Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lab - 04 - 12 - 11 Parts of Flower

1. What do you think the most important part of a plant is? 2. List three parts of a flower? 3. What is your favorite type of flower? Created by: Nathan Graber


  1. the stem because it carries water to the plant


    sunflower-the seeds are awesome ;P

  2. georgia.v-buckalewApril 12, 2011 at 3:19 PM

    I think the most important part of the plant is the roots because they are the ones that absorb the water and nutrients.

    Stem, Roots, Style

    My favorite type of flower is a Hydrangea.

  3. Megan L. - MelanconApril 12, 2011 at 3:23 PM

    1) The roots because it helps carry the water and nutrients to the plant.

    2) Stigma, Petal , Anther

    3) My favorite is the cherry blossom because it reminds me of Japan and means good education and spiritual beauty.

  4. Peter A - CentanniApril 12, 2011 at 3:37 PM

    I think the most important part of the plant is the root. The stigma the anther and the overy. My favorite type of flower is a bluebonet.

  5. 1. I think the leaves are the most important part of the plant, because they get the energy the plant needs from the sun.

    2. Three parts of a flower are : the style, the anther, and the petal.

    3. My favorite type of flower is a poppy because you can really see the different parts of it.

  6. Justin T-Rollins/BeanApril 12, 2011 at 3:48 PM

    1. The most important structure of a plant you may think is the leaves which do have are very important for a plant. Although, they don't do as many jobs as the roots. The leaves can make food for the plant and can have the herbivores survive by eating them but the roots, hold the plant in place, absorb nutrients, and absorb water. So the roots in my point of view are the most important if you haven't figured that out yet.
    2. - Petals
    - Stem
    - Roots ( I did the easy way out of this one )
    3. My favorite type of flower is a marigold, rose, or bluebonnet.

  7. Suzahn P.-CarpenterApril 12, 2011 at 3:50 PM

    1.I think the roots are the most important.
    2.The stigma,the anthers,and the overy.
    3.My favorite type of flower is a buttercup.

  8. 1. The leaves
    2 stem, leaves,petals.
    3. Lilly.

  9. 1. The roots, because they absorb the water and nutrients.
    2.Petal,sepal, and anther
    3.My favorite flower is the Clitoria Ternatea, and yes this is a real flower.

  10. The roots the stem and the leaves i think are the most important because the leaves provide food and the roots capture the water and the roots carry it to the other parts of the plant but if i where to choose one i think it would be the roots because they are the first to get the water
    ~ anther ~ the nectary ~ and the sepal
    Vinnila flowers because i like vinnila.

  11. Raymond Z.-Mrs.CarpenterApril 12, 2011 at 4:00 PM

    1. The stem. Without it a plant would not be able to get sunlight.
    2. Stem, ovary, petal.
    3. A blue bonnet of course!

  12. Hannah S.- CarpenterApril 12, 2011 at 4:03 PM

    I think the most important part of the flower is the roots, they hold the plant in place and collect nutritions and water and carry it to the plant. The style, the anther, and the ovary are all parts of the flower. I really like roses and tulips.

  13. 1.I think it is the flower because it brings in sunlight and gives of oxygen as well as brings in carbon dioxide and obsorbs chlorophyll.
    2. some of them are petal, stigma, and ovary.
    3.My favorite type of flower is a sunflower.

  14. johannahv-buckalewApril 12, 2011 at 4:09 PM

    1.roots bc thats how thay get food and water
    3.bluebonnet(state flower)

  15. Phillip R/carpenterApril 12, 2011 at 4:21 PM

    the roots because it holds it up and ives it water. stem, petals, and roots. the petals are my favorite part of a flower.

  16. I think the most important part of a plant is the ovary, because it is the part of the plant that reproduces and keeps the species alive. Three parts of a flower are the, anthers, ovary, and petals. My favorite type of flower would probably be a sunflower because I love eating the seeds =).

  17. 1 - roots

    2 - antler, stem, root

    3 - rose

  18. Azelia Lau-BuckalewApril 12, 2011 at 4:37 PM

    I think that every part of the plant is just as important because that's what it makes the plant a plant.


    I like the flowers that are big and beautiful...

  19. Yutaka T.-CentanniApril 12, 2011 at 4:47 PM

    1. I think the most important part of a plant are the roots because they get water and nutrients. they also hold the plant in place.
    2. anther, sepal, petal
    3. My favorite floweris the Dianthus.

  20. *Probolay the Stem or the Roots cause the Stem helps SUPPORT it and the Roots give it Nutrience


    *The Dahlia

  21. Susan D.- Mrs. Rollins/ Mrs. BeanApril 12, 2011 at 4:58 PM

    I think all of the parts are important, but I think the leaves are the most important.
    My favorite type of flowers are tulips.

  22. 1.The stem

    2.Pistel, Anthers/antlers, stem


  23. Kevin C. - BucklewApril 12, 2011 at 5:05 PM

    I think the most important part of a plant is the roots. It's the foundation. Without them plants would fly all over the place.

