Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lab - Thermometer in Sun & Shade 10-25-11

Solar Energy is energy from the Sun.

1. What examples can you give that the sun powers? Give at least three.

2. Today's experiment Sun and Shade - which one heated up the fastest and why?

3. If you were going to buy a car - what color car would you buy? White or Black and why?

4. What did you think about the "solar glasses"?


  1. AlexLewisRollins/BeanOctober 25, 2011 at 3:35 PM

    If I were to buy a car I would get a white car. Because white keeps out heat.

    The solar glasses were realy cool because every thing was black untill you looked at the sun.

    Alex Lewis

  2. If I were to bye a car I would bye a white car because I like the color more and black absorbs the most heat.(: (:

  3. I loved how you can look in the sun and not have your eyes hurt. I wont to buy some where did you get them.This is Spencer Parker.

  4. 1. Three objects the sun powers could be solar panels that provide power for a house/building. An assembly line machine or a car.
    2. The black piece of card with water on it heated up faster because black material absorbs heat.
    3. I would buy a white car because It reflects the heat off it making it cooler (If I were choosing according to color and not heat I would choose a black one.).
    4. I didn't get to use the solar glasses because I was a timer for our experiment. Then by the time I got to put them on a cloud had gone over the sun :( :(. But I did hear that they were very good from everyone else.

  5. Josephine L.-CarpenterOctober 25, 2011 at 3:47 PM

    The sun can power red lights,light,and cars. Black,because it absorbs heat and keeps it in. White because I do not want my car to get really hot. The glasses made you see what the sun really looked like.

  6. 1.It powers lights,fans.

    2.Black because white reflecs sun and black aburbs heat.

    3.White because white reflecs the sun and black absurbs the suns.

    4.I liked them because I didn't know that the sun is that small and the sun will not hert your eyes.

  7. 1. a light bull with that black and white paper in itwitch is called a solar glass.a solar panel and the sun itself
    2.blake heated up faster because blake is an insulater so it takes up heat faster.
    3.I would buy a white car because blake is an insulater and so it will get hot faster than a white car.
    4.I think it is very neat that when you put it up to the sun the black and white aper start spining.

  8. 1. A radiometer, things connected to solar panels, and thermometers!
    2. the thermometer on the black panel heated up faster because black is more thermal,which heated up the water a bit.
    3.I would choose a white car because I would want to stay cool in hot weather.White reflects light.
    4.First, "I'm blind!". Second, "I never thought the sun was so small from earth.

  9. The sun powers heat,growth of plants for our oxygen,and vitamin D.The one that heated the fastest was the water on the black paper because black attracts heat.If I were to buy a car,I would get a white one because we live in TX and we can warm the car when we`d like in the winter.The solar glasses were amazing because you can look at the sun and witness the sun in a new way.

  10. Today in science we learned about Solar Energy and the sun. The sun powers solar energy, the sun provides heat, and the sun provides light. In class we did an expirement about sun and shade. We put one cup of water with a thermometer in it on a black piece of cardboard and another one on a white piece of cardboard. The black one had the highest temperature after thirty minutes because black absorbs the heat. The white one was not as hot because it reflects the heat. If I bought a car, I would buy a white car because I would not want my car to be hot if I left something valuable inside I wouldn't want it to get ruined. I think the solar glasses were AWESOME because, #1: You can look at the sun #2: It shows you how the sun isn't as big as it looks from Earth.

    My favorite part of lab was when we saw the sun through the solar glasses.

    P.S. It is really tiny without the rays of sunlight.

  11. Examples of things the sun powers are some cars ,houses and calculators. The black color heated up faster because black is a conductor for heat and white is an insulator .If I was going to buy a car it would be white because white is an insulator which would keep the cold air in and the hot air out or vice versa . I thought that the "solar glasses" were really cool how the glasses only let in the suns light.

  12. 1.plants
    2.people(we get vitamin d)
    3.weather systems(tornado's,hurricanes,etc.)

    Black. Black absorbs heat.

    White so it would stay cooler.

    I thought it was cool. If you have really good eye sight you can see sun spots.

  13. The sun can power your ac,fans,and even computers but you need solar panals first.
    The black heated up faster because black kind of soaks up the heat.
    I would pick a white car because I hate a hot car when I get inside,I know what that is like not pretty,plus black vans freak me out.
    I thought it was so cool but I wonder how people make them?

  14. Q#1=a solar water heater
    solar house
    air conditioner

    Q#2= the black board because the color black is a heat insulator.

    Q#3= white because the white is a thermal reflector and on sunny day the car would not be hot.

    Q#4= I thought that the solar glasses were really cool because you could see the actual size of the sun and stare at the sun without getting harmed.

  15. Three examples about sun powers is 1 solar energy,2 if the sun moves it tells time like a sun dial,3 and it can produe electrical energy.Today black heated up the fastest because black is a good insulator and absorbs heat well.I would buy a white car because it reflects the sunlight and it looks sweet. The solar glasses were so awesome I never saw the sun like today keep making lab fun Mrs. Rollins.

