Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lab - Conductors & Insulators 10-27-11

Today in lab we talked about conductors and insulators.....

1. Tell me the difference between a conductor an a insulator? Give examples....

2. What did you think about the spoons? Was your predication correct?

3. Look around your house do you see anything that is a conductor or insulator?


  1. 1.Conducters are objects that warm and cool air can easily pass through.Insulators are objects that separate hot from normal air and cool from normal air.
    2.No,my hypothisis was not correct because
    I learned wood was a insulator and did'nt burn as much.But I loved the choices of spoons.
    3.My doors and windows are insulators because the separate the hot air from the cold air.

  2. 1. A conductor lets heat travel through it but an insulator does not let it pass through easily

    2.To me the spoons were a good example and yes my prediction was correct bed is a insulator and my stove is a conductor

  3. Mariel Lopez - Rollins/BeanOctober 27, 2011 at 3:30 PM

    1. A conductor (metal, iron) is something that allows heat to go through easily. And an insulator (rubber, plastic, wood) is something that doesn't allow heat to go through easily.

    2. My predictions were halfway right because I predicted that the metal spoon would be the hottest (correct) and both the plastic and wooden spoon would be at the same level. But the plastic spoon was a little bit hotter than the wooden spoon.

    3. Conductor: metal pot, metal ladle, metal spoons, etc.
    Insulators: rubber band, pencil, box, note pad,etc.

  4. 1.One example between the difference with a insilator and a conductor is an insulater gathers heat faster than a conductor.example two is a black car and a white car a blick car heats up faster by the color.
    2.i thought that a mettle spoon would insulate heat.I was correct.
    3.insulators:frying pan,metal spoon, pot,and frige or freezer.conductors:aluminum,paper towels,and news paper.

  5. Jenny S - Rollins/BeanOctober 27, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    1. An insulator is a material that heat cannot travel through; A conductor is a material that heat can travel through.

    2. The wodden and plastic spoons were insulators and the metal spoon was a conductor; My prediction was correct.

    3.conductor:doornob insulator:stuffed animal

  6. 1. The difference between a conductor and an insulator is that a insulator (like rubber)insolates heat or keeps it in while a conductor (like metal) conducts heat or sends it out.
    2. I liked doing the experiment with the spoons mainly because it is something that we can do at home. My hypothesis was correct that the metal spoon was the hottest because it was a conductor of heat.
    3. Right now I see a pencil witch is a insulator of heat.

  7. A coductor is something that conducts heat or coldness like Mrs.Rollins soup spooon (use plastic)and a insoulator is somthing that keeps things warm or cold like a blanet or insalation in your house.The spoon that I chose what would be the best conductor was the metle spoon because metle is a good conductor and yes my pridiction was correct:)Sence Im typing next to my kithen I can see spoons,knifes,forks,blades, and ladles.



  8. An insulator is something that lets something go through it easily. A conductor is something
    that does not let something go through it easily My prediction about the spoons were right. The metal was the hottest. My DARE shirt and metal spoons are insulators. My computer and chair are conductors.

  9. Today in lab we learned about conductors an insulators. A conductor is something thar transfers heat though it. An insulator is something that does not transfer heat through it. Metal is a conductor because heat travels through it. Foam is an insulator because heat can not travel through it. I think the spoon experiment was clever. I predicted that out of a wooden, plastic, and metal spoon, after putting them in a pot of boiling water that the metal spoon would be the hottest. My prediction was correct. The Handel on a pot, paper towels, and styrofoam are all insulators. A fork, a skillet, and paperclips are all insulators.

    Science was very fun today! To bad it was cut short. 

  10. 1.A conductor lets out a temp., a insulator holds in a temp.

    2.I thought the metal spoon would be the best conductor, My predication was correct.

    3.Our lightbulb is a conductor.

    Today was rock'in sweet!!
    Rock on Mrs.Rollins!!

  11. Finn Haddon - MelanconOctober 27, 2011 at 3:43 PM

    1. A conductor lets heat/electricity run through it and an insulator doesn't let it through (It will gradually cool down or heat up.). Some examples of an insulator are styrofoam, plastic and cardboard. An example of a conductor is metal ( All I can think of.).
    2. I thought that the metal would be the hottest(Which was correct.) and then I thought that the wood would be the coolest and that the plastic would be in between(Which was wrong, I switched them around.)
    3. Conductors: a metal candle holder, a frying pan and a metal garden chair. Insulators: a wooden cooking spoon, double glazed windows and the inside of a refrigerator door.

