Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lab - Tides 12-8-11

* How does the moon affect the water in the oceans on Earth?

* Why are tides a cycle?

* How long is a tide cycle?

* How do tides affect Earth?

Mrs. Rollins


  1. 1.The moon pulls the water with it's gravity, making tides
    2. They happen whenever the moon is in a certain spot.(full/new moon makes high tides)
    3. I'm thinking it takes about a full month,since that's how long he Moon orbits around the Earth.
    4. They effect the Earth by moving Earth's water and making it "high" and "low" tides

  2. 1. The moon pulls the earth but only the water is pulled.
    2. Because the moon orbits the earth and goes to different locations.
    3. Every 3 hours.
    4. By making high tides and low tides.

  3. amanda y.- rollins/beanDecember 8, 2011 at 3:28 PM

    1.It's gravatational pull causes tides.

    2.Tides are a cycle because there is more than 1 tide position.

    3.1 day

    4.They pull water forward and back creating high tide and low tide.

  4. 1.The moons gravity affects the ocean.
    2.The moon rotates around The Earth.
    3.ONE DAY!
    4.The Waves wash up on the beach

  5. 1. The moon affects the water in the oceans by having a gravitational pull and creating tides.

    2. Tides are a cycle because they always happen in a pattern: low tide high tide low tide high tide low tide high tide low tide high tide low tide high tide.

    3. A tide cycle takes one day, because there are two different tides in a day and there are two different types of tides, low tide and high tide.

    4. Tides affect Earth by creating different heights of water which can create floods.

  6. 1. The moon's gravitational pull tries to pull the earth ( mabye saying "come earth") The earth resists but the ocean does'nt resist.
    2. The moon rotates around earth while applying it's gravitational pull.
    3. Sometimes a full moon rotation.
    4. Tides do the following: destroying buildings close to the coast, overturn motorboats, deposit trash on to the shores, and lastly: tears down castles. Not the massive, luxurious, strongly defended one mrs. Rollins should live in. The sand type one that is torn down by tides. Making kids cry.

  7. Finn Haddon - MelanconDecember 8, 2011 at 3:37 PM

    1. The moon has gravity which pulls on Earth. Since the Earth is too large for the moon to pull it pulls Earths water away from Earth making tides.
    2. Tides are cycles because of two reasons: one. The Earth is spinning around so that the moon is in different places and two. The Moon is constantly revolving around the Earth.
    3. It takes about twelve hours for a tide cycle to happen since there are four tides and two cycles per day.
    4. High tides can affect Earth by making floods and spring tides. Low tides can affect Earth with neap tides and possibly droughts.

  8. The gravitational pull.
    The water moves with the moon so it goes round and round.
    The water rises and causes high tides and low tides.

  9. sarah el shenawy- rollins and beanDecember 8, 2011 at 4:01 PM

    1. it pulls it wich does tides.
    2. they go back and forth.
    3. it goes on 4 times.
    4.it pulls on the ocean wich make water go back and forth.

  10. 1-the moon creats tide
    2-the rotation of the earth and it's revolution
    3-one day m4 tides total
    4-by giving certain times for water activities

  11. by making tides
    because they go low,high,low,high.
    12 hours
    it can sink ships

  12. 1. it pulls the earth's oceans toward the moon
    2. the moon orbits around the earth
    3. half a day
    4. bring things in and out to sea

  13. Trey Howard-CarpenterDecember 8, 2011 at 4:18 PM

    1. It's gravitational pull makes waves in our oceans.
    2. Because the moon is moving around the earth.
    3. About 6 hours.
    4. Because high tide is where most big waves are, and low tide is where the least big waves are. So when it's high tide, you have a higher chance of a flood than low tide.

  14. 1. The moon makes a gravitational pull that causes high tides and low tides
    2. Because the moon circles around the earth so the tides rotate with it
    3. about 6 hours each
    4. tides effect how large the waves are and makes it easier/harder for surfers :)

  15. Mariel Lopez - Rollins/BeanDecember 8, 2011 at 4:38 PM

    1. By the moon's gravitational pull.

    2. Because of the moon.

    3. 4 days.

    4. Tides go up and down our ocean/sea level.

  16. 1.the moons gravitational pull
    2.the water moves with the rotation
    3.one day
    4.by moving the water high and low.

  17. 1. the moons gravatational pull pulls the water to create high or low tides twice a day
    2.because the moon is also in a cycle with postions
    3.1 earth day
    4.it effects the earth is water in the oceans and creates high and low tides

  18. 1. The moon creates tides
    2. Tides are a cycle because the earth is rotating
    3. About a day
    4. Tides affect the Earth by making the sea level go up and down

  19. 1It is because of the moons gravitational pull.
    2It is because moon travels in cycle.
    31 day
    4tides make water go up and down.