  16. Jenny S - Rollins/BeanOctober 25, 2011 at 4:08 PM

    1. Solar Panals, calculators, satellites

    2. the sun because the sun gives off heat, light and energy

    3. White because i dont like hot days and white keeps the heat out

    4. THEY WERE AWESOME!!! The sun was a great big orange circle!

  17. Mariel Lopez - Rollins/BeanOctober 25, 2011 at 4:09 PM

    1. Solar energy,sunlight, and heat.

    2. The sun, because the sun provides heat and since our thermometers were facing the sun the temperature started to increase little by little.

    3. Black, because it is thermal energy.

    4. I thought the solar glasses were cool. But it makes the sun seem dark yellow than bright yellow since it was used for an eclipse.

  18. David J. - CarpenterOctober 25, 2011 at 4:10 PM

    1. solar pannels in a house, warming things up in the sun, and photosynthesis for plants.
    2. the one on the blackboard heated up faster because it absorbed the sun's heat and gave it to the water
    3. I would by a white car because it would reflect light( and heat ) so it wouldn't get so hot
    4. they were so cool because you could see the sun's actual size and the sun wouldn't burn your eyes.

  19. In today's lab, I saw the sun with something.
    (I didn't remember.) The sun looks like a circle. Also moon of red color. It's amazing for me!! I want to look one more time.

    It's AWSOME.

  20. 1.the sun powers solar panels, plant growth, and evaporation
    2.the black one because black absorbs heat but white reflects it.
    3.I would buy a white one because it would reflect the heat instead of absorbing it.
    4.I liked them because we could see the sun in its true form.

  21. 1.Calculetor, some of the houses, some of the cars.
    2.The water on the black bord heat the most because white reflect the sun light and black do the opposite.
    3.I will pick the white car because white reflect the sunlight but black do not.
    4.I think it was cool and I noticed that sun is smaller than I thought.

  22. Meredith E. Mrs.MelanconOctober 25, 2011 at 4:53 PM

    1.heat 2.solar energy 3.light
    1. Black heated faster because the sun absorbers black things.
    2. I would be white so I would stay colder than I would if I were black.
    3. I think they were cool! The sun looked like a small orange dot. I didn't see the sun spots though.

  23. 1. plants use the sun t grow; houses use solar energy for power; we use light for heat
    2. The black one heated up faster because black absorbs heat.
    3.I would get a white one because they don't heat up as fast.
    4.I think that they helped me learn about the size of the sun.

  24. The sun powers the earth,solar energy and solar cars.The ones in the sun because the sun gives heat and the shade doesn't. I would buy a white car because it would't get too hot.I thought the solar glasses were cool because you could see the sun up close.

  25. the solar glasses are very cool we got to look at the sun without burning our eyes.The sun is small all you see is the sun everything elese is black

  26. Erin H.-Rillins/BeanOctober 25, 2011 at 5:27 PM

    1.water cycle,plant growth and people (it would be freezing without the sun).
    2.the black one because it is a better insulator.
    3.white, because it doesn't heat up as easily.
    4.awesome and amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I wish I had some)

  27. The sun can power gas stations, electricity, stoves, and other things by solar panels. The white cardboard heated up faster because it absorbs the heat. I would buy a black car because it keeps the heat in. I think the solar glasses were cool because you could see the sun without anything else except for the clouds covering it sometimes.

    Eileen Guo

  28. 1. power plants , light ,elctricty
    2.the black one heated the fastest because the sun is atracted to black
    3. White so the sun is not getting in my eyes when I am trying to drive
    4. they are really cool

  29. the sun brings us light. It gives us solar power. It helps plants grow. Black because is a better thermal conducter to heat. white because it wouldnt be as hot. they were awesome. the sun looks tiny.

  30. Brian P - Miss CentanniOctober 25, 2011 at 6:22 PM

    My favorite experiment was the Thermometer in sun&shade, because I got to see the sun. An information I learned in this experiment was I didn't know that the sun was 5billion years old.

  31. Anabelle M-CarpenterOctober 25, 2011 at 6:55 PM

    The sun powers solar electricity, photosynthesis, and solar winds. The blackboard heated up the fastest because black absorbs more heat. If I were to buy a car it would matter where you lived because if you lived in a cold area you might want a black car but if you lived in a hot place then you would want a white one because it makes your car cooler. I thought they were very useful so people could understand more about how the sun looks and how the real size is. Most of the time scientists that study the sun cant get a good look at it because it look nothing like it does from the human eyes and it can cause blindness and dark spots.

    Mrs. Rollins you are the best teacher ever! Peace, love, science!

  32. The sun powers plant growth, heat, and light. In the science experiment today, the black heated up faster than the white because black doesn't reflect light like white does. If I were going to buy a car I would buy a white car because it wouldn’t be as hot. The solar glasses were absolutely amazing! I never knew you could see the sun like that!

  33. The coolest thing in lab today was when I saw the sun through the solar glasses.It was alot smaller than I thought it would be.Everyone was surprised!Where did you get the glasses Mrs.Rollins?I want one really bad!Anyway,I had fun at lab today.(as always)

    P.S.You`re really funny Mrs.Rollins!!!!!!

