Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lab - Light 11-10-11

What is light?

How does light travel?

What happens to light when it hits an object?

Describe "concave"?

Describe "convex"?

Mrs. Rollins


  1. 1.Light is a form of energy.

    2.Light travels in waves.

    3.The light ccan be reflected or refracted.

    4.When something is concave the center is inward.
    5.When something is convex the center is outward.

  2. 1.Energy...
    2.In straight lines
    3.It depends on the surface...
    4.Concave is in the "cave" and bigger
    5.Convex is smaller.

  3. 1.light is a form of energy that you can see
    2. Light travels in waves through air, empty spaces,water and glass but can't go through things like wood or metal
    3. When light hits an object it will sometimes make a shadow or it will bounce of of the object, like it does on a mirrior
    4. Concave s inward and it makes things bigger
    5. Convex is the opposite of concave so it is outward and it makes things smaller.

  4. a form of energy

    in waves

    it refrats or goes throughto the other side

    in ward bigger

    out ward smaller

  5. Mariel Lopez - Rollins/BeanNovember 10, 2011 at 3:46 PM

    1. A form of energy that travels in waves and can move through empty space.

    2. In waves.

    3. Bounce off of an object, reflected, or refracted.

    4. & 5. Concave - inside of a spoon - inward.
    Convex - outside of a spoon - outward.

  6. 1.light is a form of energy that is used for many of things. waves
    3.the waves bounce back.
    4.inward bigger
    5.outward smaller

  7. tyler o - mrs. rollins/beanNovember 10, 2011 at 4:04 PM

    light is a form of energy that travel in waves and can move through empty space.

    when light hits an object it bounces off of that object.

    concave is a lens that is thinner in the center and thicker at the edges a shape that bends light outward.

    convex is a lens that is thicker in the center and thinner at the edges a shape that bends light inward.

  8. 1.Light is a source of energy that travels in waves and can move through an empty space

    2.when light hits an object it either reflects or refracts.

    3.concave is a lense that bens light outward

    4.convex is a lense that bends light inward

  9. 1.Light is a form of energy
    2.light can travel In any way
    3.light hits a object it could bounce back or pass through
    4.Upside down
    5.thin and tall

  10. Maddie D. - CentanniNovember 10, 2011 at 4:06 PM

    1.Light moves in waves.
    2.The light bounces back.
    3.Concave meens inward.
    4.Convex meens curving or bulging outwards.

  11. 1. Light is a form of energy that helps us see+
    2. Light travels in waves through the air
    3. It either goes through it or spreads out when it hits it
    4. Concave it when some thing goes inward and larger
    5. Convex is when something goes outward and smaller

  12. David J. - Ms.CarpenterNovember 10, 2011 at 4:10 PM

    1.a form of energy. waves. reflects or refracts.
    4.on a concave lens sideways it looks kind of like the letter "I".
    5.a convex lens sideways looks like an oval.

  13. Robert P. - MelanconNovember 10, 2011 at 4:16 PM

    1. light is a form of energy.
    2. in waves.
    3. it would either go through or bounce off.
    4. an object that makes things seem bigger.
    5. an object that makes things seem smaller.

  14. Finn Haddon - MelanconNovember 10, 2011 at 4:21 PM

    1. Light is an energy you can see. It travels in waves.
    2. Light, like sound, travels in waves.
    3. When light hits a smooth object you will see the light on the object. When light hits an uneven surface it will either refract or reflect.
    4. A concave mirror faces inwards and makes all objects seen in it appear shorter and wider.
    5. A convex mirror faces outward and makes all objects seen in it appear taller and thinner.

  15. 1. Light is a form of energy that travels in waves and can move through empty space.
    2. Light travels in waves and in all directions outward from its source.
    3. If light hits an object, it is reflected and the light waves are bounced back.
    4. Concave is thicker at the edges and thinner in the middle.
    Convex is thicker in the center and thinner at the edges.

