Monday, December 5, 2011

Lab - Seasons/Day & Night 12-6-11


* Why do we have seasons on the Earth?

* How are seasons in the Northern Hemisphere alike and different from those in the Southern Hemisphere?

* What is the difference between rotation and revolution?


  1. 1. Because the earth rotates on an axis.
    2. They both in 6 months have what they have. And it's colder on one side and hot on the other.
    3. Rotation is spinning and revolution is going around your orbit one time.

  2. 1.we have seasons on the earth because in certain seasons different parts of the earth have different growing seasons and climate. the upper northern hemisphere it is always dark and in the lower southern hemisphere it is always light.
    3.rotation is when the earth spins on its axis and revolution is when the earth circles the sun

    P.S. my favorite season is fall or spring.:D

  3. amanda y.- rollins/beanDecember 6, 2011 at 4:00 PM

    1. Because the earth rotates on it's axis.

    2.In the north it's summer but in the south it's winter.

    3.Rotation-to spin on axis
    Revolution-rotate around an object.

  4. 1.The tilt and the revolution of the earth.
    2.They have the same seasons. They have opposite seasons.
    3.Rotation is where the earth spins around an axis.Revolution is moving around the sun.

  5. Josephine L.-CarpenterDecember 6, 2011 at 4:06 PM

    1.because the Earth is tilted, and when it rotates there is a point when the Earth is closer to the Sun and when it is farther from the Sun
    2.when the Southern Hemisphere is light the Northern Hemisphere is dark
    3.rotation is like spinning and revolution is like going around something

  6. Mariel Lopez - Rollins/BeanDecember 6, 2011 at 4:12 PM

    1. Because when the Earth revolves on it's axis around the Earth it moves new sides of the orbit (seasons).

    2. They are different because of the tilt of the Earth on its axis and alike because the seasons of the southern hemisphere are shifted half a year from the seasons in the northern hemisphere.

    3. Rotation - the spinning of Earth on it's axis
    Revolution - the orbit of the Earth completes 1 trip after 365 1/4 days or 1 year.

  7. Why do we have seasons on the Earth THA TILT AF THE AXIS.

    * How are seasons in the Northern Hemisphere alike and different from those in the Southern Hemisphere? THERE THE SAME
    What is the

    What is the difference between rotatio revolution? rotation IS ROTATING AND revolution IS MOVING AROND SOMETHING

  8. David J.- Ms.CarpenterDecember 6, 2011 at 4:32 PM's axis tilts at a 23 degree angle
    2.they're oppsites bcause of the tilt
    3.rotation is the earth spinning around and revolution is the earth going around the sun and when a colony tries to become its own country.

  9. 1. When the North pole is tilted toward sun, that side is summer and the other side is winter.

    2. When the Northern Hemisphere is winter, the Southern Hemis phere is summer. And when the Northern Hemisphere is fall, the Southern Hemis phere is spring.

    3. The Earth is spining with itself, that called rotation. And if the Earth finished that, it will be one day.
    The Earth is spining around the sun, it called revolution. And if the Earth finished that, it will be one year.

  10. Sean Gillespie-Miss Young's Home RoomDecember 6, 2011 at 4:36 PM

    1.Because of the tilt of the Earth
    2.There alike because there the exzact opisit of eachother and there diffrent because there the exzact opisit of eachother
    3.Rotation is the Earth spinning on its axses and Revolation is the Earth traviling around the Sun

  11. Erin H.-Rollins/BeanDecember 6, 2011 at 4:36 PM

    1.because of the spinning on the earth's axis
    2.because of the tilt of the earth on its axis
    3.rotation is the spinning on the earths axis and revolation is the earth revolving around the sun.

  12. Emily Benz Rollins
    The seasons are winter,spring,summer and,fall.
    We have seasons on the Earth because the revolution of the Earth.
    One is winter while th other one is summer.
    The rotation is the rotation an it's axis, and revolution is when the Earth revolves around the sun.

  13. We have seasons because the Earth's tilted axis and the rotation. They are different because one side is tilted to the sun and the other is tilted away from the sun. The differences are that rotation is the spinning of Earth's axis and revolution is how long Earth goes around the sun.

  14. 1. the tilt of Earth on its axis and its revolution around the sun
    2. They are the opposite because the tilt on its axis makes them summer and winter, fall and spring vise versa
    3. Rotation is the spinning of the earth and revolution the the Earth revolving around the sun (revolution=revolve)(rotation=spinning)

  15. Jenny s. - Rollins/beanDecember 6, 2011 at 5:05 PM

    1. Because the earth tilts away and toward the sun, we also revolve around the sun
    2. The seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres are different because the earth is on a tilt so the seasons are always the opposite. The ways they are the same is that they both have day and night,
    3. Rotation is the spinning of the earth and revolution is the orbit of earth around the sun.