    Stigma, Anther, and Ovary.


  24. ❀I think the most important part is the Anther.

    ❀☜petals. [stamen] anther,filament. sepal,nectary. [carpel] stigma,style,ovary.

    ❀ My favorite type of flower is Hibiscus.

  25. 1. I think that the roots are the most important part of the flower.
    2. Pedals, roots, and stem.
    3. Snapdragons.

  26. 1.The most important part of a flower is its stamen.
    2.style,sepal,and petals.
    3.I like any type of wild flower.

  27. vallen p.-CantanniApril 12, 2011 at 5:21 PM

    I can't diside between the roots or the leaves.
    1. anthers
    I like either jasmine, corn flowers or lilies

  28. Nickzad R - MelanconApril 12, 2011 at 5:21 PM

    1.Roots, because they do 2 things: bring water to the plant, and hold the plant in place.
    2.Filament, leaves, petals.
    3.Incense passion flower because it looks so weird!!

    Flowers are Fantastic!!!
    But I like Plants better.

  29. I think the roots because it's what holds the plant to the ground and it also gets water and nutrients from the soil.Stem,roots,and flower. My favorite flower is the red flower Mrs. Rollins showed us-sorry, I can't remember what it's called.

  30. Taylor H-CarpenterApril 12, 2011 at 6:04 PM

    I think the Stem is the most important part of a flower because it carries nutrients to the other parts of the flower.

    Stem,peddles,and anthers(antlers)

    My Favorite part of the flower is the Stem because it hold the flower up and is tall and I am tall.

  31. Carl W.-Mrs.MelanconApril 12, 2011 at 6:27 PM

    1.The roots,because they hold the plant in place.


    3.Mine are probably Indian Paintbrushes.

  32. 1.i think the most important part of the flower is the roots because it gathers water.
    3.my favorite type of flower is Apple Blossom.

  33. 1.THe roots. Because a plant needs water to live.
    2. Petals, stigma, style
    3. A sunflower!!!

  34. Kendrick F-CentanniApril 12, 2011 at 6:47 PM

    1. ovary (helps the plant reproduce)
    2. pistil, stamen, ovary
    3. i think either sunflower or some kinds of weeds :-) :-0

  35. The root and the stem1.The anther but we all call it the antler,The filament,and the sepal thays my favorite one.roses.

  36. I think it's the steam because it holds the whole plant and without it, the plant would probably be on the ground just slumping. Anther, pistil, stamen. My favorite flower is a Allium. It looks like this.

  37. Hannah A.- CarpenterApril 12, 2011 at 7:23 PM

    1.I think the most important part of a plant is the roots because they hold the plant in place and they soak up the water.
    2.Three parts of a flower is the style,the ovary and the anthers.
    3.My favorite type of flower is a rose.

  38. The roots, because they carry nutrients, and water to the plant. Root, stem, leaves. I'd sat a bluebonnet

  39. I think the most important part of a flower is the roots because if the plant gets blown away it would not matter if the leafs got sunlight or anything else and without the water collected by the roots the plant would not grow

    3 parts of a flower are
    the stem
    the roots
    the flower/fruit/seed

    My favorite type of flower is a bluebonnet

  40. 1.The roots

  41. Daniel P-CarpenterApril 12, 2011 at 8:07 PM

    I think the most important part was the anther because it produces pollen for the plant.Some parts of the flower are pistil,anther,and the stigma.My favorite type of flower is the pedal because the colors on the pedals are beautiful.

  42. geraldineb_buckalewApril 12, 2011 at 8:45 PM

    1.I think the peduncle because it holds up the plant without it the plant would be leaning or on the ground.:)
    2: pedal , style , sepal those are my 3 favorites.
    3. My favorite type of flower is the carnation because of its pedals.

  43. Lab - 04 - 12 - 11 Parts of Flower
    1. What do you think the most important part of a plant is? 2. List three parts of a flower? 3. What is your favorite type of flower?
    1.) I think the most important part of the flower is the roots. It keeps the plant in place and it also holds all the water,
    2.) Sepal,Style,Stigma
    3.) My favorite type of flower is the White rose

  44. Nam JooK.carpenterApril 12, 2011 at 9:57 PM

    1.I think the most important part about a plant is roots,because it keeps it form falling down and sucks in all the water needed.

    2.Roots,style,pedal. I love it!!!!

    My favorite flower is the bird of paradise, because it looks so pretty. It really looks like a bird. Also the
    Phalaenopisis spray. Sorry for bloging late, Mrs.Roillns:)

  45. jack h. Mrs carpenterApril 12, 2011 at 10:34 PM

    I think the most important part of the flower is the roots because they get the water and hold the plant in place.

    Petals, stem, roots.

    My favorite type of flower is the rose.