  16. Aashay K
    1. light is an energy
    2 light moves in waves
    3. it can be absorbed, bounced off or turn into different colors
    4. concave is when the light bounces off but it is backward
    5. is the same as 4 but it is not backward

  17. Meredith E. Mrs.MelanconNovember 10, 2011 at 4:58 PM

    1. a form of energy 2. in waves
    3. it stops 4. the sides "cave" in and light refracts off 5. the sides turn outward and it makes the object refract off and look smaller

  18. What is light?a energy and a beam

    How does light travel? it travels in waves

    What happens to light when it hits an object? it is blockked or it reflecs

    Describe "concave"? means diped in

    Describe "convex"? hilly

  19. amanda y.-rollins/beanNovember 10, 2011 at 5:31 PM

    1. Light is a type of energy.

    2.Light travels through waves.

    3.It bounces back.

    4.Concave caves in at the sides.

    5.Convex curves out at the sides.

  20. is a energy travels in waves reflects or is blocked out
    4.The word concave means curving in
    5.convex means curving out

  21. 1Light is energy thatyou can see that is transmitted in waves.
    2Light travels in waves.
    3It will get blocked or reflect it.
    4Concave means inward or bigger.
    5Convex means outward or smaller.

  22. Light is a form of energy. Light travels in waves. It either reflects or refracts. Concave is curved in. Convex is curved out.

  23. 1. a form of energy.
    2.In sound waves.
    3.the light will
    either reflect or refracted
    4.the light goes inward
    5.the light goes outward

  24. Erin H.-Rollins/BeanNovember 10, 2011 at 6:13 PM

    1.It is a form of energy that travels in waves
    2.light travels in waves
    3.the light either reflects or refracts
    4.concave is a lens that caves in towards the center
    5.convex is a lens that gets thicker towards the center

  25. Ashleigh D.-CentanniNovember 10, 2011 at 6:22 PM

    1. Light is a form of energy that is transmitted in waves.
    2. Through waves
    3.concave goes in
    4. convex goes out

  26. 1. Light is a form of energy.
    2. Light travels in waves.
    3. Light can either reflect or refract.
    4. Concave means to make things bigger.
    5. Convex makes things smaller.

  27. 1.light is a from of energy waves bounces back
    4.the lines is thicker and the sides are thinner
    5.thicker edges and much thinner middle

  28. 1.light is a form of energy
    2.light travels in waves will reflect of refract
    4.concave makes things look bigger and shorter
    5.convex makes things look thinner and taller

  29. 1.a form of energy waves reflects,refracts or hits the object
    4.concave:to get BIGGER
    5.convex:to get smaller

  30. Myshalyn Beierle ROLLINS/BEANNovember 10, 2011 at 7:15 PM

    1.Light is a form of energy
    2.Light travels in waves
    3.It either reflects or refracts
    4.The lines are thicker and the sides are thinner
    5.The edges are thicker and the sides are thinner


  31. Jenny s- Rollins/beanNovember 10, 2011 at 7:33 PM

    1. Light is a form of energy
    2. It travels in waves
    3. The light can reflect or refract
    4. The sides are thicker and the middle is thinner
    5. The sides are thinner and the middle is thicker

  32. 1.Lights can be put on or off and then put off to saves the electrics energy and then but it can go throught and such as a activeboards, a lamps, a flishlights, and a TVs and but the a lights, a woods, a matels, and a lights bulbs that can not moves.
    2. Lights energy tavels in waves throught the airs, a empty spaces, a waters, and a glasses bounces and but it can't throught the such as a woods, a matels, a irons, and a steels that can not go throught.
    3. The lights the hits an objects and then but it can bounces throught anytihng and such as a water, a matels, a steels, and a irons, and then it can't go bounces such as a woods, a cloudy days.
    4. Concave makes inward curve.
    5. Convex makes outward curve.

  33. Laura Lei
    1. Light is a form of energy.
    2. Light travels through waves.
    3. The light is reflected or refracted.
    4. Concave is a lense that is thick outside and thin inside.
    5.Convex is a lense that is thick inside and thin outside.