  12. Finn Haddon - MelanconOctober 27, 2011 at 3:45 PM

    Ms Rollins is awesome ( X 100,000,000,000,000,000 )

  13. 1.Conductors let heat flow through them when insulators keep the heat in.
    2.Yes,my prediction was correct about metal being the hottest and plastic not hot at all.
    3.Pots,Pans,Clocks,My glasses,The wires connecting to the computer that I'm typing on, you name it.

  14. John. Cody Rollins/BeanOctober 27, 2011 at 4:06 PM

    1:the difference between conductors and insulators
    is conductors absorb the energy and insulators don't. a conductor is usually medal or wire and a insulator is rubber.that is what are conductors and insulators.

    2:i thought the plastic spoon would be colder, the wood spoon would be hotter and the medal spoon i got my prediction was 1/3 correct.

    3:some conductors were medal silverware, the medal bird cage and the front door nod. some insulators i saw was the wire to the TV, the brick wall and the wooden chair

  15. 1.A conductor is different from a insultor because a conductor transfers heat to another object, and an insulator resists the flow of heat.Conductors-metals such as copper,steel,nickel,and iron.Insulators-cotton,plastic,wood,foam,and rubber.
    2.I thought the metal spoon would be the hotest spoon and i was right.I thought that the metal spoon was pretty hot and the plastic and weren't really as hot.
    3.Conductors in my house-the metal silverware,baseball bat,and bed frame ect.Insulators in my house-blanket,pillow,clothes,and plastic plates

  16. Robert P. - MelanconOctober 27, 2011 at 4:07 PM

    1. An inulator is an object that heat or electricity can't easily pass through. A conductor is something that allows heat or electricity to pass through easily. A popsicle stick is an insulator,and a metal spoon is a conductor.
    2. I think the spoons were a good idea. My prediction was correct.
    3. I saw metal cois, which are conductors, and cardboard, which is an insulator.

  17. 1.a conductor spreads the heat but insulators contain it.ex.metal when hot will burn you and sweater will keep you warm
    2.yes I predicted it would be melted and it was.
    3.I see my fridge and it is an insulator,and my stove which is both.

  18. 1. The difference between an insulator and a conductor is that an insulator is any material that does not easily transfer heat or electricity. A conductor is any material that allows energy to travel through it easily or quickly.

    2. I thought the metal spoon was a lot hotter than the wooden spoon and plastic spoon. When we touched each one in the pot on the stove, the metal was the hottest. I also noticed the metal spoon would be a conductor. My prediction was correct.

    3. The microwave is a conductor. The freezer and wooden stairs are insulators.

  19. Trey Howard-CarpenterOctober 27, 2011 at 4:16 PM

    1. conductor gets colder and hotter quicker and also can have electricity flow through it. a insulator helps you not get your fingers burned by a conducter.
    2. the wooden and plastic spoons were about the same but the metal was hotter. my prediction was correct.
    3. my pencil is a insulator and the copper that makes this computer work is a conducter.

    you are easily the best teacher I've ever had.

  20. amanda y.- rollins/beanOctober 27, 2011 at 4:23 PM

    The difference between a conductor and an insulater is that a conductor let's haet and energy pass through it with ease, and an insulator dosen't.
    The metal spoon was hot but the wooden and plastic spoons were insulators so they weren't hot at all.
    The pots and pans in the kitchen are conductors and the wooden spooons are insulators.

  21. The difference between a conductor and a insulator is a conductor lets heat and energy pass though quickly like metal and a insulator is a material that doesn't let heat in quickly like wool .I think the spoons were cool because the metal was a little hot to me but every thing els wasn't hot which means my predication was right . The metal pots in my kitchen are conductors.

  22. A conductor is something that absorbs heat or the cold. An insulator is something that keeps the heat or cold out. I think the spoons were good examples of conductors and insulators. My predictions were correct. Some things that are insulators are my cap, boxes, and plastic cups. Some conductors are my mom's keys and the flower pot.

    Eileen Guo

  23. 1. a conductor collect heat and cold and insulator holds in heat and cold.

    2. I choses metal and I was correct because metal is coductor and they collect heat.

    3. the legs of a chair is metal it is conductor.

  24. Meredith E. Mrs.MelanconOctober 27, 2011 at 4:45 PM

    1. the difference between conductors and insulators is an insulator keeps the hot or cool inside the material, and a conductor lets it flow through the whole object.
    2. I think the plastic,metal,and wood spoons were cool. My prediction was right-metal
    3. the wood table in the kitchen is one, also the blanket on the chair.

