Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lab - Electrical Energy - 11-1-11

Electricity is a form of energy.
Electric Circuit is a circuit with a closed path through which electrical energy travels. The electric circuit can be a simple circuit, a series circuit, or a parallel circuit.

1. Why are the wires in a circuit made from metal?

2. What would happen if one of the wires was cut?

3 What do you think of circuits?

Mrs. Rollins


  1. 1. Because they are a good conductor and can easily transfer energy.
    2. If the wire was cut, the energy would stop and the light would go out unless it was a parallel circuit.
    3. I think it is useful because that way we can see in dark area's and if we were hot, we could use a fan (motor) to cool us down.In short I think electricity is AWESOME.

    Thank you for a fun time!

  2. Mariel Lopez - Rollins/BeanNovember 1, 2011 at 3:27 PM

    1. So it can let heat or electricity pass through easily (conduct).

    2. Then the light bulb wont light up.

    3. I think circuits are something that can let electricity pass through, to power something like lights.

  3. Bridget S. - MeloncanNovember 1, 2011 at 3:35 PM

    1. Because meatle is a good conducter.
    2. The light would go out or the moter would stop.
    3.In lab it was so mutch fun to make the circuits and then see the bolbs or the moters work.

  4. 1. metal is a great conductor so electricity can pass through metal easily.
    2. lets say simply, you would get a PAINFUL JOLT! Scientificly though, the energy would stop flowing, unless it is a parallel circuit.
    3.I think circuits are so cool! : )

  5. 1. They are a great conductor,and electricity can pass through metal easily
    2. The energy would stop flowing,and the light bulb would turn off. Unless the circuit was a parallel circuit.
    3. Circuits are a way to get electricity easily by using a light bulb,a wire (With a metal in side it),a switch,a battery,and some times a motor.

  6. 1. The wires in a circuit are made of metal because it lets electricity flow through it.
    2.Depends on the circuit...a simple would make the electricity go out,a parallel circuit would keep the lights going, and a series both of the lights would go out.
    3.Very,very simple now because i learned it all.

  7. wires in a circuit are metal because metal is a conductor which lets the electricity flow easily though the metal. If a wire in a series circuit one light would go out and thats it . I think the circuit were really neat .

  8. Sean Gillespie-YoungNovember 1, 2011 at 3:53 PM

    1.So that the electricity can pass through.
    2.The circuit would be open and there would be no power.
    3.When I think of circuit I think of tangled up octopus arms.


  9. 1. Wires in a circuit made from metal, because the metal is conductor.
    2. If the circuit was series circuit, the every lights will be gone. And if the circuit was parallel circuit, the other lights won't gone.
    3. Circuits are good thing for when someone or I need lights.

  10. 1. Metal is a conductor so it will carry the electrical current faster and easier than something like plastic which is an insulator.
    2.The circuit would not be complete therefor nothing would work in your cicuit.
    3. I like making the more advanced circuits, not simple circuits.

  11. Anabelle M-CarpenterNovember 1, 2011 at 3:57 PM

    1. The wires are made from metal because metal is a good conductor.

    2. It matters what type of circuit it is if it is a simple the bulb would go out. If its a parallel then only one would go out.

    3. I thought that circuits are a good thing to learn about because you use circuit almost everyday!

  12. AlexLewis/RollinsBeanNovember 1, 2011 at 4:01 PM

    1 Because metal let's electricity flow through it.
    2 if you cut one of the wires the lightbulb would go of
    3 I think circuits are fun and helpful because if you lost power you could make a circuit

  13. Finn Haddon - MelanconNovember 1, 2011 at 4:01 PM

    1. Because metal conducts electricity.
    2. The flow of electricity will stop and all machines connected to it will stop.
    3. Circuits are AWESOME (Like Ms. Rollins.)

  14. Ken Ho -Rollins BeanNovember 1, 2011 at 4:07 PM

    Wires are made of meta to let electricity go through it

    If one of the wires was cut then the light would not work

    Circuits make me think of lights

  15. Today in lab we made light bulbs glow and a windmil spin using wires, 2 batteries and a switch. The wires inside a circuit are made from metal because metal is a conductor so electricity can flow through it. If one of the wires was cut, none of the lights or the light would go out. I think circuits are cool. Escpessialy when you are making your own!

    Your the best (as always), Jackson

  16. Aashay K
    1. The metal is a good conductor
    2. The object it was giving electricity will go out
    3. circuits are fun to play with and they are very important

  17. Laura Lei

    1. Metal is the best conductor so it will transport energy to the light or item.

    2. If one of the wires was cut the cicuit will not work because the circuit goes one way and the wires are not connected to each other so the energy stops flowing.

    3. My favorite circuit is the parallel circuit because if one light is out you wuold still have the rest of the lights to see with. Whereas the series circuit goes in one direction only so the whole circuit would break if the wire is broken in one place.

  18. Trey Howard-CarpenterNovember 1, 2011 at 4:12 PM

    1. because metal is a good conductor.
    2. the thing that was working would go out of power
    3. there really cool! we use them literaly every day.

    the winner is for the ausomest teacher is...