  34. Alex Lewis/RollinsBeanNovember 10, 2011 at 8:28 PM

    Light is a fourm of energy that travles in waves.

    Light is refracted or reflected.

    Concave has an inward curve and Convex has a outward curve

  35. 1. form of energy
    2. in waves
    3. light is reflected or refracted
    4. concave is inward
    5. convex is outward

  36. 1.light is a form of energy

  37. sarah el shenawy-rollins beanNovember 10, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    1.light is a form of energy.
    2. Light travels in waves.
    3. it will bounce off from the object, it does on a mirriors to.
    4. Concave is inward and it makes things bigger
    5. Convex is outward and it makes things smaller.

  38. sarah el shenawy-rollins beanNovember 10, 2011 at 9:01 PM

    3.- reflect or refracted.

  39. 1. Light is one of the many forms of energy.

    2.Light travels through light waves.

    3.The light is reflected or refracted.

    4.Curving inward.

    5.Curving outward.

  40. Josephine L.-CarpenterNovember 10, 2011 at 9:59 PM

    1.light is a form of energy
    2.In waves
    3.It ether refracted or reflected
    4.concave is when something that has a thick middle and thin ends
    5.convex is when something has a thin middle and thick ends

  41. Anabelle M.- CarpenterNovember 11, 2011 at 7:28 PM

    1. Light is a form of energy.

    2. light travels in waves just like sound.

    3. It will either reflect(mirror) or refract(when hitting water).

    4. Concave means inward or bigger.

    5. Convex means outward or smaller.

  42. 1) Light is a form of energy
    2) Light tavels in waves
    3) When light hits an object, it reflects or refract
    4) Concave is thicker on outside and thinner on the inside
    5) Convex is thinner at the outside and thicker at the inside

  43. 1.light is something that shines
    2.light travels by sound waves
    3.when light hits an object it reflects or refract
    4.inward makes things bigger
    5.outward makes things smaller

  44. 1. Light is a form of energy.

    2. Light travels in waves.

    3. When lights hits an object, it can reflect or refract.

    4. Concave is inward and makes things bigger.

    5. Convex is outward and makes things smaller.

  45. 1:light is a form of energy.
    2:light travels by hitting an object.
    3:It bounces off.
    4:concave is out so it makes you more fat, and short.
    5:convex is in, so it makes you tall and skinny.

  46. Light is a form of energy. Light travels in waves. When light hits an object the light is either reflected or refracted. When something is concave the light rays go outward. when something is convex the light rays go inward.

  47. 1. Light is a form of energy.
    2. Light can travel in wave and empty space.
    3. Concave is going inward.
    4. Convex is going outward.

  48. matthewe-centanni said.....November 14, 2011 at 3:24 PM

    1. Light is a form of energy

    2. Light travles in waves

    3. concave is inward
    4.Convex goes outward

  49. AVERY ROLLINS AND BEANNovember 14, 2011 at 4:42 PM

    Light is a form of energy

    Light travels through a empty space

    It can reflect or refract

    Concave is light going in like a cave

    Convex is light going out

  50. Beau F.- Miss. CantanniNovember 14, 2011 at 5:39 PM

    1.form of energy waves
    4.caves in words
    5.out words

  51. 1.Light is a form of energy
    2.Light travels in waves and through empty space
    3.It ither reflects or refracts
    4.concave goes inward
    5.convex goes outward

  52. 1.light is a form of energy.
    2.light travels in waves will reflect, refract, or be absorbed.
    4. Caves inward.

  53. 1.Light is a form of energy that people can see.
    2.Light travels in waves.
    3.It either makes a shadow,refracts,or it reflects of the object.
    4.Concave curves in
    5.convex curves out

  54. Sean Gillespie-Miss Yuongs ClassNovember 17, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    1.A source of energy
    2.It travles in any witch way it is pouinting at
    3.It reflects off of what it hit
    4.It's when light is reflected and or refrated
    5.It is when light is coming out