  16. 1. We have seasons because of the Earth's axis
    2. They are alike because some are the same as those in the opposite like fall and spring, they are different because when one hemisphere has winter then the other has summer.
    3. Rotation is what the Earth does to make the days, revolution is the Earth goes around the sun.

  17. 1. because we rotate on an axis
    2.we all have the same seonsons but we have them at differnt times
    3.roation spins around and revuoltion is when you go around some thing

  18. michaelaskalski/centanniDecember 6, 2011 at 5:24 PM

    1.The reasons we have seasons on Earth is because the Earth is spinning on its axsis and it depends on how far away we are from the sun.

    2.The seasons are alike but the opposite of the Northern hemisphere by the calendar.

    3. The rotation of an object is on its axis, the revolution is the oject circleing around another object.

  19. Anabelle M.-CarpenterDecember 6, 2011 at 5:31 PM

    1. Because the Earth is tilted 20 degrees on its axle so at one point it is summer then on the opposite side it is winter.
    2. They both have the same seasons but they have them at different times when we are having summer then they are having winter in Brazil.
    3. Rotation is the spinning of the earth. But the revolving of it is when it goes around the earth.

  20. rotates on axis
    2.same seasons different time
    3.rotation is what the earth does to make days revoultion is the earth around the earth

  21. 1.we have seasons because of the earths axis is spinning while th earth is revolving
    2.I think the seasons are the seasons have sun in ther land
    3.rotation is spinning
    Revolution is orbiting

  22. Meredith e-mrs.melonconDecember 6, 2011 at 6:22 PM

    1. Because of the axis and revolution of the earth
    2. They are different because they are always opposite. When it is summer in the northern, it is winter in the southern.
    3. A rotation spins and a revolution is the time it takes to go around the sun.

  23. Sarah el shenawy rollins and beanDecember 6, 2011 at 6:25 PM

    We have seasons on earth because we rotate on our axsis.
    They are always the opisit seasons even though they get the same seasons.
    Rotation is spining around itself. Revalution is spining around the sun.

  24. Myshalyn B. Rollins/BeanDecember 6, 2011 at 6:35 PM

    1.Because the earth is at a tilton its axis
    2.It is diffrent by the weather the northern hemisphere have is opposite from what the sotherrn hemisphere has
    3.The revolution is how many days it goes around.Rotation is the spnning

  25. 1. We have seasons on Earth because of Earth's tilt on it's axis.
    2. They are alike because some places have the same seasons as others and they are different because if the north hemisphere is in summer then the southern hemisphere is in winter.
    3. Rotation is when Earth spins itself on it's axis and revolution is when the Earth travels around the sun!

    Mrs.Rollins you are the best of the best !!!!

  26. lauren Candela Rollins / BeanDecember 6, 2011 at 7:01 PM

    1. we have sesons because of the earths axis is spinning while the earth is revolving
    2. the northern is mostly colder and the southern is mostly hotter
    3. rotation is spining around itself. And revalution is spining around the sun.

  27. 1.Because of the Earth's tilt on it's (imaginary) axis

    2.They're the same because they both have the same holidays but different because of the temperature

    3.Revolution is the earth traveling around the sun. Rotation is when the earth rotates on it's Axis

  28. 1. we have seasons on earth do to the tilt of the axis

  29. 1. We have seasons on the earth because the earth revolves around the sun.

    2. The differences are that when the northern hemisphere is in summer the southern hemisphere is in winter, and the similarities are that their summer is still warm and their winter is still cold.

    3. The difference between rotation and revolution is that rotation is the earth spinning by itself, and revolution is when the earth spins around the sun.

  30. tyler.o. rollins/ baenDecember 6, 2011 at 8:08 PM

    1.because of the spinning on the earths axis.

    2.because of the tilt of the earths axis.

    3.rotation is the spinning on the earths axis and revolation is the earth around the sun.

  31. 1.because the earth spins on its axis while spinning around the sun

    2.when the northern hemisphere is winter, the southern hemisphere is summer

    3.rotation: rotating on its axis, revolution:rotating around an object

  32. Robert P. - MelanconDecember 6, 2011 at 8:54 PM

    1. because of the tilt and rotation of the earth.
    2. the seasons in the northern hemisphere are always opposite than thesouthern.
    3. rotation is the earth spinning on it's axis. revolution is the earth circling the sun.