  25. The difference between a conductor and inslator is a conductor is something that travels through it quickly. A inslator is something that does not transfer easily. My prediction was wrong . I see a cord that is a conductor.

  26. A conductor does not keep things warm a insolator keeps things warm . A metal spoon is a good insolator and a plastic spoon is a good condutor. My prediction was correct the metal spoon did get the hotest.

  27. A conductor is something that keeps things hot like a metal spoon hot water.A insulator is something that keeps things cold like a refrigerator.The difference between the two is that a conductor keeps things hot and a insulator keeps things cold.I thought the spoons experiment was really cool.My prediction was doornob is a insulator.

  28. Anabelle M-CarpenterOctober 27, 2011 at 4:55 PM

    A conductor is any material that transfers heat from one material to another. An insulator is a material that does not transfer heat that well. Examples: Metal Pot(over stove)- conductor, jacket(cold weather)- insulator. I thought the spoons were a very good way to learn science and helpful for cooking. My prediction was correct! I thought that the metal spoon would be the hottest because metal is a conductor.
    3. Lightbulb(on)-insulator, microwave-conductor, house-conductor, faucet(running hot water)-insulator.

    Mrs. Rollins rocks!

  29. 1.A conductor lets heat and electricity travel through it easily but a insulator does not
    2.My prediction was correct. the wood spoon was normal, the plastic spoon was normal, but the metal spoon was hot!
    3. Conductor: electrical cord, door handle and metal lamp. Insulator: clothes, couch, piano bench

  30. Today lab was good and exiting!

    1. Conductor is material that allows energy to transfer through it easily
    And insulator is material that dose not easily transfer electricity.
    2. I chose the metal spoon. Because, that spoon is made of metal, and metal is conductor.
    3. Paper clip, copper, doorfull is conductor.
    And plastic cup, paper, robber like eraser is insulator.

  31. 1. A conductor conducts heat or coldness. Some examples include metal pot, metal pan and a metal chair leg. An insulator is something that shields you from the outside temp. Some examples include a blanket, refrigerator, or a paper towel.
    2. I thought that the spoon experiment was pretty cool. Especially the plastic spoon that melted. My hypothesis was correct.
    3. Some conductors in my house are... A metal water bottle, metal spoon and a metal coffee maker. Some insulators include a wooden desk, blanket and a stuffed animal.

  32. will m- rollins/beanOctober 27, 2011 at 5:17 PM

    1. a cunductor is somthing that will take heat simpley and insilator will not take up heat simpley. a black shirt will take up alot of heat and a white shirt will not.
    2. my prdictions were corect because meadle is a conducter so I put that thare the reason I know is because when I put my hand on it and it was hot and plastic and wood were insulators.
    3. yes I see a conductor it is the pan is a conductor when I touch it it is hot.

  33. The difference between a conductor and an insulator is that a conductor is a material that allows heat or electricity to go through quickly or easily, and a insulator is a material that DOESN’T easily transfer heat or electricity. An example of a conductor is metal because if you put a metal spoon in a pot of boiling water like we did in lab today it conducts heat making it hot. An example of an insulator is plastic because it doesn't easily transfer heat. When we put the wood, plastic, and metal spoon in the pot of boiling water I thought it was very interesting. My prediction was that the metal spoon was hotter, and I was correct. Looking around my house I saw a metal pan my mom was cooking with, another great conductor. An insulator I saw was a plastic bag. Anyway, the lab today was extraordinary. I can’t wait in till the next lab.

  34. 1.conductors are energy and insulators are not.
    2.the spoons were cool,my prediction was correct meatel spoons. chair,my bed

  35. Lauren Candela Rollins / BeanOctober 27, 2011 at 5:28 PM

    1.A conductor , conducs heat and an inslater inslates heat.
    2. my prediction was correct, And the medal spoon was sooooo hot.
    3.My heater in my house conducts heat.

  36. 1. a conductor is a substance that will let energy and heat flow throught it like metal . A insolator is a subsantce that will not let heat and energy flow throught it like styrfoam.
    2. the meatle was diffently the hottest and yes my prediction was correct
    3. the desk is wood it is a insalator

  37. Today in lab,we learned about conductors and insulators-
    1.Conductors allows energy to travel through it easily and insulators does not easily transfer heat or electricity.
    2.I thought that the metal spoon would be the hottest because heat travels through the metal spoon and plus,it`s a conductor.
    3.Conductors:metal spoons,magnets,jewerlys...

    Thank you for making every lab fun,Mrs.Rollins!

