.

    These are inherited traits.

    Inherited: hair color and freckles.

    Learned: reading and having pierced ears.

    Inherited traits

    Inherited: eye and hair color
    Learned: piano, back flips

  45. varun d.-carpenterMarch 10, 2011 at 7:29 PM

    I do not have widows peak I have no hitch hikers thumb and I only can roll my tongue.

    Inherited-hair color and eye color.

    Learned-walking and writing.

  46. Windows Peak - I have a little Windows Peak.

    Hitcehikers Thumb - Yes I do a Hitchhikers Thumb.

    Roll Toung - I can Roll my Toung.

    These are Inherited things.

    1 - He/She's Hair color.
    2 - He/She's Eye color

  47. I don't have a widows peak.
    I do have a hitchhikers thumb.
    i can't roll my tongue
    These are inherited traits.

    Inherited traits-Color of skin,and hair color.

    Learned traits-swimming,and playing a flute.

  48. I have a little bit of widows peek,Mrs. Rollins Said I DEFINITELY have hitch hikers thumb and I can also can roll my tongue.

    These are inherited traits.
    Inherited traits- right/left handed, freckles
    Learned traits- making weird animal noises and doing gymnastics.

  49. yes I did have a window peak
    I can not do it
    there are inherited
    learn- walking talking

  50. no but my 18 year old sister can.Inherbted trates.When insects or birds have the instink to do what there supposed to do.

  51. geraldineb-buckalewMarch 10, 2011 at 8:31 PM

    I kinda have a widows peak its a tiny one. I do have a hitchhiker thumb.(Its suppose to be bent)
    I can not role my tongue I dont know why.(?)
    2 examples of learned is playing sports and walking.
    2 inherited is eye color and hair color.

  52. Do you have a widows peak?
    Do you have a hitchhikers thumb?
    Can you roll your tongue?

    Are these learned or inherited traits?

    Give two examples of learned and inherited traits?
    Not the ones given above.......

    No i do not have widows peak.
    Yes i do have a hitchhikers thumb
    No i wish i could but no i cant.
    These are examples of inherited traits.
    One example is maybe your hair color
    Also your skin tone.
    These are examples of learned traits
    Sometimes people bite there nails
    Also you might like a certain kind of food

    Thank you Mrs. Rollin's again for the lab i cant wait till i do it again on tuesday next time Have a super spring break!

  53. in my family i think everybody has hitchhiker's thumb i don't know about widows peak the two examples of inherited traits are
    1.eye color color
    learned walking and talking

  54. I do not have a widows peak.
    I do not have a hitchhikers thumb.
    I can roll my tongue

    These are inherited traits.

    learned-walking and spelling your name.

    Inherited-hair color and dimples.

    I helped Collin with this!

  55. I do not have a widows peak but I have a hitch hikers thumb and can roll my tongue.

    inherited;eye color,hair color

    Learned; doing a headstand,dancing

  56. I do not have a widows peak, but my parents do.
    I do not have a hitchhiker thumb,but the rest of my family has it.
    I can roll my tongue and many other weird stuff with my tongue.
    These are Inherited traits.

    Learned traits:Typing on computer very fast,writing.
    Inherited traits:hair,DNA,eye color.

  57. Carl W.-Mrs. MelanconMarch 11, 2011 at 6:49 AM

    I have a Widows peak.
    I have a Hitchhikers thumb.
    I can roll my tongue.

    These are inherited traits.

    Inherited:Personality and behavior

    Learned:Words and Numbers

  58. Ashley-K centanni said......March 11, 2011 at 7:05 AM

    I do not have a widows peak.
    I do have hikers thumb.
    I can roll my tongue.
    inherited traits

    inherited:longer 2 toe;hair color
    Learned:sports;riding a bike

  59. Yutaka T.-CentanniMarch 11, 2011 at 4:51 PM

    widow's peak- no
    hickhicker's thumb- no
    can roll tongue- no
    These are inherited traits.

    Inherited: eye color, mtDNA
    Learned: science, sports

  60. Widow's peak-no
    Hickhicker's thumb-yes
    Can you rool your tongue- yes
    These are inherited traits.

    Inherited - longer 2end toe,hair color
    Learned- sports,writeing

  61. I have a widow's peak.
    I have a hickhicker's thumb.
    I can not roll my tonge.
    These are Inherited traits.
    Inherited traits-color of hair,dimples.
    Learned traits-sports,reading.

  62. I have a widows peak, I don't have a hickhicker's thump. Still I can do a lot with my tongue. It was really fun what we did.

    Inherited traits-hair color, dimples

    learned-sports,and dance.

    I really love lab.

  63. Emma S. Miss Buckalew.March 14, 2011 at 8:30 PM

    yes i have widows peak
    nothing else
    these are inherited traits

    inherited traits color hair dimples
    learned traits spelling and reading

  64. Minami A.-carpenterMarch 15, 2011 at 5:35 PM

    I have a windows peak little bit.
    I have a hitchhikers thumb.
    I can roll my tongue.
    these are inherited trails.

    learned traits- walking,talking
    Inherited traits- dimples, hair,eye, or skin color and vulcan handed.

  65. I Do have a little widows peak.
    I have a hickhickers thumb.
    I can rool my tongue.

    Inherited traits-dimples,ear lobes connect,dimples.

  66. no i don't have a widows peak.

    yes i can.

    yes i can.

    inherited traits

    inherited:eye color,hair color

    learned: walk and read

  67. no

    All these are inherited

    Inherited traits-eye color, hair color
    Learned Traits-sports, learning

  68. I have all of the ones listed. The are inherited. Two examples of inherited traits are having brown hair and having dimples. Two learned traits are how to walk and how to speak a second language.

  69. Abhiraj S~ Mrs.MelanconMarch 21, 2011 at 8:04 PM


    Learned~learning to walk and riding a bike

    Inherited~hair color,and eye color depending on dominant or recessive traits

  70. Minami A.-carpenterMarch 21, 2011 at 9:43 PM

    I have a widow's peak.
    I have a hitchhikers thumb.
    I can roll my tongue.
    These are inherited trails.

    Inherited trails- hair,eyes,and skin's color and vulcan hand.

    learn traits- talking,walking,and sports.

  71. Joyce P.- CarpenterMarch 21, 2011 at 10:06 PM

    no,yes,and yes. These are examples of inherited traits. Some examples of inherited traits are hair color, eye color, and dimples. Examples of learned traits are reading and writing.

  72. jack h. Mrs carpenterMarch 21, 2011 at 10:40 PM

    Yes I do have a widows peak, and it is a big one too.

    I also have a hitchhiker thumb.

    And I can roll my tongue also.

    These are inherited traits because you can not learn to have a widows peak or, a hitchhikers thumb and, a rolled tongue.

    Learned traits- walking,talking

    Inherited traits- hair color and, left and right handed.

  73. carter b mrs MelanchonMarch 22, 2011 at 7:55 AM

    Widow's peak-yes
    Hickhicker's thumb-yes
    Can you rool your tongue- yes
    These are inherited traits.
    inherited traits, eye color and hair color.
    learned traits, riding my bike,swimming.

  74. i dont have hitchhikers thumb
    i dont have widows peak
    but i can roll my tung

    these are inherited traits

    learned: Sports, math

    inherited: hitchhikers thumb and widows peak