  34. Ashleigh Duke-CentanniOctober 25, 2011 at 7:34 PM

    1. The sun powers solar panels, the sun gives off light and heat that helps plants grow, the sun also causes the wind to blow which can power wind turbines to make electricity.
    2. The black one heated up the fastest because black is a better thermal conductor.
    3. White because white reflects the sun and doesn't make it so hot.
    4. I thought the solar glasses were amazing, looking at the sun and seeing the hot spots and ect. was so cool! The sun looked like a perfect sphere! The sun looked so small!

  35. Iker V-Ms carpenter.
    The sun has solar energy it also gives us light and and give as us heat. The black because its a better thermal conductor . White because its not such a good thermal conductor.the sun looked so small. Hahahaha!

  36. 1. Plant cycle,heat,and light.
    2.The black one because it is a better insulator

    3.I would have a white car because it is a conductor
    4.I liked it because we could see the sun and not get blind.

  37. Lauren Candela Rollins / BeanOctober 25, 2011 at 7:49 PM

    If i were to buy a car i would buy a white car because it does not absorb heat exsept in the winter i would want a black car because it is cold in the winter so i would want to be warm not cold.

    Lauren Candela

  38. the sun powers, light, photosynthesis, and heat.
    The black heated up because black absorbs heat.
    I would buy a white because it dosnt absorb heat. I think the glasses were awesome!!!!!!!!!! because I could look at the sun with them... :)

  39. Lauren Candela Rollins / BeanOctober 25, 2011 at 7:52 PM

    Mrs Rollins science rocks and so do you!

    so keep on rocking Mrs Rollins!

  40. I would pick a white car because it is really hot here and white reflects off so it would be a bit cooler.

  41. 1. city lights, calculators, and plants.
    2. the black one because it would absorb the sun heat.
    3. I would take the white one because it will block off the heat, (the black one would just absorb it!)
    4. the sunglasses were really cool! the type of material the glasses have, made me see the sun better!

  42. Laura Lei
    I would buy a white car because it reflects the heat so it is not as hot as the black. The black absorbs the heat so it gets hotter quicker than the white. Now I know why I'd rather be in my mom's white car than in my father's black car. I love the glasses too. I thought the sun was huge. I wish I could have one.

  43. I would buy a white car because it will absorb less heat than the black car.

  44. 1. The sun powers solar fans, solar buildings, and light on Earth.
    2. The balck heated up faster because it was a better insilator.
    3. I would choose white to keep the car cooler.
    4. I thought the glasses were so cool! I didnt know that a lot of the sun we usually see was sun rays.
    Lab today was fabulous!

  45. Well the sun defiantly powers solar powered watches. (So cool, and good for the environment) The sun also powers plants and making them grow, but most of all solar powered cars! Awesome, about the cars I mean, duh.

    The one on the black piece of paper, because black absorbs heat and white reflects heat.

    Well a white car would be better for the summer because it reflects heat, but black would be good for the winter , because it absorbs heat . HMMMMMMMMMMMM UUh I think a black car, because I like the color black better than white.

    The solar glasses were awesome! The sun looks so much smaller than I thought it would look so it seems only right that what our best and most awesome teacher in the world, Ms. Rollins said ( that when we have our glasses off the sun looks so big, Because we can only glance at it so it looks really big, because of the rays.) is true which I do not know why I am saying this, because everybody knows that Ms. Rollins knows that we know that she knows that we know that she knows everything in the world, duh.

  46. Christopher N-Centanni

    Today we Took different thermometers and put black and white reflections to see if there were different tempatures. we also took solar glasses to look at the sun, and it was totally incredible.

  47. Christopher N-Centanni

    Today we Took different thermometers and put black and white reflections to see if there were different tempatures. we also took solar glasses to look at the sun, and it was totally incredible.

  48. Matthew E-Centanni

    1. Heat,light,energy
    2. The one on the black because black attracks sunlight.
    3. White because black is hot when you keep it sitting
    4. There awesome you could really see the sun

  49. Myshalyn J. Rollins/BeanOctober 26, 2011 at 7:36 PM

    Today in lab we got a thermometer and we stuck two of them in 2 containers on a black and white sheets of paper and we timed to see how the tenpature changed every minute for 5 minutes in the sun 5 minutes in the shade.The solor glasses were so fun.It is like a red star in the middle of total darkness.I loved it.The solor powerd spinning wheel was so awsome.

  50. the sun powers solar panels, heat, and greenhouses.In my experiment, it seemed that the white paper heated up faster, probably because the black paper was more shaded.I would by a white car, and in winter, paint the car black.The solar glasses were one word. AWESOME!!!!

  51. 1. sun powers some types of cars; greenhouses, and heat

    2.The Black one heated up the fastest because black absorbs heat

    3.If I was going to buy a car, I would buy a white car because if I was really hot and sweaty, the car wouldn't be as hot as the black car

    4.I really didn't know the sun was so round.To me that was amazing

  52. Sorry i would have a black car because i like to be warm and dark colored things are conductors!!!!!!!!

    From Michaela Skalski <: >:\ :0 :B :( :) :? :|

  53. I would buy a white car because the summer is really hot and it would be cooler inside than a black car would be.