    Ms. Rollins!!!!

  19. 1. Beause metal is a good conductor.
    2. The circut wouuld break and turn off.
    3. I think circuts are fun and helpful.

  20. 1. Metal is a better conductor than anything else.
    2. If one of the wires were cut then the circuit would be incomplete and would not work.
    3. I think that circuits are very cool because without them we would not have power so I wouldn't be able to write this on the computer right now.

  21. David J.- Ms. CarpenterNovember 1, 2011 at 4:36 PM

    1. because most metals are conducters
    2.the circuit would stop because the electricity has nowhere to travel
    3. they are awsome because they can power so much in simple, seris, and parrel circuits.

  22. 1. copper

    2. it would be a open circuit

    3. a thing that turns on lights

  23. Question1:Because the metal is a conductot,and the metal conducts the electricity.
    Question2:If the wire is cut, then electricity can go around the circuits,so the light bulb won't have light.
    Question3:I think it is pretty amazing that the electricity can go around the circuits.

  24. IKer. V.-. Ms. Carpenter
    Because metal is a good insulator. The energy would get off and since its not complete everything will go og(depending). There fun!

  25. Ashleigh Duke- CentanniNovember 1, 2011 at 4:52 PM

    1. Wires in a circuit are made of metal because metal is the best conductor of electricity.
    2. The object that was being powered would not be powered because there is no complete current.
    3. I think they are important because they power a lot of useful things in the world.
    I KNOW ( not think but know) that Mrs. Rollins is AWESOME!!!!

  26. 1.Metal is the best kind of conductor that attracts electricity.

    2.The circuit would stop working and light bulbs would go out.

    3.I think circuits are a really cool thing in science that can make light!!!

    Mrs. Rollins you are Awesome!!!!!!!

  27. 1.So they can conduct heat energy and help the circuit flow

    2.The circuit wouldn't work anymore

    3.I think they are cool and fun to play with

  28. Wires in a circuit are made from metal so electrons can easily go through the circuit making electricity. If one of the wires is cut this would make an open circuit. An open circuit doesn't allow electrons to go through, which won’t let the light illuminate. I think that circuits are really interesting, and I’ve always thought that especially when It’s taught by Mrs. Rollins.

  29. 1.metal is good conductor
    2.series-th light bulb would go out
    parallel-only one light would go out
    3.I think they are really interesting to learn about! :-)

  30. 1. because meatle is a great conductor
    2. the current would not beable to go through and it would not let for example a light blab light up
    3.they are cool

  31. 1. They are made from metal because mettle is an energy conductor.

    2. If you had a lightbulb, the lightbulb would would go out if you cut the wire. The circuit would be open.

    3. They are really interesting. The world wouldn't be the same without them!
    If one of the wires of a circuit is cut then the bulb would go out.

  32. 1.Metal is a good conductor.

    2.The circuit would be open and the light bulb wouldn't work.

    3.I thought the circuits were really cool.

  33. 1. Wires is made out of metal because metal conducts electricity and be careful. If you put the electricity and metal together you'll get shocked or not shocked. 2. If the wire was cut it will not put the light on. 3. I think the circuit will not be open and it will always be closed. The circuit can travels from one place to another place. I like the lab and lab is cool.

  34. Meredith E. Mrs.MelanconNovember 1, 2011 at 6:32 PM

    1. metal is a good conductor
    2. The current would not be complete because the electricity could not flow making the bulb not work.
    3. An electric flow of electrons through a wire, battery, and bulb.

  35. 1.Because they are conductors witch let energy flow through the circuit.
    2.if the wires were cut the circuit would not work because it is open and the electricity would not flow through.
    3. I think they were very amazing because we know now what materials you have to use to make electricity (and how to use them!)

  36. 1. because they are made from metal and they are also a conductors.
    2. the light would go out because all the wires would need to be all need to conect or the whole thing would not work and you need too start all over.
    3. they are so cool and so much fun too work with in science and other things out of the lab!

  37. amanda y.- rollins/beanNovember 1, 2011 at 7:08 PM

    So they can conduct the electricity from the battery to the light bulb.
    The cercut would be open so the light bulb woulbn't light up.
    Their kinda hard to figure out but when the bulb lights up it's really exiting.

  38. 1.They are metal because metal is a great conductor so it allows energy to flow through easily.
    2.If one of the wires is cut than the lightbulb would stop working because the circuit would be opened and the circuit needs to be closed for the light to go on.
    3.I thought it was fun trying to connect and disconnect the wires and alligator clips to make the lightbulb and motor to work.

  39. 1.The wires in a circuit are made from metal because metal is a good conductor and it allows energy to travel through it easily and quickly.

    2.If one of the wire was cut, the light won`t go on and it becomes an open circuit.

    3.I think circuits are awesome and I love making complicated circuits!!!

  40. zaina a. rollins/beanNovember 1, 2011 at 7:30 PM

    1. So it can let electricity pass through it.

    2. The light bulb would go out.

    3. They are awesome !!!!!!!

  41. zaina a. rollins/beanNovember 1, 2011 at 7:35 PM

    1.So that electricity could pass throught it.

