Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lab 04 - 14 - 11 Environmental Changes

Eagle Cam: http://http// 1. How do animals modify their environment? Give an example? 2. What was your favorite part of lab today? 3. What is your favorite animal that goes through a complete metamorphosis? 4. List the stages of a complete metamorphosis? Created by: Katie Magee & Gianna Pariani


  1. Phillip r/carpenterApril 14, 2011 at 3:14 PM

    My favorit part was the eagles.humans is my favorit. Egg pupa adult. Some don't have all of it and thatbwas one of them

  2. Kevin C. - BuckalewApril 14, 2011 at 3:26 PM

    They build dams, build nest, and dig tunnels.
    Beavers build dams and don't let fish get through.

    My favorite part was watching the Eagle Cam.

    A frog.
    Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult.

  3. Hannah S.- CarpenterApril 14, 2011 at 3:44 PM

    Animals modify their environment by changing something in it. A beaver building a dam is a good example. In lab i really liked the eagle cam. I think butterflies are the best because of their bright colours. The stages of complete metamorphosis is egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

  4. 1. A beaver builds a dam and fish cannot go downstream. 2. My most favorite part of lab was looking at the does nest on the pole. 3. A frog is y most favorite animal. Egg, Pupa, Larva, adult.

  5. clayton m-carpenterApril 14, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    They modify their enviornment by changing it for their needs, like a beaver building a dam to block fish. My favorite part in lab was the eagle cam. And my favorite animal that goes through metamorphisis is a frog. The stages of metamorphisis is egg, larva, pupa, then adult.

  6. Carl W.-Mrs.MelanconApril 14, 2011 at 4:01 PM

    1.They eat something and get eaten.ex: an gazelle eats grass and feeds the puma.

    2.My favorite part was seeing all the birds' nests in BHE.

    3.My favorite animal is the lady bug because they eat aphids.


  7. animals change their eviornment by adding new things to it. A beaver building a dam is one example. In lab today my favorite part was seeing the birds nests. my favorite animal is either a frog or butterfly. stages: egg, larvae, pupa, adult.

  8. 1.they modify there environment by eating plants or animals. favorite part of lab was when we watched the eagle and it's cute babies. favorite metamorphic animal is the frog.
    4.the first step is egg then larva then pupa then adult.

  9. Animals modify their environment by changing it for their needs like a beaver builds a damm. My favorite part was watching the eagles. I like the butterfly the best out of all the animal that go through a complete metamorphosis. The stages are


  10. 1 - beavers build dams
    2 - we were looking at a photo of a river
    3 - butterfly
    4 - egg, larva, pupa, adult

  11. Megan L. - MelanconApril 14, 2011 at 4:31 PM

    1) They might be a new prey or predator in the environment. An eagle moving into a new environment.

    2) The eagle

    3) butterfly

    4) egg < caterpillar < chrysalis < adult

  12. Animals modify their environment by adapting.polar bears have thick fur and lots of blubber.I liked watching the bald eagle mother feed her favorite insect that goes through complete metomorphosis is the darkling beetle!

  13. Suzahn P.-CarpenterApril 14, 2011 at 5:03 PM

    1.They make sure there home is ok a eagle protecting it's babies.
    2.I loved when we watched the eagle cam that was so cool!
    3.My favorite animal that goes through metamorphosis is a butterfly

  14. Like a monkeys environment is in the rain forest or the jungle or a hawk its environment is the desert and texas.When the eagles were on the video were the eagles were stting in there nest and when the baby was hatching under the mom because the mom was keeping the baby warm.A frog because they have no hair and they go through metamorphisis and when there a tatpole and a adult

  15. Taylor H-CarpenterApril 14, 2011 at 5:29 PM

    1.They watch their off spring and also look for prey and predators.One Example:A Hawk.JUST LIKE WE ALLLLLLL SAW!!!Looking on a post and watching for it's predators.
    2.My favorite part of lab is watching the eagle.
    3.Probably a Butterfly.

  16. They adapt to their environment.A bird flying south for the winter.
    My favorite part was the part where we went to find the birds nests

  17. Animals can adapt to there enviroment.My favorite part of lab was watching the hawk and its favorite animal would have to the Butterfly because they can have so many colors.For a butterfly= egg-catipiller-pupa-almost a adult-adult.


  18. Some animals modify the environment by using wood (trees) to build dams to stop the flow of water so fish cannot flow downstream. I thought the eagle cam was very interesting because I've never really seen a live, moving, eagle. My favorite animal would be a frog (no reason). It starts as an egg, then morphs into a larva, which then morphs into a pupa, which then finally moves up to an adult to reproduce.