  38. Heat conduction is the transfer of heat enery it is same as a just like boiling point. Allows enery can travel easily or quickly fast. Is any materlial is not easily transfer heat or electricity does not go though easily is the plobrem to be. I think is the matel spoon keep the heat it so it is a problem. The wooden thing because it can broke easily or it not broke easily . The phastic spoon made out wood and made out of phastic too and cannot burn easily and it not broke easily too and it is bind easily.

  39. The difference between a conductor and an insulator is that a conductor lets heat and electricity pass through it easily like a metal spoon in a kettle of boiling water, that is why metal spoons feel so hot when they are in hot liquid. An insulator is something that does not let heat and electricity pass through it easily like if you put a baseball bat in a tub of boiling water it will not fell very hot.

    The experiment with the spoons was very weird because when I first went up to touch the metal spoon it was weird, because I thought it would be very hot, but it was not as hot as I thought it would be- now do not get me wrong it was hot, but not so much as I thought it would be. I was still right on all of them it was just the metal spoon that kind of threw me off.

    In my house I defiantly found the refrigerator first, because it was so obvious it was a insulator because it keeps the cool air in it then I found a lot of other things like a metal chair, it was a conductor, because it was really cold when I sat down on it and a blanket last, which was an insulator, because it insulates heat.

  40. The differance between a conductor and a insulator is that a conductor lets energy flow through it easily ware as an insulator does NOT easily let energy flow through it!

    I thought that the metal spoon would be the hotest because it is a CONDUCTOR! yes i was correct!

    Conductor-fraiming of glasses

  41. IKer. V. -. Ms. Carpenter
    The difrence between an insulator and conductor is that an insulator keeps something that cold cold and something that is hot, keeps it hot. A conductor Is something that conducts electricity, like metal and gold. I think that the metal spoon was pretty hot. My prediction was correct, it was easy, metal spoon.
    My fridge and my blanket.

  42. Myshalyn J. Rollins/BeanOctober 27, 2011 at 6:47 PM

    A conductor allows heat to let it flow through it easily as for the insulator an insolator does not let heat flow through it easily.EX:Mom was cooking and she put a metal spoon and a plasic spoon in the water.When she touched the metal spoon she was burnt and when she touched the plastic spoon she was just fine.
    I thought that the metal spoon was going to be hot and the wooden and plastic would stay the same.Yes my prediction was corrrect.
    My wooden bookshelf and movie shelf are insulators,my moms earings is a conductor.

  43. Josephine L.-CarpenterOctober 27, 2011 at 7:11 PM

    A conductor let's heat or electricity run through it easily like a wire. An insolator does not let heat or electricity run through it easily like a blanket. My hypothesis was correct. My jacket is a insolator , and my meatel door knob is a conductor.

  44. 1a conductor conducts heat an insulator insulates heat or cold
    conductors:metal spoon wire lightbulb insulators:jacket blanket
    2.yes mine was i chose the metal spoon because it conducts heat easiest
    3.i see my phone being charged the wire is a conductor
    i also see a sweater that is an insulator

  45. AVERY DICKINSON Rollins/BeanOctober 27, 2011 at 7:40 PM

    A conductor is really anything that allows energy or heat to travel through it easily such as something metal but a insulator is the opposite it does not easily allow heat or electricity to travel through it such as something wooden or plastic. When we did the experiment I new that the metal spoon would be hottest because a pan that you cook with is hot there for the pan will help you cook your food faster and the food would be hotter.

    Things that are conductors- metal picture frame, key chain, diet coke can, and a door nob

    Things that are insulators- paint, dog, t-shirt, paper.

  46. 1.conductor is anything that allows energy to travel through it easly or quickly. EX.metal spoon
    Insulator is any thing that does not allows energy to travel through it or hard and slow for energy or heat to to travel through. EX.plastic
    2.My hypopethese were that the metal spoon will be hottest and I was correct because metal is aconductor but plastic and wood is not.
    3.Insulater: wooden table, wooden chopsticks, and binder.
    conductor: metal spoon, metal fork, and metal cup.

  47. 1. An insulator is something that does not attract magnet and it does not let electricity pass. Some examples are human, eraser, wood, and paper. A conductor lets electricity pass. A conductor can be a metal spoon and fork, knife, and anything made of metal.

    2. I think that the metal spoon is hotter. i did not make prediction.

    3. yes. an eraser is an insulator. A knife is a conductor. A Metal spoon is a conductor. Paper is an insulator. A sock is an insulator. Cloth is an insulator, Many things are made of both insulators and conductor like a light bulb, clock, and a printer.