    2.The bulb would go out.

    3.They are awesome!!!!

  42. 1. The wires in a circuit are made out of metal because metel lets electricity flow through it easily also none as a conductor!

    2. If one of th wires were cut then the circuit would be incomplete because there is no electric curent flowing through the wire!

    3. I think circuits are fantabulus!,they are also a great way to lern how many things you can power with it!

    Michaela Skalski

    P.S. My table powered 4 lights and 1 motor!!! It was so much fun!

  43. AVERY D. Rollins/BeanNovember 1, 2011 at 7:59 PM

    They are made of metal because energy can be passed through more easily than things such as plastic or rubber(insulators)
    If a wire was cut then the circut won't light and it would be a incomplete circut.
    I think cirrcuts are one of the most important things in life because without them we couldn't have electricity!!

  44. 1.Because metal is a conductor and can travel energy through it easily.
    2.If the circuit was closed and working the bulb or motor would go off and the energy would stop flowing.
    3.Circuits are very complicated but simple at the same time.It is REALLY satisfing when you get the circuit to work.YEAAAAAAAA!!!!!

  45. 1.because it is a conductor
    2.if one of the wires were cut it the lightbulb would not work
    3.if we did not have them we would not get to use the active bord or anything electrical so I like them.(: (: (: (: (:

  46. 1. because metal is a conductor
    2.it would be an open circuit
    3. curcuits are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. 1.They are made of metal because metal is a good counductor.
    2. If the wire was cut the light bulb ( if it was conncted to one) would go out because it would be a incomplete curcuit.
    3. I think they cool and important because almost every electricity circuit contains them.

  48. Erin H.-Rollins/BeanNovember 1, 2011 at 8:25 PM

    1.they are metal because metal is good conductor of energy
    2.the light would go out because it is a open circuit, not a complete curcuit
    3.AWESOME!!! they are really fun to experiment with! It's hard to think of the world without them:) (Mrs. Rollins is awesome too!)

  49. The wires in circuit are made from metal so electricity can pass easily through it and fast so you can power something like light without having to wait like five minutes for it to come on and it will come on instantly.

    If you cut a wire, in lets say a circuit that was powering a robot dog, well then lets just say that Mr. Doggy would go bye, bye.

    I think that circuits are so useful, because if we did not have circuits I would be dying, I need AC (air conditioning) to live especially since we are so south down here in Texas, but I defiantly need light, at night I can't see a thing unless I have the lights on!

  50. sarah el shenawy - rolins/beanNovember 1, 2011 at 8:44 PM

    it is a good conductor.

    it would be a open circut.

    something that lets electricity go throgh. ex. Telivision is powerd by elctricity.

  51. 1.They are made of metals because, it have to be a conducter for energy to go through.
    2.The light will go out because energy can't go through the place that is cutted.
    3.I think it is cool because in simple circuit, if one of the wire is cut, light will go off. But if it was paralell circuit, even if you cut one of the light bolt out, the other one will still work because there is other way through.

  52. Josephine L.-CarpenterNovember 1, 2011 at 9:32 PM

    1.meatel is a good conductor that keeps electricity fowing
    2.there would not be a complete cercut sothe light would go out
    3.cercuts are AWSOME because there are many different ways to connect cercuts so that light can light up

  53. MatthewE.-centanni saidNovember 2, 2011 at 3:30 PM

    1.Because the wire is condutor it lets the electricity go through it
    2.If a wire was cut the electricity would stop flowing
    3.The circuts really helped us because it would be very hard without them

  54. 1metalis a good conductor
    2 the light would go out
    3 the cicuts rocked bcause i like messing with wires

  55. I think it's because metal is a good conductor and won't let electricity get out. If one wire was cut, the whole circuit would stop. I think circuits are cool because you can do all sorts of things with it.

    Eileen Guo

  56. 1.because metal is a good conductor
    2.the light would go out
    3.they are AWSOME ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  57. Sean Gillespie- YoungNovember 3, 2011 at 12:11 PM

    Mrs.Rollins I am sick and I just left scool is it still ok if I blog?

  58. 1.because metal is a good insulator.
    2.the circuit wound not light because the particals will have no where to move.
    3.i think they are really cool because if you use a switch and pull it up the light or lights will go out. And if you push the switch down the light or lights will go off.

  59. 1. they are made from metel becuase they are good conductors of electricity!
    2. if one of the wires were cut then there would not be a circuit!
    3. i think circuits are so much fun and it shows you lotsof cool things!

    You rock!


    1. The metal wires are metal because they are conductors and for example a toster oven needs eletricity made out of metal wires to heat the tost!!!
    2. If one of the wires were cut then it will not be a full circut. If it was attached to a light bulb the light will go out and the circut will not be working!!!
    3. Circut are very inportank because some people out there dont have circuts to power phons,comeputers,light and alot of other things that people dont have so circuts are inportant and need good care or every thing can go out and you will be living on the streets andwater and you would run out of money if you get fired or if you dont have one yet. You would loss everything! So I think circuts are great and inportant!!!!!!!!