  20. David Rome- Mrs. MelanconDecember 8, 2011 at 5:41 PM

    1. The moon pulls the water to land by gravitational pull.

    2. The tides a cycle came to short and came to the lands and goings back to the shorts and going to the waters it is called Ebb and it come from the moon's faces that's made out tides thats cotrols the waters and the moon can causes the tides and it it calls the highs tides and the lows tides and the different of between the high tides and low tide.

    3. A tide cycle is 24 hours and 52 mintutes.

    4. The moon make tide on earth making flood.

  21. Meredith E. Mrs.MelanconDecember 8, 2011 at 5:48 PM

    1. the pull of the moons gravitational feel on earth 2. the moon's revolution around the earth 3. almost 6 hours
    4. they create high/low tides on earth

  22. Erin H. - Rollins/BeanDecember 8, 2011 at 6:08 PM

    1.it causes tides
    2.because the moon travles around the earth in a cycle
    3.every 3 hours
    4.to create high and low tides:)

  23. 1. The moon pulls the earth's water (ocean) with it's gravity.
    2. The moon rotates around the Earth.
    3. One day
    4. If the tides are Ebb, it will change to mud flat and it products many thing to people.
    If the tides are Flood, it will destroy many houses and ship.

  24. 1.the moon pulls the water to create tides like low and high tides

    2.tides are a cycle because they change at times

    3.a tide cycle is 6 hours

    4.tides affect the earth by makeing the waves large and small and it effects boats

  25. myshalyn b. Rollins/beanDecember 8, 2011 at 7:27 PM

    1.the moon pull the water to create tides
    2.because there are two high tides and two low tides and they happen in a patern
    3.the cycle is 6 hours
    4.tides affect the earth by creating high waves and low waves

  26. 1. The moon affects the water in the ocaens on Earth by determining weather it is a high or low tide. It is a high tide when the moon and the Earth are in line. Whereas it is a low tide when the moon and Earth are not in line.

    2. Tides are a cycle because the moon revolves around the Earth and the tides change when the moon moves.

    3. A tide cycle is twenty-nine and a half days long.

    4. Tides affect Earth by causing floods in the area it is in sometimes.

  27. 1.the moon pulls the water toward it to make tides (high and low)

    2.tides are a cycle because they change depending on where the moon is

    3.a tide cycle is 6 hours
    4.tides affect earth by changing beaches and allowing better fishing

  28. 1. the earth and moon pull gravity and make tides
    2.they can change
    3.6 hours
    4.by making tides high and low

  29. Josephine L.-CarpenterDecember 8, 2011 at 8:23 PM

    1.it pulls the water twards it while the Earth stays in place (like a tug of war)
    2.because the Moon rotates around the Earth
    3.about 6 hours
    4.it makes the water go back and fourth which creates a high and low tide

  30. Robert P. - MelanconDecember 8, 2011 at 8:32 PM

    1. the moon pulls water toward it with gravity.
    2. the rotation of the moon
    3. 6 hours
    4. when it's high tide, things by the shore could flood.

  31. aashay k
    1. it affects by the water going towards the moon and the sun but the earth is trying to pull it black
    2. the rotation of the moon causes the water on earth to make high and low tides
    3. since there is 24 hours in one day and since there is 4 tide changes I think that there are about 6 hours per change of tide
    4. in low tide people would go fishing and in high tide shores could flood

  32. 1.it affects the water by it's gravitational pull

  33. 1.the moons gravitational pull
    2.rotation makes high tides and low tides
    3.there are 4 tides a day. so maybe about 6 hrs per change because there are 24 hrs in a day
    4.high tide make floods

  34. Ashleigh D.-CentanniDecember 9, 2011 at 6:27 AM

    1.the moon gives a gravitational pull on the earth causing tides
    2.because they happen twice a day and they cycle through ex: low tide, high tide, low, high and repeat again
    3.about one day
    4.High and low tides affect the shoreline cities and towns and affect things like tourism (surfing) and fishing. There can also be flooding.

  35. 1.the moon pulls the water from earth because the gravity
    2.it goes low tide to high tide
    3.it takes 4days
    4.the waves are high or low

  36. 1.the moon pulls because of earth gravity

    2.it goes low tide to high tide

    3.it takes 4 days

    4.the waves are high to low

  37. 1. The moon pulls the Earths oceans with it's gravity.
    2. The moons rotation around the Earth.
    3. There's a high tide every three hours, same for a low tide.
    4. By making high and low tides.

    You make lab exciting and super fun!!

  38. Matthew

    1.It is pulled by gravity


    3.6hours each
    4.It goes high to low.

  39. 1.It causes a gravitional pull and causes tides
    2.The roation causes the low and high.
    3.one day
    4.because of a erosion

  40. The moon pulls by gravity. Because there are 2 high and low tides. One day. The moon makes high tides and low tides.
