Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lab - Moon Phases 1-5-12

Moon Phases:

  • Where does the moon get its light?

  • How are the phases of the moon created?

  • Why are their different moon phases?

  • How would you model the moon phases?

  • What is the relationship between the lunar cycle and a month?


  1. AlexLewis/rollins beanJanuary 5, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    the sun

    the sun

    the orbit around the earth

  2. Myshalyn Rollins/BeanJanuary 5, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    1.The moon gets its light from the sun
    2.From the direction the moon is to the earth
    3.As the moon orbits the earth its always in a different direction
    4.Shading in the lit parts of the moon and leaving the dark spots clear
    4.A month is usually 30 days and a lunar cycle is 29 1/2 days

  3. sarah elshenawy/rollins/beanJanuary 5, 2012 at 2:52 PM

    1.the sun
    2.they move around the earth sun hits diffrent parts.
    3.they move around.
    4.oreos cookies
    it changes a cycle.

  4. stephanie fairbairn mrs.rollins/beanJanuary 5, 2012 at 2:53 PM

    1. From the sun!

    2. By the rotation of the solar syestem!

    3. From the rotation of the solar syestems sun

    4.By the rotation!

    5. im not sure!!!

  5. 1.The Sun
    3.The moon revolves around the Earth and reflects sunlight.
    5.The Lunar Cycle is almost a month

  6. Aashay K. CarpenterJanuary 5, 2012 at 3:22 PM

    aashay k
    1. the moon gets it light from the sun
    2. the phases of the moon are created by the reflection of light the we see it
    3. there are deffirent moon phases because the light we see it changes
    4. i would model it by using cal to create the forms the moon takes
    5. the lunar cycle and a month are the alike because the lunar cycle is a month for the moon

  7. 1. The moon does not actually produce light, it just reflects it from the sun.

    2. They are created by the sun shining on the moon.

    3. Because while the moon moves the sun shines on different parts of the moon. cutting a piece of paper into different parts and adding and removing different pieces.

    5. They are both about the same length of time: 30 days.

  8. 1. The moon gets it's light from the reflection of the sun
    2. The phases of the moons are created by different angles of the suns reflection of it
    3. There is different moon phases because the moon revolves around the Earth which causes different reflections from the sun
    4. I would modle the moon phases (sorry this is copying from lab, it was a great idea) by oreos
    5. The lunar cycle has about the same amount of days inside it as a month does

  9. Michaela S. CentanniJanuary 5, 2012 at 3:39 PM

    1.The moon gets its light from the sun
    2. The phases of the moon are created from different angles of the moon
    3. There are different moon phases because of the moons rotation around earth
    4. i would use oreos like in lab
    5. they take about the same time

  10. 1. the moon gets it light from the sun
    2. they are created by different angles of the moon
    3. from the rotation of the moon around the earth
    4. you could use oreos
    5. they take about the same amount of time

  11. Finn Haddon - MelanconJanuary 5, 2012 at 3:40 PM

    1. The Moon gets its' light from the sun. When we see light coming from the Moon it's really just a reflection of the Sun on the Moon.
    2. The phases of the moon are created because the Moon revolves around the Earth. Since the Earth is always rotating we see part of it at different times.
    3. There are different Moon phases because sometimes we can see more (Gibbous, Full and Quarter.) or less (Crescent and New.) of the Moon.
    4. You could model the Moon phases with drawings, pictures or different white balls (Covered with black paint.) or you could use OREOs!
    5. The relationship between the Lunar Phases and a month is that one Lunar Cycle takes 29 and 1/2 days (About a month.).

  12. 1.From the sun
    2.the sun.
    3.the sun reflects its light on the moon at different angles.
    5.the lunar cycle takes about a month.

  13. amanda y.- rollins/beanJanuary 5, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    1. The light from the sun reflecting off it.

    2.The rotation and where the light from the sun reflects off.

    3.Because we only see a certain part of it.

    4. By shading in a part of the model.

    5.The lunar cycle takes a month to be complete.