  19. Katie C.- CenntaniApril 14, 2011 at 6:09 PM

    Beaver dams stop fish from going downriver. My favorite thing in lab today was watching the eagle cam and seeing the dove.My favorite animal that goes through complete metamorphosis is the butteryfly, but since thats really a bug, I love frogs. Stages of complete metamorphosis is, eggs, larva, pupa, and the full grown adult.

  20. 1. animals modify there habitat by looking for a safe place to live like an eagle looks for a safe place to build its nest so its babies can hatch.
    2. my favorite part of lab today was looking at the eagle on the web cam.
    3. a butterfly.
    4. egg, larva, pupa, and last but not least the adult.

  21. They adapt to it. A polar bear in Antarctica is an example. A butterfly is my favorite.
    Egg, Larva, Pupa or chrysalis, And a beatiful adult butterfly.

  22. Nam JooK.CarpenterApril 14, 2011 at 6:57 PM

    Beaver dames stop fish to go down in the river while there swimming. My favorite part was the eagle cam. I thought it was really fun. A frog goes om to a metamorphosis ex: egg, larva , pupa , and finally adult. I love this eagle cam. Thankss Mrs.Rillons!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Alice G.- BuckalewApril 14, 2011 at 6:59 PM

    1- The animals do their niche to keep the ecosystem in a good flow so things don't go out of whack. An example is the eagle the eats the fish in the food web in this case the eagles niche is the carnivore that helps keep the ecosystems flowing smoothly.
    2- My favorite part of lab today was getting to see the the eagle cam , because they are so cute.
    3- My favorite animal/insect that goes through metamorphosis is the butterfly, becase it looks very graceful when it is the adult stage.
    4- The stages for the metamorphosis is : egg , larvae , pupa , And finally the adult.
    I LOVE LAB !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Hannah A.- CarpenterApril 14, 2011 at 7:10 PM

    1.Animals modify to their environment by shedding fur.
    2.My favorite part of lab today was watching the eagle cam.
    3.My favorite animal that goes through a complete metamorphosis is a butterfly.
    4.The stages are Egg,Larva,Pupa and......Adult of course!

  25. Geraldineb-buckalewApril 14, 2011 at 7:13 PM

    I was not here today but I still want to do the blog (I need the notes) Animals modify their enivorment by adapting to it or by changing to get their needs. I wasnt here for lab today. ( I wish I was here but I was sick but I bet lab was awesome!) My favorite animal is the frog or the butterfly because they look nothing like the adult sage then the larva.
    Egg -> larva -> pupa -> adult ! :)

  26. varun d.-carpenterApril 14, 2011 at 7:32 PM

    1.Animals modify the environment by changing it to survive better like whales make bubble nets to trap fish.

    2.Watching the eagle in the nest.


    4.egg,larva ,pupa,and adult.

  27. Michelle J.-CentanniApril 14, 2011 at 7:34 PM

    1. A beaver builds a dam and fish cannot go downstream. 2. My most favorite part of lab was looking at the does nest on the pole. 3. A butterfly is my favorite animal. larva, pupa, and the full grown adult.

  28. Austin L-Mrs.MelanconApril 14, 2011 at 7:39 PM

    Beavers make dams so the fishes can't go to the river.My favorite part is the eagle taking care of her babies.Butterfly:egg,larva,pupa,and a butterfly.

  29. 1.Animals modify their environment by constructing their homes an example is beavers build dams and stop the flow of the river

    2.My favorite part of lab today was watching the eagle nest.

    3.My favorite animal that goes through a complete metamorphosis is a butterfly

    4. Egg Larva Pupa Adult

  30. Nickzad R - MelanconApril 14, 2011 at 8:12 PM

    1.Animals modify their environment by making their habitat comfortable for them.
    2.A bird making a nest in a tree for its home.
    3.When we went on a field trip to the bird’s nests in the electric boxes.
    4.A Frog. Definitely a frog. I love Frogs.
    5.Egg, larva, pupa, adult.

    Metamorphosis is Marvelous!

  31. They build new things, Like a beaver building a dam
    2. i liked the eagle.
    3. a frog
    Egg, larva, pupa, and adult

  32. They use their adapting skills and do that they need to do.
    Oxen in a Taiga is an example.
    A millworm is my favorite. My milkshake name was Homer he was awesome .
    Egg larva pupa adult butterfly

  33. The build nest's,damson dig holes.
    Beavers build dams to block fish from getting down stream.
    I liked watching the eagle cam It was so cool.


  34. 1.They build nests and other things.beavers build dams to not let water though. favorite part of lab was when we were examining the eagles.

  35. they build dams that stop fish way while going downstream. My favorite thing in lab was the eagle. I liked how the cam showed what food it ate.My favorite is a frog. I like how it says "rib it".egg,larva,pupa,and adult.

  36. 1. beavers build dams to stop the water to catch fish and to have a home. favorite part of lab was when the mom fed the baabies on the eagle cam. favorite is the frog.