  48. sarah elshenawy- Rollins/BeanOctober 27, 2011 at 8:03 PM

    a conductor is something that absurves heat (ex. copper ,iorn,and steel. a insulator is something that dosnt let heat pass through easly.

    yes my prediction is corect because all of them were insulators but the metal spoon.

    the paper plates are insulator. metal cups are conductors.

  49. Aashay K
    1. An insulator is an object that heat cannot pass through like pastic. A conductor is an object that heat can pass through like metal.
    2. I thought the metal spoon was hotter. my hypothesis was correct.
    3.Insulator: coffe mug, stove, and wood. Conductor: metal spoon, metal fork, and metal anything.

  50. 1. an insulator is any material that does not
    easlly transfer heat of electricity.a conductor is any material that allows energy to easiliy transfer heat.insulators:hair,wood,a pencil,cheese
    conductors:metal,a spoon,key chain.

    2.the metal spoon was much hotter than the wood spoon.the plastic spoon was sort of hot on the hot guess was correct.

    3. fiberglass,cotton blanket for an insulator.aluminum can,binder rings, for insulators

  51. 1. A conductor is anything that allows heat and energy to go through it quickly and easier. Ex: metal fork. A insulator is anything that takes a longer span of time for heat and energy to go through it. Ex: plastic spoon. 2. I thought that the spoon experiment was cool because we could touch all these spoons to see how hot the spoons were. My hypothesis was a metal spoon and I got it right because metal is a conductor and wood and plastic are not. 3. Things that are insulators in my house are paper,fabric chair,and plastic knife. Things that are a conductor in my house is my binder rings,metal fork,and metal pot.

  52. 1.a conductor conducts the heat or the coldness Ex. metal goes into boiling water it would counduct heat. A insulator insalats the coldness or the heat. Ex. if you put a wood stick in the cold water it would stay the same temp.2 my predicion was right because i guessed that the metal spoon was hottest and I was right.3 a wooden table is a insulator and a frying pan is a counductor.

  53. 1. A conductor is something that lets heat or coldness in (metal) and a insulator is something that keeps heat or coldness in.(jacket)

    2.My hypothesis was correct because I thought it would be metal.

    3.My jacket is an insulator. A metal spoon is a conductor.

  54. 1. a conductor travels the heat it the object (or the cold)an insulator is something that would not travel heat or the cold. pencil, paper, and eraser
    2. my hypothesis was correct because I thought the metal spoon was more hot because it was a conductor.
    3. conductors: metal pan.nails and screws. and a hammer insulators: books, food, wooden furniture.

  55. a conductore does get heat a insulater does not
    the spoons where hot and yes i see material that are conducters and insulaters

  56. A conductor is a object that turns hot or cold quicker than an insulator. An insulator is a object that does not heat up or cool down easily. An example of a conductor is a metal pan and pot. An example of an insulator is a lead holder, pencils, popsilce stick, or haedphones.

    I thought it was a great idea. My hypothesis was corect because I know that metal is a conductor.

    The books, sharpener, cardboard box, printer, and my mom's credit card are things that are insulators. The fork and the pole that holds the lamp up is a conductor.

  57. Today in lab we learned about conductors and insulators. A conductor would be something like metal. Conductors are things that transfer heat easily. An insulator would be paper towels. An insulator is something that does not transfer heat easily.
    I thought the spoons experiment was a clever idea. I guessed out of a wooden, plastic, and a metal spoon that after putting them inside a boiling pot of water, which would be the hottest. I predicted the metal spoon. My prediction was correct, the metal spoon was the best conductor.
    Around my house I found some conductors such as knife blades, the door knob, and a pan. I also found some insulators such as, styrofoam, a pan handle, and a shoebox.

    Todays lab was awesome!

    You rock Mrs.Rollins

  58. today in lab we learned about conductors and insulators . A conductor is a metalic substance that prduces heat 2 examples of a conducors are:frying pan,and a hot plate. A insulator is something that keeps hgeat in 2 examples of insulators:a coat,and a glass jar. I thought that the expierement was a genious one and i predicted that the metal was the hottest and i was correct. I have many examples in my house and an example of a conductor is a metal table leg and a example of an insulator is an couch.

    That was a really greatb lab.

    you rock MS.ROLLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. MattewE-Centanni saidOctober 31, 2011 at 3:28 PM

    Matthew Ehols
    1 A conducter is something that heat or coldness moves through easily like metal. A insulator is like wood the heat will not move through as easily.
    2. Yes Iwas right about my prediction
    3. I saw a water bottle wich is a insulator it keeps the water cold.