  14. AVERY D Rollins/BeanJanuary 5, 2012 at 3:50 PM

    *The sun
    *By the reflection and position of the moon
    *Because the moon revolves around the earth
    *With OREO!!
    *It takes 1 month for the moon to go through the lunar cycle

  15. the moon gets its light from the sun
    the moon phases are created when the moon orbits the earth
    there are differnt moon phases beacause the moon is rotating around the earth and it makes shadows
    i would model the phases as it is just a piece of earth coming off of it
    a lunar cycle is the phases of the moon and a month is just when the earth revolves around the sun

  16. David J.- ms. CarpenterJanuary 5, 2012 at 4:26 PM

    1. the sun
    2. the sun reflects light on the moon when the moon is revolving around the earth
    3. the moon is not always in the same place around the earth so it shows up differently
    4. a flashlight shining on a sphere then move a smaller sphere around the bigger sphere
    5. a lunar cycle is 29 1/2 days which is almost a month

  17. John Cody, Rollins/beanJanuary 5, 2012 at 4:28 PM

    1. the moon gets its light from the reflection of the sun.
    2. the moon rotates around the earth and light from the sun going on the moon gets blocked by the earth.
    3.because of the earth blocking the light from the sun causes a shadow.
    4. i would use a 2 foam balls and a string attached to it hanging up and shine a light at it.
    5. the lunar cycle is a little bit shorter, a part of the 8 parts is 29 and a half days.

  18. Robert P. - MelanconJanuary 5, 2012 at 4:29 PM

    1. The sun
    2. The rotation of the moon
    3. we see the moon at different angles.
    4. I would draw 8 pictures of the moon: one for each phase.
    5. a lunar cycle takes about 1 month

  19. the sun
    where the moon is while it is rotating
    rotate a ball with a light on it
    they are both about 30 days

  20. Meredith E. Mrs.MelanconJanuary 5, 2012 at 4:36 PM

    1. the light from the sun reflects off of it
    2. by the rotation/position of the earth
    3. because the earth and moon both spin and either rotate around the earth or sun
    4. one light spot and one dark spot. ex.-(oreos) like we did in lab, plates ect.
    5.(lunar cycle-29 1/2) the month differs... so either difference by 2 days OR 3 days

  21. 1. the light reflects of the sun and on the moon

    2.when the earth casts a shadow on the moon

    3.the moon orbits around the earth so the earth casts a shadow on different parts of the Earth

    4.By drawing a picture

    5.they are about the same time limit

  22. Hannah K. - MelanconJanuary 5, 2012 at 4:42 PM

    1. The moon gets its light because it is reflecting the light of the sun.

    2. The phases of the moon are created by shadows of the earth.

    3. You could model the moon phases with ritz crackers.

    4. The lunar cycle is about as long as a month.

  23. David Rome - Mrs. MelanconJanuary 5, 2012 at 4:54 PM

    The moon gets it's light from the sun. The phases of the moon are created by the sun. There are different moon phases because of the sun hitting the moon from front, side, and back and back to side again and is over and over again. I would model the moon phases by it's shape - new moon, new cresent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, and old cresent. There are 30 or 31 days in a month, but there are 29 1/2 days for the moon to revolve around the earth. Luner means moon.

  24. 1.Sun
    2.Sun shinining it's light while the earth has a shadow
    3.The earth shadow moves
    5.Lunar is 291/2 days and a month is31 or30

  25. 1. the sun
    2.its revolution around the earth
    3.because it revolves around the earth
    4.shade in part of a circle.
    5.the moon revolves around the earth over the course of a month

  26. 1.From the sun.
    2.The moons revolution around the sun.
    3.Because when ever moon move the place the light reflect is different.
    4.By drawing them.
    5.Both is about 29days.

  27. Lauren Candela Rollins/BeanJanuary 5, 2012 at 5:35 PM

    1. the sun
    2. they are created by the suns reflection
    3. they are created by the rotation of the earth
    4. oreos
    5. the solor system

  28. Where does the moon get its light? sun

    How are the phases of the moon created?
    diffrint locations
    Why are their different moon phases?
    the part that we see
    How would you model the moon phases?
    new moon and then to the right
    What is the relationship between the lunar cycle and a month? it takes 29 1/2 days to cercal arownd us

  29. Erin H-Rollins/BeanJanuary 5, 2012 at 5:58 PM

    1.the sun
    2.the sun's light reflected off the moon.
    3.because the moon revolves around the earth and the moon is at a different spot every night so the reflection of the sun's light is different on the moon every night.
    4.WITH OREOS!!!!!
    5.the lunar cycle is 29 1/2 days but a month is 30 or 31 day.

  30. 1. The moon gets it's light from the sun.
    2. The phases are created by the sun and shadows.
    3. There are different moon phases because the moon revolves around the earth at a slightly different place every night.
    4. I would model the moon phases with a tortilla and guacamole by creating the different phases by drawing on the tortilla with the guacamole.( it would be good to eat too)
    5. Months are determined by the lunar cycle which is about 291/2 days.