  33. We have seasons on the Earth because Earth is on an axis that is tilted.

    The seasons are different in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere because of the tilt of Earth. An example is that in Decemeber it is Northern's winter but the Southern's summer.
    The seasons are alike because it is summer whenever the Northern or Southern hemisphere is facing the sun.

    Revolution is going around something. Rotation is going in circles in one spot.

  34. 1.We have seasons because the earth spins on an axis.
    2.While we shiver in the northern hemisphere, people visit the beaches in summer, basically the northern hemisphere has the oppisite season than the northern hemisphere.
    3.Revalution is moving on your orbit, while rotation is just spinning.

  35. 1) We tilt and we rotate around the tilted axis. Sometimes we are further from the sun and sometimes we are closer. When we are closer, we have summer. Wen we are further, we have winter.

    2) The seasons are opposites.

    3) Rotation is spinning around the axis inside itself. A revolution is one circle around something else.

  36. Ashleigh D.-CentanniDecember 7, 2011 at 7:19 AM

    1. We have seasons because of the tilt of the earth on it's axis and it's revolution around the sun

    2. The seasons are the same but they occur at opposite times - when Northern Hemisphere is hot, Southern is cold

    3. Rotation is spinning around it's own axis and revolution is revolving around something else

  37. 1. The earth is on a tilted axis.
    2. They are opposite from each other. Winter and summer,spring and fall.
    3. Rotation is when the earth spins on its axis revolution is the earth orbiting the sun.

  38. Finn Haddon - MelanconDecember 7, 2011 at 3:53 PM

    1. We have seasons on Earth because of the tilt of Earth while it revolves around the Sun. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun it will be Summer there and Winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The same goes for the opposite.
    2. The seasons are different between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres because they are both pointed in different directions. So when the Northern has Summer the Southern has Winter. Vice Versa.
    3. Rotation is when the Earth spins around and Revolution is the Earth orbiting around the Sun.

  39. AlexLewis/RollinsBeanDecember 7, 2011 at 4:07 PM

    1. The tilt of earth on its axis and its revolution around the sun.

    2. They are oppisite always

    3. Rotation is the spinning of the earth on its axis.revolution is the orbit around the sun.

  40. 1 the tilt of the arh on its axis an th revolution around the SUN

    2 the nver have alike seasons but they always have diffrent

    3 rotation is spinning and revolution is orbiting the sun which aks 365 1/4 days

  41. 1. The tilt of the Earth on its axis and its revolution around the sun.
    2. The seasons are different between the northern and southern hemispheres because they are pointed at different points.
    3. Rotation is spinning and revolution is going around.

  42. 1. The reason we have seasons is, because the the tilt of the Earth on it's axis and the Earth's revolution around the sun both combined make seasons happen.

    2. Those in the very northern hemisphere such as the north pole vs. those in the very southern hemisphere such as the south pole are exact opposite meaning the seasons happen at the exact opposite time of the other one so if the northern is having spring the southern is having fall and if the southern is having spring the northern is having fall, and the same thing goes for winter & summer.

    3. The difference between rotation and revolution is that rotation is turning and rotating and revolution is going around or revolving.

  43. 1.we have seaaons on earth because of the tilt of the earth's axis and the revolution of the earth around the sun
    2.alike:for six monthe they get only night/day
    different:each have oppisite seasons ex:nh-winter sh-summer
    3.rotation:is when the earth spins for 24 hours or one day
    revolution:the earth ORBITTING the sun
    key-sh southern hemiphere nh-northen hemiphere

  44. 1.It is because Earth is tilting.
    2.It is different because when north is summer south is winter.
    3.Rotate means that Earth rotate (spin) around its axis. Revolution is that Earth revolve around the sun.


  45. AVERY D Rollins/BeanDecember 7, 2011 at 8:31 PM

    1. We have seasons because the earth revolves around the sun and because of the earths axis/tilt
    2. They all go through the seasons but just with different temp. and weather
    3.Rotation is where the earth is spinning on its axis and Revolution is where the earth is orbiting the sun/going in a circle

  46. 1.beacause of the tilt of the earth on its axis

    2Alike:both have all 4 seasons different they have these seasons a different times

    4.rotation is 1 full spin of the earth rovolution is going around the sun

    thank you ms.rollins you are the best

  47. aashay K
    1. seasons are the difference between weather
    2. they seasons come at different times but the months are still the same when each season is starting and stopping
    3. on the earth a rotation is a day but a revloution is a year

  48. tyler.o. rollins/ beanDecember 8, 2011 at 4:01 PM

    because of the tilt of the earths axis.

    alike:both have all 4 seasons they have these different seasons at different times.

    rotation is 1 full spin of the earth revolution is going around the sun.