  46. I think the most important part is the roots. Stem, Anther, and Style. My favorite type of flower is the Blue bonnet

  47. Katie C.- CenntaniApril 13, 2011 at 3:18 PM

    The most important part of plant is the roots, because it helps the plant get water and nutrients. Some parts of the plant are roots, stem, and petals. Also the anthers. My favorite type of flower is the Butterfly Rose or the Iris.

  48. Joseph F-CarpenterApril 13, 2011 at 3:27 PM

    I think the most important part of a flower is the root.

    style,sepal, and the roots

    my favorite flower is the sunflower

  49. 1I think the most important part is the roots
    2. 3 parts are anther,style,and petals
    3 my favorite flower is anything that pops out like neon

  50. I think that all the plants part is inportant because the each do a different job. A plant cannot function without them.Three parts of a flower are the roots stem petal sepal anther pistal style.I love plant parts and Mrs. Rollins is awsome to teach about it

  51. flower because it makes seeds

    roots, stem and style

    I do not know

  52. The roots of course!!! Because they suck up all the water and nutrients from the ground into the plant. Petals,stems,roots. favorite flower is the pink frangipani.

  53. The roots. They get water and nuterients from the soil. Pedal, Stem, Anther. My favorite flower is the Saguaro Cactus Blossom.It is Ariazona's state flower.

  54. i think the most important parts of the plant is the roots.stem,style,roots.my favorite is the rose

  55. Minami A.-CarpenterApril 13, 2011 at 4:30 PM

    1. I think the most important part is roots because they hold the plant in the place and when the soil gets too dry, roots draw up water.

    2. petals,style,stem

    3.My favorite type of flower is the cherry blossom!!!

  56. Ashley-K centanni said......April 13, 2011 at 4:32 PM

    I think it is roots without them the plant will be on the ground.



  57. I think the most important part of a plant is the roots.
    My favorite plant is a indian paintbrush.

  58. 1. I think the roots are the most important part of a plant because they get water for the plant and hold the plant in the ground.Without them plants would be flying around everywhere.

    2. Roots,Stem,Petal

    3. My favorite flower is the Rose.

  59. I think the most importent part of a plant is the roots because it it absourbs the water and holds up the plant.


    My favorite type of flowe is a dandilion because first i like the way that it looks and also i like how you get to make wishes and when you blow on the flower all of thoses little bitty like minni flowers on it they all blow away so beautiful and gracefuly.

  60. Joyce P.- CarpenterApril 13, 2011 at 6:11 PM

    I think the most important is the roots, it holds the flower in place and gets the water and nutrients.

    Style, Anther, and petals.

    My favorite flower is the rose. (Its so pretty!!!!)

  61. Alice G.- BuckalewApril 13, 2011 at 6:20 PM

    My favorite part of the plant is the stigma and the anther , because it is the part of the flower that can be pollenated to make more flowers.
    I am going to name all of the parts of a flower: roots, stem, leaves, flower, ovary, sepals, stamen, pistals, anthers, stigma, and finally petal.
    My favorite flower is the buttercup , because it looks like a very graceful flower to me.

  62. I think that the Root is the most important part of a plant.

    Root, Stem, Leafe.


  63. 1.the roots.



  64. Michelle J.-CentanniApril 13, 2011 at 7:23 PM

    2. anther, sepal, petal
    3. Rose

  65. Michelle J.-CentanniApril 13, 2011 at 7:24 PM

    1. roots
    2. anther, sepal, petal

  66. i personally think that the most important part is either the the roots or leafs cause both of those places you get things you need to live water[roots] and leaves[food] and three parts are pistils anthers and petals and my favoorite flower's are peony's

  67. The leaves
    Anther stamen ovary
    The cherry blossom

  68. I think the most important part of a plant is the roots.
    Petal, flower, stem, roots, sepal, anther, leaves, ovary, stamen, stingma, and the pistils.
    My favorite flowers are orchids, tulips, violets, and roses

  69. I think that the most important part of the plant is the stem because it carries the water and food to other parts of the plants.The parts are the ovary, stigma, sepal, anther, and the pistils.I like roses and buttercups.

  70. NicholasD-CarpenterApril 14, 2011 at 7:29 AM

    I think the most important part of a plant is the roots, because it gets the water and nutrients.
    Anthers,Stamen,and the Pistil.
    My favorite part of the flower is the stamen,because it's the male part.

  71. carter b mrs MelanchonApril 14, 2011 at 7:35 AM

    the most important part of the plant is roots.

    Stem, leaf, roots


  72. jasonl-rollins/beanApril 14, 2011 at 7:39 AM

    i think the most imported part of the flower is the leaves. parts of flower . stem . roots . leaves. my favrote flower is the blue bonet

  73. probably the roots they absorb the water and help keep the plant of any kind stood in the ground.
    Stamen Pisel and anthers

    I dont know

  74. The most important part is the roots

    Stem leaf roots


  75. Michael h/rollins/beanApril 14, 2011 at 7:31 PM

    The most important part is the roots because it hold the plant In.



  76. I think the roots because it gets the water or soaks up the water.
    petal, stigma, roots.
    A rose is my favorite flower.