  31. The Moon gets its light from the light of the sun. Moon phases are caused by the angle of the moon facing the sun. There are different phases of the moon becaus of how the moon is positioned to the sun. I would model the moon phases with oreos like in lab. The lunar cycle and months are similar because The time it takes to complete a lunar cycle it is approximately the same time to complete a month.

  32. 1.The moon gets its light from the sun and the light reflects off the moons surface
    2.the phases are created by the suns light reflecting off the moons surface and depending on the moons postioning it creates the phases
    3.because the moon orbits around us so the moon gets differnt light from the sun moon , waxing cresent,first quater , waxing gibbous,full moon,waning gibbous,third quater,waning cresent
    5.the lunar cycle is how we get are mounths and it takes onne mounth to complete the lunar cycle

  33. Chloe D. Miss YoungJanuary 5, 2012 at 6:51 PM

    1.The Sun
    2.Different angles of the moon
    3.Moon revolves around the earth
    4.Oreo cookies
    5.Lunar Cycle is about a 29 1/2 a month is 30 or 31 days

  34. Josephine L.-CarpenterJanuary 5, 2012 at 7:05 PM the sun its shadows
    3.because it revolves around the earth
    5.they are both about 30 days

  35. Maddie D.- CentanniJanuary 5, 2012 at 7:15 PM

    1.the sun
    2.sunlight hits the moon and it reflects of the moon
    3.when sunlight hits the moon it hits diffrent angles of the moon
    4.with oreos! or by drawling them
    5.lunar cycle is 29 1/2 days but a mounth is 30 or 31 days

  36. Ashleigh D.-CentanniJanuary 5, 2012 at 7:15 PM

    1.the sun
    2. When the sun light reflects off the moon while the moon revolves around the Earth we see different light forms.
    3. the moon revolves around the earth and we see different sides of the lights reflection.
    4. With oreo's of course!
    5.I takes the moon ABOUT a month to complete a cycle.

  37. 1.the sun
    2.the sun reflecting
    3.The moon cast a shoadow from the sunlight and here on earth ,we only see a little bit of that shadow every night.
    5.the lunar cycle is 29 1/2 days when a month is only 30 or 31.

  38. 1.the sun the reflection of the sunlight off the moon
    3.the moon revolves around the earth and reflects sunlight.
    4.with Oreos!
    5. the lunar cycle is 29 1/2 days, but a month is thirty or thirty one days.

  39. 1.the moon gets it's light from the sun

  40. 1. the sun
    2.the moon revolves around the earth and the sun's light is reflected off the moon. When the moon revolves around the earth the sun's light is reflected alittle more.
    3.the changes positions of the sun, earth, and moon.
    4.a flashlight and a ball of something. takes the same amoumt of time.

  41. Anabelle M.-CarpenterJanuary 6, 2012 at 7:16 AM

    1. The moon gets it's light from the Sun!
    2. The phases of the moon are created by the position of the moon and the Earth.
    3. There are different moon phases because of the tilt of the Earth and the Moon.
    4. you would model the moon phases by clearing the icing off the oreo to show new,new crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waining gibbous, third quarter, old crescent.
    5. The relationship is that the Lunar(moon phases) Cycle that about a month to complete the orbit.

  42. kaylin a.-carpenterJanuary 7, 2012 at 2:47 PM

    1.from the sun.
    2.the position of the moon and the earth.
    3.because the moon revoles around the earth.
    4.with the icing of......OREOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! takes about one month for the moon to complete the lunar cycle.

    lab was the best thanks to you!!!!!

  43. matthew e.-Centanni said...January 9, 2012 at 3:24 PM

    1. from the sun
    2. by the position of the earth moon
    3. the moon revolves around the earth
    4. with icing of the oreos
    5. the moons is 29days and a month is 31 or 30

  44. The sun. The position of the moon and earth. Because one side is dark and the other is lighted. Oreos!!! One month for to complete lunar cycle.

  45. 1 when a liquid becomes a gas
    2 when a gas turns into a cloud
    3 no
    4 heat

    Colin Guinn

  46. AndrewB-Rollins/BeanJanuary 10, 2012 at 8:26 PM

    Today in lab we learned about the water cycle. Before we started the project, Mrs Rollins showed us a song called the water cycle booggie. She must have really liked the song because the whole 5th grade sang it at lunch. When we started we took the temperature outside and got 15C. Then she showed us a picture of the water cycle and explaned what was happening. Then we boiled some water and right when I finished we ran out of time I am still wondering why we boiled it.