  37. carter b mrs MelanchonApril 15, 2011 at 7:22 AM

    The eagle built a nest high up so no other predators could eat their babies.
    I liked going outside and looking at the birds nesting in the electrical boxes.
    I like Frogs.
    Egg, larvas,chrysalis, adult

  38. They can build dams and stop the fish from going that way.
    My favorite part was when we saw the eagles.

  39. Minami A.-carpenterApril 15, 2011 at 4:12 PM

    1.They build dams,nests and many other things. like birds build the nests.

    2.My favorite part of lab was watching the eagle cam.



  40. Kendrick F-CentanniApril 15, 2011 at 4:43 PM

    1. beavers make a dam
    2. watching the cute eagles! :-)
    3. butterfly
    4. egg, larva, pupa, adult

  41. Beavers buid dams that prevent fish going downstream. My favorite part was the eagle cam. My favorite animal that goes through metamorhphsis is the butterfly. Egg,larva,pupa,adult

  42. 1. Beavers builddams and Birds build nests.
    2.My favorite part was the Eagle Cam.
    3.My favorite animal that goes through complete metamorphesis is the frog.

  43. Yutaka T.-CentanniApril 17, 2011 at 2:43 PM

    1. Animals modify their environment by changing it so they will survive. An example is a beaver building a dam to prevent fish from going downstream.
    2. My favorite part was watching the mother eagle feeding the babies.
    3. My favorite is the mealworm.
    4. egg→larva→pupa→adult

  44. the way animals modify their environment is by changing it so that they will survive an example is bird building a nest. my fav. part was watching the eagles nest
    my favorite animal that go threw a metamorphesis is a frog


  45. Joyce P.-CarpenterApril 18, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    1. Animals modify their enviroment in order to survive. An example is beavers building dams to prevent fish going downstream.

    2. My favorite part was seeing the eagle.

    3. My favorite animal that goes through a metamorphosis is a butterfly.


  46. I was absent on Thursday so i don't know what to do.

  47. Animals change the envirement by building certain things to help them survive like a beaver bulding a dam.My favorite is abullfrog. Egg,larva,pupa,adult.

  48. jack h. Mrs carpenterApril 18, 2011 at 5:06 PM

    They build there homes and other things like a nest in a tree. I liked the eagle cam. Caterpillar. Egg, larva, pupa, adult.

  49. breuermike-buckalewlewlewApril 18, 2011 at 5:30 PM

    beavers build dams that clog up the river and don't let fish through. My favorite part was the eagles.

  50. changes the way they survive like someone cutting down a tree so bird's can't build nest's. favorite part is the eagle cam favorite is the butterfly & ladybug

  51. 1.Animals modify their environment changing it to survive.An example is birds builds a nest. favorite part was the eagle cam.



  52. derek l - carpenterApril 18, 2011 at 6:24 PM

    Animals modify there enviroment which helps them stay alive, my favorite part of lab was the eagle cam my favorite animal that goes through metomophosis is the frog, egg larva pupa adult

  53. Beavers build dams and that blocks fish. My favorite part was the eagle cam. My favorite is the frog. These are the stages of metamorphisis.
    1. Egg.
    2. Larva.
    3. Pupa [or chrysilis].
    4. Adult.

  54. *They modify it by changing it or Moving to get it Needs to support it's self

    *Well we had Teach Houston come but mixing the the Water and Oil

    *Mine is ScorpionFlies they're cool

    *The Four Stages of Complete Metamorphosis are Egg,Larva,Pupa,and Adult

  55. bevears build dams so to block fish. favorite part was egale camp. and mine is the butterfly Egg,Larva,Pupa,and Adult

  56. 1.They modify their life by supporting their needs and shifting daily to get what it wants to survive.Eg~eagle
    2.When we watched the Eagle cam that was awesome.
    4. egg~larva~pupa~adult

  57. They modify life by supporting themselves.
    Eagles are cool
    I liked the eagle cam

  58. They modify by makung it suitible for themself.
    The Eagle Cam!!!!!

  59. Joseph F-CarpenterApril 19, 2011 at 7:14 AM

    animals modify the enviroment by building dams nests and other things

    my favorite part is watching the eagle cam.

    my favorite animal that goes through metamorphosis is th frog


  60. My favorite lab was the mixed up muncies one. I forgot my snack that day so perfect timing. Mixtures are cool. Thanks mrs. Rollins!

  61. Ken Ho -Rollins/beanOctober 20, 2011 at 2:35 PM

    My favorite lab is when we got to race the cars

  62. Lab is just so great especially with mrs.Rollins .So far my favorite lab was the very first lab when Mrs.Rollins made an awesome fireball.I can't wait till we get further into the year. I love you mrs.Rollins you rock!
